Whoa! Kobe Bryant arrested!


Grey haired old Bird
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May 9, 2002
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Sun City, AZ
Originally posted by thegrahamcrackr
Here is something I enjoyed:

Along with determination, Bryant has often shown dignity and heart many fans feel are missing from other NBA stars. Intelligent -- he speaks fluent Italian and scored 1080 on his SATs -- and blessed with a camera friendly smile, Bryant is frequently seen on television in advertising campaigns. He signed an endorsement deal with Nike last month.

Since when is a 1080 something worth mentioning? ASU has one of the easiest admittance policies, and one of the requirements is a 1080 on your SAT. (For those who want to know, you can do that, have a 3.0 gpa, be in the top 25% of your class......or write a letter and get on academic probation)

Admission requirements for athletes are lower. Stanford and Notre Dame accept SATs as low as 900. ASU probably requires athletes to read but I may be assuming too much here. So a 1080 isn't bad.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Yeah, but just because he is above admission requirements for athletes doesnt mean it is a good score, let alone worth noting in a national publication :D


Waywardier than before
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Jun 11, 2002
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Easton, PA
I think you get an automatic 800 on your SAT's for just circling in your name correctly.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
The combined SAT score (verbal plus math) ranges from 400 to 1600. 1080 is slightly better than average.


Oct 25, 2002
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Reno, NV
I just hope if it turns out that this woman is lieing (sp?), that it is reported as heavily as his arrest is now. However, we all know that won't happen.

If Kobe did do this ( I am having a very hard believing that he did, with all the reports I have heard about this guy and his character), I hope is sentenced to the letter of the law as well as traded/cut/dismissed from the team as quick as possible.

I am really having a hard time believing this (as I said before), because either this woman is not being truthful or Kobe has been pulling the greatest con job on every reporter, team member, and associate that he has been acquainted with since his days at Lower Merion High School. I have never heard a bad thing said by anyone about his character or off-court actions and in fact all the things I have ever heard or read has him being one of the most respectful and moral-filled people in all of profesional sports. Hopefully, we will all find out the truth very soon.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Originally posted by elindholm
The combined SAT score (verbal plus math) ranges from 400 to 1600. 1080 is slightly better than average.

Thats my point. I just thought it was funny how they brought up his average SAT score in order to promote him as a good individual (Not that your intelligence, or results on a test mean anything about your personallity)

JJ Slim

Jun 16, 2002
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Originally posted by LakeShowMan
I have never heard a bad thing said by anyone about his character or off-court actions and in fact all the things I have ever heard or read has him being one of the most respectful and moral-filled people in all of profesional sports.

At least he's not a Catholic priest.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2002
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Los Angeles area
I just hope if it turns out that this woman is lieing (sp?), that it is reported as heavily as his arrest is now. However, we all know that won't happen.

If Kobe did do this ( I am having a very hard believing that he did, with all the reports I have heard about this guy and his character), I hope is sentenced to the letter of the law as well as traded/cut/dismissed from the team as quick as possible.

I am really having a hard time believing this (as I said before), because either this woman is not being truthful or Kobe has been pulling the greatest con job on every reporter, team member, and associate that he has been acquainted with since his days at Lower Merion High School. I have never heard a bad thing said by anyone about his character or off-court actions and in fact all the things I have ever heard or read has him being one of the most respectful and moral-filled people in all of profesional sports. Hopefully, we will all find out the truth very soon.

While it is surprising what happened to Kobe, it is in no way unbelievable. I've come to realize that incidents and circumstances can compound on each other to make anything possible.


May 13, 2002
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I have never heard a bad thing said by anyone about his character or off-court actions.....

Same thing as Magic Johnson, turns out he was a womanizing prick and ended up putting his wife in danger with HIV. The Reverand Jessie Jackson had a child out of wed-lock and tried to cover it up, Jordan tried to buy his way out of an affair too. OJ Simpson had a nice little career going and we know what happened to him, he was viewed as a nice guy, a hero.

These players are billion dollar juggernauts, advertising agencies and their teams pay big bucks to create an image for them. I believe innocent until proven guilty, but unless you know the man personally, you can't believe anything you read or see on TV about his character.


All Star
Oct 11, 2002
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I remembera few years back Anthony Mason was arrested for rape. And Ewing and Antonio Davis got into trouble for receiving BJ's at some strip club. Scottie Pippen has a child in every NBA city.

i'm sure MUCH more goes on.
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Jul 7, 2002
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East Valley
Just Maybe

Hey, it only became sexual assault when he didn't call her back the next day, heh


Captain of Team Conner
Jul 21, 2002
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Charlotte, NC
Re: Just Maybe

Originally posted by FORKTUNG
Hey, it only became sexual assault when he didn't call her back the next day, heh

Nowadays, there are forensic nurses, which are experts on rape. If the woman didn't wash away the evidence, rape is quite easy to prove. Forced intercourse shows obvious signs on a female's anatomy.

That joke that you made isn't funny. If you've ever had anyone close to you raped, you would realize that it is one of the most traumatic experience a person can go through. :mad:


ASFN Addict
Oct 15, 2002
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Charleston, SC
Probably equally traumatic as what someone who is falsely accused would go through, dont you think?

So until we know what really happened, I dont find the joke harmful. Its an equal opportunity joke at this point.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2002
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Los Angeles area
I think comedy is a very important thing, even, and perhaps especially if it brings up difficult or painful ideas. I don't think there should be any taboos on comedy. However, that being said, if you are going to make a joke about a touchy subject, it had better be for a good reason and done well. Forktung's joke, though, didn't seem very calculated, nor was it particularly funny or well crafted.


Dec 31, 2002
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Portland, OR
"Probably equally traumatic as what someone who is falsely accused would go through, dont you think?

So until we know what really happened, I dont find the joke harmful. Its an equal opportunity joke at this point."

I gotta disagree.. Those two things are very different and having not been raped myself, I can't do anything but listen to what the victims say and what they go through. I don't want to appear an over sensitive american and demand "political correctness", I'm not in the least. I just can't see comparing Kobe's situation which no matter the truth he will most likely come away with nothing but a blemish which will fade due to the next outragous act by a "star" and the act of rape. Just me, but I feel no pitty for these guys and just because they are found innocent or buy their way out does not mean the crime didn't happen...OJ taught us that. Until people with money are served by the same justice system as you and me, I just can't feel sorry. Maybe it's because I live in Portland and am sick of it? If he is guilty of a crime he needs to serve the time, not pay a fine that doesn't even dent him. As easy as it is to doubt this crime for some, let's remember that the police felt justified in their actions too. I feel they deserve a little of the same because their ass is on the line if their wrong too.


Oct 25, 2002
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Reno, NV
Originally posted by KloD
"Probably equally traumatic as what someone who is falsely accused would go through, dont you think?

So until we know what really happened, I dont find the joke harmful. Its an equal opportunity joke at this point."

I gotta disagree.. Those two things are very different and having not been raped myself, I can't do anything but listen to what the victims say and what they go through. I don't want to appear an over sensitive american and demand "political correctness", I'm not in the least. I just can't see comparing Kobe's situation which no matter the truth he will most likely come away with nothing but a blemish which will fade due to the next outragous act by a "star" and the act of rape. Just me, but I feel no pitty for these guys and just because they are found innocent or buy their way out does not mean the crime didn't happen...OJ taught us that. Until people with money are served by the same justice system as you and me, I just can't feel sorry. Maybe it's because I live in Portland and am sick of it? If he is guilty of a crime he needs to serve the time, not pay a fine that doesn't even dent him. As easy as it is to doubt this crime for some, let's remember that the police felt justified in their actions too. I feel they deserve a little of the same because their ass is on the line if their wrong too.

One of my best friends was accused of rape. The girl later recanted her story, but not until after he was placed in handcuffs at school and taken away in front of many peers and onlookers. Plus, being in a fraternity, word spread around campus very quickly and stories, as you can imagine, were not very flattering. To this day (7 years later) he still has experienced some backlash from it, and he never did anything wrong. All she got in trouble for was filing a false police report, even though she totally destroyed a very good persons credibility and social standing for a very long time. So please do not convict a person before all the evidence comes out or say that this can not go both ways.

If this woman that is accusing Kobe Bryant is not telling the truth, she should be punished and it should be more than just a slap on the wrist. Likewise, if Kobe is guilty, he should be dealt with accordingly.


Captain of Team Conner
Jul 21, 2002
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Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by schutd
Probably equally traumatic as what someone who is falsely accused would go through, dont you think?

So until we know what really happened, I dont find the joke harmful. Its an equal opportunity joke at this point.

Not even close.

Try having some one forceable hold you down and rape you. Every woman that I know that it happened to, will bust out crying even thinking about it.

If Kobe is innocent, his name will be cleared. If he isn't, she will have to live the rest of her life with the painful memories, and (very probably) the knowledge that the guy who did it to her got a slap on the wrist. Kobe even if guilty, will probably get no meaningful jail/prison time.

I hope he is not guilty. If he is not guilty, then the woman is just a liar, and the only negative that came from this is a public slander, which will be exposed as a fraud. If he is guilty, a very awful, traumatic experience was bestowed on an innocent woman.


Dec 31, 2002
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Portland, OR
One of my best friends was accused of rape. The girl later recanted her story, but not until after he was placed in handcuffs at school and taken away in front of many peers and onlookers. Plus, being in a fraternity, word spread around campus very quickly and stories, as you can imagine, were not very flattering. To this day (7 years later) he still has experienced some backlash from it, and he never did anything wrong. All she got in trouble for was filing a false police report, even though she totally destroyed a very good persons credibility and social standing for a very long time. So please do not convict a person before all the evidence comes out or say that this can not go both ways.

A horrible story. I was actually refering to "star" treatment and their ability to avoid the consequences for their actions. I gave it more thought after reading this and I still feel that as bad as your friend had it, I'd chose that over being raped. Yes, he too was in a sense raped of his credibilty and perhaps suffered greatly for it. I still don't think the two can be compared. It's two diferent forms of rape and I don't think they are in the same class.


Standing Tall And Traded
Sep 22, 2002
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Boise, ID
the thing about these "stars" is they are under such a mocroscope. someone who is a laker hater could easily try to feed this and tarnish kobe's image. weather they are trying to smear his name, or he is innocent, damage has been done.

it could be said that it is unfair to be under such a microscope, but i think it's more than fair. if they are on our commercials, on our tv sets, in advertisments all portraying how good of a person they are, they have to live up to that-to a certain extent. either by staying out of trouble by being extra careful becuase people are out there to tarnish your name, or by covering it up. this is the reality of the world we live in.

the part that is not reality, is the punishment and the tarnishing of a name. people are known more for their worst of their conditions almost more than their best. if i said "tell me about oj, magic johnson, and michael irvin" you might say "well oj was the guy who killed his wife, magic has hiv, and michael irvin is a druggie" before you would say "he was a great running back, one of the best point guards ever, and a great receiver even though i hate the cowboys":) that is reality.

what also isn't reality is the punishment. if kobe is guilty, he probly won't get punished as one of us would had if we did the same thing. there's the inconsistency. money can buy innocence, but it can't clear speculation. i wonder what would happen if a star was tried and convicted fairly. maybe that could deter more of the problem in the first place.

the nba needs a energy boost, but not in the negative way. ratings are down, and people we are looking up to are making choices that change our realities. who knows how deep the nba crime goes and if we did, we might not watch at all.

this could be a tip of an iceberg nba wide, or it could be a fire trying to start without any fuel.

stay tuned.......
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Oct 25, 2002
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Reno, NV
Originally posted by KloD
One of my best friends was accused of rape. The girl later recanted her story, but not until after he was placed in handcuffs at school and taken away in front of many peers and onlookers. Plus, being in a fraternity, word spread around campus very quickly and stories, as you can imagine, were not very flattering. To this day (7 years later) he still has experienced some backlash from it, and he never did anything wrong. All she got in trouble for was filing a false police report, even though she totally destroyed a very good persons credibility and social standing for a very long time. So please do not convict a person before all the evidence comes out or say that this can not go both ways.

A horrible story. I was actually refering to "star" treatment and their ability to avoid the consequences for their actions. I gave it more thought after reading this and I still feel that as bad as your friend had it, I'd chose that over being raped. Yes, he too was in a sense raped of his credibilty and perhaps suffered greatly for it. I still don't think the two can be compared. It's two diferent forms of rape and I don't think they are in the same class.

I agree as well, if a girl is raped it is one of the most disgusting things any human can do to another short of murder. Like I said, if Kobe did do that, he should go to jail and lose all he has earned and accomplished.

The other side of this, is that this is not neccesarialy a 'rape'. Everything I read says this could also be an unwanted advance or physical contact. Since the case is sealed, all we have to go on is our imaginations. I just hope the facts come out soon so that whatever happened can be settled, and whoever the victim is in this case can try to start putting their life back together. Regardless, it is a terrible situation.


Captain of Team Conner
Jul 21, 2002
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Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by LakeShowMan
I agree as well, if a girl is raped it is one of the most disgusting things any human can do to another short of murder. Like I said, if Kobe did do that, he should go to jail and lose all he has earned and accomplished.

The other side of this, is that this is not neccesarialy a 'rape'. Everything I read says this could also be an unwanted advance or physical contact. Since the case is sealed, all we have to go on is our imaginations. I just hope the facts come out soon so that whatever happened can be settled, and whoever the victim is in this case can try to start putting their life back together. Regardless, it is a terrible situation.

Either there is serious misreporting, or you are making what he did seem less. It has been reported that he is under investigation for "sexual assault" which is much worse than "physical contact" or "an unwanted advance".


Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Reno, NV
Originally posted by Krangthebrain
Either there is serious misreporting, or you are making what he did seem less. It has been reported that he is under investigation for "sexual assault" which is much worse than "physical contact" or "an unwanted advance".


Look about 9 paragraphs down. I have read this in a lot of the stories. This is just the last one I read. Trust me I am not discounting the seriousness of this, I am just going by what I have read in MANY stories about the incedent.

Bryant's accuser a teen from Colorado

Posted: Tuesday July 08, 2003 2:19 PM

EAGLE, Colo. (AP) -- The sexual assault allegations against Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant were made by a 19-year-old Colorado woman, authorities said Tuesday.

Eagle County Sheriff Joe Hoy confirmed the woman's age but refused to discuss other details of the case. He said the alleged victim has left on vacation with her family.

"She's a local girl," Hoy said.

The sheriff's office has accused the 24-year-old NBA superstar of felony sexual assault, and Hoy said investigators have sent unspecified evidence to the state Bureau of Investigation for analysis.

Eagle County District Attorney Mark Hurlbert said he is reviewing the merits of the case submitted by the sheriff's office and could make a decision on whether to file charges against Bryant within the next week.

"Sometimes it takes a while to get through everything," Hurlbert said Monday. "It may be beyond the end of the week."

He said Bryant might not be charged at all, but refused to discuss details of the allegations against the five-time NBA All-Star.

According to an arrest warrant, Bryant attacked the woman June 30 at a hotel near Vail. Officials at the Lodge & Spa at Cordillera in nearby Edwards have confirmed Bryant stayed there June 30-July 2.

Under Colorado law, sexual assault could range from fondling to rape. Bryant's lawyer, Pamela Mackey, said her client is innocent and expects to be completely exonerated.

Bryant surrendered to authorities Friday and was released an hour later after posting $25,000 bond. Mackey said her client had been in Colorado for surgery on his right knee at Vail's Steadman Hawkins Clinic.

The accusations against one of the NBA's biggest stars made headlines nationwide and stunned the sports world. Dozens of reporters and camera crews have descended on this mountain town about 100 miles west of Denver.

Since entering the NBA straight from high school, Bryant has drawn comparisons to the league's greatest players. He was married in 2001 and became a father earlier this year.

Mackey accused the sheriff's office of "complete bias," saying it ignored the wishes of the district attorney in obtaining the arrest warrant.

"We were told that the matter was under consideration by the district attorney's office but that there was insufficient information to issue a warrant or to file charges," she said in a statement.

Mackey did not return calls seeking elaboration. Hurlbert refused to address Mackey's claims.

"What's done is done," said Hurlbert, standing a few feet away from Hoy, whose office is leading the investigation. "I'm not going to comment on whether it was prudent or not. A judge found probable cause."

The sheriff's office sought the arrest warrant from a judge instead of making the request through the district attorney, which is the usual practice. Only the district attorney's office can file charges.

Hoy said his investigators learned of the case July 1 and spent nearly 30 hours on the case before contacting Bryant. Defense attorneys were notified on July 3 and Bryant returned to Colorado the next day, sheriff's spokeswoman Kim Andree said.

"There wasn't any urgency. We felt we were doing the right thing for everyone involved," Hoy said. "We wanted to give people the time to themselves to adjust" because of the holiday.

Hurlbert said he talked to the woman, who "seems to be doing OK considering the circumstances."

The sheriff said it was "mindboggling" how the case had exploded in the media.

"To me, the sad part is if this hadn't been who it involved, this wouldn't even be a blip on anyone's radar screen," he said. "Personally, I think they're focusing on our suspect rather than on the victim."

The case against Bryant unfolded as details of two other NBA players' legal troubles were released.

Orlando Magic guard Darrell Armstrong was arrested after being accused of fighting with a female police officer outside a Florida nightclub, and Portland Trail Blazers' Damon Stoudamire was accused of trying to pass through an airport metal detector with marijuana.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
Originally posted by Krangthebrain
Either there is serious misreporting, or you are making what he did seem less. It has been reported that he is under investigation for "sexual assault" which is much worse than "physical contact" or "an unwanted advance".

And in Colorado, apparently "sexual assault" is not a general crime--it is very specific and very serious. At least, that was from someone who quoted some of the actual Colorado criminal code. So believe who you will I guess...


Captain of Team Conner
Jul 21, 2002
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Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by Chaplin
And in Colorado, apparently "sexual assault" is not a general crime--it is very specific and very serious. At least, that was from someone who quoted some of the actual Colorado criminal code. So believe who you will I guess...

Well judging from what Lakeshow posted, it seems that it very well could be a fondling incident.

Why all the venom Chap, or am I misintrepreting what you are saying?


Captain of Team Conner
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
"According to an arrest warrant, Bryant attacked the woman June 30 at a hotel near Vail. Officials at the Lodge & Spa at Cordillera in nearby Edwards have confirmed Bryant stayed there June 30-July 2."

Sounds like it isn't a case of fondling though. The word attack is an emotionally charged word, and I don't think it would be used for a butt check slap or a boob grab.