Seriously...this show is as watchable as Blind Date, but the announcer is a Yelly McBelly and I can't even begin to see why. I mean...a bunch of losers get with chicks and then you put another chick in the mix and THEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE AND I HAVE TO YELL. IN FACT, I HAVE TO YELL TO THROW TO COMMERCIALS AND I YELL WHEN I READ THE WHITE PAGES. I'M A YELLER!!!
Seriously... I have to turn down the volume to like negative 11 and still I hear the dude yelling.
Shut the fark UP YELLER GUY!!!
Maybe it's just me that watches this claptrap. I do it though, while I burn out there is that. Plus some of the girls are hot and I try to think up ways I can hook the hot, cool ones up with A-Bomb so he stop going to bed at grandpa hours...
Seriously...this show is as watchable as Blind Date, but the announcer is a Yelly McBelly and I can't even begin to see why. I mean...a bunch of losers get with chicks and then you put another chick in the mix and THEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE AND I HAVE TO YELL. IN FACT, I HAVE TO YELL TO THROW TO COMMERCIALS AND I YELL WHEN I READ THE WHITE PAGES. I'M A YELLER!!!
Seriously... I have to turn down the volume to like negative 11 and still I hear the dude yelling.
Shut the fark UP YELLER GUY!!!
Maybe it's just me that watches this claptrap. I do it though, while I burn out there is that. Plus some of the girls are hot and I try to think up ways I can hook the hot, cool ones up with A-Bomb so he stop going to bed at grandpa hours...