Originally posted by hcsilla
Sure, noone is forced to take an overpaid player.
Overpaid is generally a matter of context. Michael Jordan was paid $36 million a year and won 6 rings. Kevin Garnett was paid $28 million and won none. Were they worth it? Were they overpaid?
A player that puts a team in a position to win the championship may be a bargain, but the same player on a lottery team may be totally overpaid. The same player can be a bargain one year, get injured and lose a step and be totally overpaid the next.
Objectively, the only measure of whether a player is overpaid is if that guys can be replaced at the time the contract was made for an equal quality but less expensive player. Re-signing a player at a high salary when someone else is available AT THAT POINT IN TIME, means that they were overpaid.
In your typical NBA contract, the player may be slightly underpaid in the first couple of years and generally overpaid the last couple of years. The goal is get value over the entire term of the contract and not just value each year. There is an advantage in having guys under contract in developing continuity even though 1 year deals give more flexibility.
Some teams are lucky. They get their player under contract before they became really really good. Others are unlucky in that they sign someone to a big contract based on a good year only to watch them not match it in later years.
Teams are constantly signing guys because of their potential, which if it works means they will be overpaid in the early years of the contract and hopefully underpaid later. If they aren't better, then it looks like a poor decision.
Shawn Marion may be slightly over paid, but it is not clear the Suns could have acquired his replacement. If he does not get better, he will be significantly overpaid in future years. But if he gets a lot better, he may prove to be a bargain.