You guys have a long way to go yet

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Apr 30, 2003
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Ill let yall go for now, thanks for the somewhat mature replies from some of yall.


Respect is earned. And maturity comes with wisdom. You want some respect then earn it, you want to talk maturely then don't act like an arrogant arse, and talk like you are some kind of football fans guide to civil behavior.

F' off.



Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
I wanted to make a statement, we consider you pittsburgh west, but some stuff is jus nit picking, race,tomlin didnt congratulate us, tomlin is over rated or something about fireworks.

Nit picking ? If you were in our seat. You would be pissed off too. Not about the calls, or the refs. I could care less. I thought the game was called just fine by the refs.

Fireworks not being a problem ? Yeah, being treated like the frickin' patsy for the Steelers to beat is a slap in the face. Here you are asking for respect, and yet you can't understand why we are pissed off because we were the NFC Champs and were shown NONE!

I would be insulted for Arizona to be called Pittsburg West. In football terms, on the field, and in concerns to Bill Cowher sure.

But Arizona is WAY WAY better than Pittsburg. But you wouldn't know. Cause you would actually have to visit Arizona to know that. But visiting Pittsburg is easy for anyone. Just go outside when it is raining and stick your head in the it is like you are in Pittsburg. Sans the fat people all over the place.
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Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Good luck next season guys, but please stop hating on the 6 time champs we earned it.

No one said you didn't. Congrats and respect for the Steeler is ALL OVER this board. But expect to see 50 threads about how good the Steelers are on a Cardinals message board shows that you a lacking in common sense. Not a shock coming from Pennsyltucky.

We just said your fan base is a bunch of factory worker bastard children with nothing else to do to make you feel better about yourself then talk down to people over the internet.

Leave and don't come back.

English on tour

Eng-gur-land Eng-gur-land
Sep 4, 2004
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Whitley Bay, England
No one said you didn't. Congrats and respect for the Steeler is ALL OVER this board. But expect to see 50 threads about how good the Steelers are on a Cardinals message board shows that you a lacking in common sense. Not a shock coming from Pennsyltucky.

We just said your fan base is a bunch of factory worker bastard children with nothing else to do to make you feel better about yourself then talk down to people over the internet.

Leave and don't come back.

i know i shouldn't but :lol:

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
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you can look at my posts throughout the years when it comes to fans. The 2 biggest group of arrogant a-holes are 1-steeler fans and 2-OSU fans.


Hall of Famer
Apr 4, 2003
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
To be considered a reputable franchise, you have to lose with dignity and win with dignity. You frankly have put a lot of seahawk fans to shame with some of your incessant whining. You need to learn to win and lose with dignity before you will be considered any type of good team.

Bad calls happen all the time in football, it’s the human element of the game, it happens its sports. Good teams overcome bad calls, and they don’t whine they overcome that is because their a good team. Steelers have been screwed more times than I can name, afc playoff game vs colts, troys int is overturned Clear INT, Last year vs jags obvious holding david Garrard easily gets the first. How bout the heads tails game on thanksgiving.

I implore you to please stop having sour grapes, realize that in losses you learn more about your team than in wins. You guys caught lightning in a bottle, you weren’t that great of a team all year, but you did have your shot and have done a lot to gain respect. Please don’t bring that down your small base by making your small and up coming fan base with ignorant,racist and bias comments, it does not make you look mature at all.

Yes in football there is always questionable calls, in the superbowl as quick as you are to point out the steelers faults, what about the uncalled pass interference vs the eagles in the nfc championship game. Selective retention I suppose, but the steelers both overcome bad or non calls. Ben could have very well ben in if you look at enough angles on the first play. James Harrison is held by the neck in just about every play. That was pretty ticky tack hold in the endzone with that much on the line at that point. You see what you awnt to see, and you guys are being awfully, AWFULLY immature, with some of the stuff your saying, calling santonio a wife beater, even though larry fitzgerald your savior did the same thing. Disdaining our players doesn’t make you look good, it actually makes you guys look like jokes ait pretty much shows me how cardinal fans are. Calling out Harrison cause he lost his cool, who hasn’t lost their cool, if you played football it happens and he was flagged rightfully so. Calling for a phantom block in the back, when it was a block to the side, but even if called because of the facemask we would have gotten another play. Grow the hell up, learn every game of football has controversy, Calling out Tomlin or the Rooney’s or Santonio or any of our vaunted defense is immature.

All the respect I had for the Cardinals, after coming back and scaring me was put in the trash, when I read the stuff here. You guys are WORSE than SeaHawks by a large margin, because your throwing race into and and some other idiotic statements.

So I implore you to take the high road, Say GG, move on your team has come a long way, Losing in superbowl makes you stronger, After Odonnnel threw 3 pics to larry brown, yes it hurt bad, then we went through the Kordell era, but I stuck with them through thick and thin. Stop playing the what if games, cause what if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle.

Good luck next season guys, but please stop hating on the 6 time champs we earned it.

Well, for what it's worth your painting with a pretty broad brush.

Two points:

1) Many of the Cards fans aren't tasting the hater-ade and many of the Steeler Fans were well received. Personally I've moved past the Super Bowl hang over and am celebrating a good season. Also, I've had great conversations with the Steelers fans i know.

2) It is A Cards board. If you posted here before the game and came back after the game to give your two cents that would be one thing. But to lurk before a game and come back to gloat after the fact is cowardice. It's a breach of protocol. You can't talk smack after the fact if you didn't lay it on the line before the game.

Oh, and whats with you wrapping the fans into your thoughts on the Cardinals franchise? Sure, Steelers fans have a symbiotic relationship with their team, but this is taking the notion of "we" = Team + Fans a bit far.
Which reminds me. Last time the Steelers came to PHX there was a two ton hippo lumbering through stadium with his shirt off. He heckled the crowd, "we have 5 rings, what have you got." My reply, "the Pittsburgh Steelers have five rings. You're just poor white trash."
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
SE Valley
SixBurgh, there is only one thing we all wish to "say" to you:


To ASFN: the irony is this guy thinks we are losers... :cool:


Not Always The Best Moderator
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Sorry it took me so long to ban him. He posted it at 1 AM.


Not Always The Best Moderator
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Oh and to be clear, he was banned for trolling. That is what his post was.


An Army of One
May 10, 2003
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lat: 35.231 lon: -111.550
Who else thinks "Sixburgh" is freakin' weak? If they win another SB will they be "Sevenburgh"? Lame.

Just had to get that out there.


Yogi n da Bear
Mar 20, 2004
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The Sonoran Jungle - West
To be considered a reputable franchise, you have to lose with dignity and win with dignity. .

You don't know anyting about the 60's Pittsburgh teams and before. If you did you might earn some respect from me for "sticking it out".

Until then get YOUR WHINNEY CRAP out of here. We give your team they're respect. But as far as YOUR fans riding out the storm - give it a rest. Because 90% of Pittsburgh Nation wasn't there pre-Three Rivers. So stick that **** OK!


Say Vandelay!
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
LOL, "Sixburgh"

Definitely not humble.

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Well ill explain im not arrogant by any means, you guys gave us a helluva a superbowl but reading all these threads. I was lurking but felt something had to be said, if you cant speak civally thats fine. The font is different because i wrote it in word, because i kept trying to type it, and then that pop up thing for tags came up. So i saved it in word.

Winning with dignity and class would include complimenting your opponent at end of game, which your coach did not do.

You have no advice to give on sportsmanship.


Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
Grow A Damn Pair. This Is Cardinal Nation And We Can Talk About Anything We Want To Here On Our Board. You Act Like Were On The Pitt Board Bitching. Just Get The Hell Out Of Here. We Dont Need You Dumb Piit People Here. Get A Life And Stay On Your On Board. You Must Be Really Bored And Have A Lot Of Time To Yourself Bothering Us On Our Board. This Cardinal Nation And We Will Talk About What We Want And How We Feel.


May 17, 2007
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I can't wait for the Steelers to lose Art Rooney and go through some hard times. We will see how loyal your fan base is. Just like how loyal your city was to the Penguins...whoops, I forgot they were very close to moving cause your city dropped them like a bad habit.

Art Rooney has been dead for over twenty years, good call.

You do realize that our fans and government officials were a large part of the reason the Pens stayed in Pittsburgh?

It's obvious you know nothing about the city of Pittsburgh (nor do you know how to spell it properly). Just give it up.

Also, I wouldn't argue fan loyalties. Isn't this the metro area that has trouble selling out playoff games in two professional leagues? Even Atlanta can't say the same.

You have a great team that would have been more than deserving to win that game. However, a lot of you on here are starting to enter Ohio State fan territory with your whining up to the game about no respect and whining after the game about being hosed.


Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
Well, for what it's worth your painting with a pretty broad brush.

Two points:

1) Many of the Cards fans aren't tasting the hater-ade and many of the Steeler Fans were well received. Personally I've moved past the Super Bowl hang over and am celebrating a good season. Also, I've had great conversations with the Steelers fans i know.

2) It is A Cards board. If you posted here before the game and came back after the game to give your two cents that would be one thing. But to lurk before a game and come back to gloat after the fact is cowardice. It's a breach of protocol. You can't talk smack after the fact if you didn't lay it on the line before the game.

Oh, and whats with you wrapping the fans into your thoughts on the Cardinals franchise? Sure, Steelers fans have a symbiotic relationship with their team, but this is taking the notion of "we" = Team + Fans a bit far.
Which reminds me. Last time the Steelers came to PHX there was a two ton hippo lumbering through stadium with his shirt off. He heckled the crowd, "we have 5 rings, what have you got." My reply, "the Pittsburgh Steelers have five rings. You're just poor white trash."

As a Steelers fan, I gotta admit, this is an excellent post.

As I always say, there is a small, loud, obnoxious section of every fanbase that ruins it for the rest of the fans. I understand Sixburghs frustration. As a Steelers fan, we are tired of having so many calls blown against us, then when the national media is watching a SB we are in, all of a sudden we are supposedley favored by the NFL. It really is quite hilarious.

However, I am never sure why people don't realize when they are on other teams fanboards, they are "guests." This board has had a couple come over to my "homeboard" and do a bit of trolling as well. It happens, but I won't judge the entire board, nor the entire fanbase. I have a feeling most of you are the same towards us Steelers fans.
So let me end with: great game and excellent second half of the season. Know, that when the Steelers fans talk about Pittsburgh West-it is considered a compliment, though I understand you all may not see it like that. I do think the Cards organization is beginning to be ran like the Steelers organization and Whiz has a lot to do with that.

BTW, I for one always beleive that a team that makes it to the SB deserves to be there. . . (unless 2/3rds of the other team got food poisoning the night before, or staff infection, if you are in Cleveland).

Good luck in the offseason--

Anyone know how many days until Preseason starts? :bang:
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RIP, Jim
May 17, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, Arizona
Fitz vs Holmes

It is the height of ignorance for the Stealer troll to compare Fitz's lady problem with that of Holmes. There is a huge difference between a rap sheet and a restraining order. Larry has never been charged nor convicted of a crime--just a "she said" deal.

Also, why should we be surprised that Holmes waited until the refs back was turned to do something illegal in the NFL. He's had a lot of experience breaking laws!

Yes, the guy beat us with his catch, but he is not worthy to carry Larry's athletic or character jock!!


May 3, 2007
Reaction score
Queen Creek, AZ
Also, I wouldn't argue fan loyalties. Isn't this the metro area that has trouble selling out playoff games in two professional leagues? Even Atlanta can't say the same.

Magoo (appropriate name) you may want to check your facts before posting crap like this! The Cards have sold out EVERY GAME played in the new stadium which is quite an accomplishment for a team that used to have issues selling out any game. In these very tough economical times and playoff tickets being kinda pricey it took a little longer to sell out but the fact is IT DID.....AGAIN!


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Art Rooney has been dead for over twenty years, good call.

You do realize that our fans and government officials were a large part of the reason the Pens stayed in Pittsburgh?

It's obvious you know nothing about the city of Pittsburgh (nor do you know how to spell it properly). Just give it up.

Also, I wouldn't argue fan loyalties. Isn't this the metro area that has trouble selling out playoff games in two professional leagues? Even Atlanta can't say the same.

You have a great team that would have been more than deserving to win that game. However, a lot of you on here are starting to enter Ohio State fan territory with your whining up to the game about no respect and whining after the game about being hosed.

I know you are but what am I ?

Still hanging out at a Cardinals message board 3 days later. Demanding respect and complaining about what we choose to discuss.

Don't you have your own place to be, or did they kick you out of there too?

Thanks for the lesson about Pittsburgh, I'll be sure not to care and not to learn anything about it. And continue to not check my facts because you and your kind ain't worth the time.

Once again there where multiple threads of respect towards your Steelers team, and fans. Until you all started bum rushing the board, and demanding us to do this and that.

Cram it buddy. You and your fan base suck. So does your "city"
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