However, I am never sure why people don't realize when they are on other teams fanboards, they are "guests." This board has had a couple come over to my "homeboard" and do a bit of trolling as well. It happens, but I won't judge the entire board, nor the entire fanbase. I have a feeling most of you are the same towards us Steelers fans.
Steelers = Cowboys North.
That is the tag line I have for your fans. Sorry, I have never seen such bile come from a fan base. EVER.
The refs? OK, fine we have people complaining about it. I don't agree with them, the calls are the calls in my book. But is it ridiculous ? NO IT CERTAINLY IS NOT. Especially when the national media is talking about it as well.
Furthermore, these fans are entitled to talk about what they want to on this board. This is a Cardinals message board, and Cardinals fans get to talk about what they want. It is bad enough when we try to censor ourselves, but when some arrogant Pittsburgh schmuck tries to come here 24 hrs after a heart breaking loss and starts throwing insults, and arrogance around it is not going to be taken as a sign of respect, or taken lightly.
I have said it a million times. You guys cam here, we said good game, and that should have been it. But you all stayed around acting like schmucks and now you are surprised that we are bashing you ?
Sorry that is some niave thinking in my book.
Don't piss down my back and tell me its raining. Save it and cram it.
72 hours of listening to Pittsburgh bile is enough. Why can't these Steeler fans just go back to there own fricking place in internet land and a leave us alone to discuss what we want ?
It is like having a roach problem in here.