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  1. S

    Nash still classy, even in shadow

    Nash still classy, even in shadow Cleve Dheensaw, Times Colonist Published: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 PHOENIX, Ariz. The spring temperatures in Phoenix are already beyond what anybody could hope for on the Island even in August. But Victoria's Steve Nash, who quietly turned 34 last month, is...
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    nash is back

    Interesting post from the ESPN board: I was talking to my brother about this the other day. He pointed out that statistically Nash is doing things that have never, ever, been done in terms of EFG% from the field, volume of jump shots, combined with an extremely low assisted rate. There is no...
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    nash is back

    Interesting to note that Paul idolized Nash as a youth and has professed to modeling his game (at least on the offensive end) after Steve. Quite a compliment and something CP3 fans conveniently forget when they try to prop up Paul at the expense of Nash. Informed of this during the latest...
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    Great photo

    Nash to Amare with the wrap around behind the back pass jumping out of bounds. :shock:
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    Canada's Nash continues to combine charity work with success on the court

    Nice article from the Canadian press on Nash's charity work, along with some kudos for his on court play by Chris Paul and Lebron James. Canada's Nash continues to combine charity work with success on the court 2 days ago NEW ORLEANS - Steve Nash sat in the ballroom of a swanky New...
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    NBA All-Star Weekend thread

    Paul totally choked down the stretch. If Nash had been given his proper minutes the west probably would have won. Paul has worshiped Nash for years and studied all his game tapes, but the MVP is the MVP. It was shameful of Byron to play Paul such extreme minutes while leaving (by far) the...
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    Suns at Clippers 8:30 MY45 HD

    Agree. Nash is one the best shooters in the league, arguably the most efficient shooter period. The problem is that the scenario you describe requires a coach, which the Suns apparently don't have. Part of me thinks Nash should shoot more regardless. On the other hand, there were at least a...
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    Nash in the record books

    Not sure about this one either. There's a quote by Kevin Johnson where he says: "He was the third guard behind Jason Kidd and I when he broke in with the Suns in 1996. I said time and time again, he was by far the best point guard of the three of us, even then. In practice every day, he...
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    Nash in the record books

    I keep hearing about Nash "almost" breaking this or that record. I'm curious to know whether he has indeed broken any as of yet, and also what records -- if any -- you think it likely he will break before he retires. I realize the second question is impossible to answer but I'd be interested...
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    The Solution

    The NBA is officially a joke. Even if this single ref with mob ties and Stern playing little miss pony -- even if he didn't much affect anything, except the score -- we all know the officiating has been, shall I say, sub-par? Simple solution: call the fouls on Nash. If the refs had...
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    Stern Press Conference Thread

    "Bad apple" defense. So predictable. Even if Timmy WAS the only the ref on the take -- which I doubt -- that does not change the fact that the problem is an institutional one. The whole system of officiating needs an overhall. If Stern is not willing to make some adjustments he should be...
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    Nash charity game

    I had the pleasure of attending. Before the game there was a "block party" where people were encouraged to donate to a variety of charities. Nash showed up and spent practically an hour signing autographs, making sure he got to everyone. Didn't stop when the rain started, ended up soaked like...
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    Gambinos threatening Donaghy; coaches and "validators" implicated as well? So explain then, how a referee could control the outcome of a game so that he or associates of his could win a bet? BL: Totally with the fouls he calls. If he has fixed the total and has a number he's thinking of, he can get the team in the bonus earlier in the quarter. Let's say he...
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    Gambinos threatening Donaghy; coaches and "validators" implicated as well?

    Stern will obviously do his best to whitewash the affair, claiming that only one individual was involved and that the actual outcomes of games was not decided by the individual in question. Considering that hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake, Federal Agents are not above playing...
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    Gambinos threatening Donaghy; coaches and "validators" implicated as well?

    REF'S HIT WITH SOME BAD CALLS COPS RESPOND TO DEATH THREATS July 23, 2007 -- The allegedly dirty NBA referee who's set to sing in a mob point-shaving scandal sought police protection yesterday - after receiving threats that he could be whacked, cops said. Three Manatee County Sheriff's squad...
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    Nash Shows Young Guards His Way of Doing Things

    By VINCENT M. MALLOZZI Published: July 5, 2007 UNION, N.J., July 1 — In the final minutes of a basketball camp at Kean University’s Harwood Arena, Steve Nash went left one last time. Nash — the slight-of-build, sleight-of-hand point guard of the Phoenix Suns — made...
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    A few thoughts before I disappear…

    I think the Suns deserved a game 7, not a gift-wrapt present to 'The Spurs' courtesy of D. Stern.
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    A few thoughts before I disappear…

    For the record, I also agree that Coach D is inept; but we still should have been able to beat you or at least push it to a game seven. Chances are we would have at home. But we were missing certain ingrediats. Tell me: how would you fair without Duncan? Not so good? Now you know how Suns...
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    A few thoughts before I disappear…

    Ok Arctic, fair enough; speaking of fair, what say you on the series?
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    A few thoughts before I disappear…

    Something tells me you never graduated highschool. correct?
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    Lowest Rated WCF ever

    You guys are retards. Are you telling me you don't enjoy bug-eyed Duncan on the foul tip? Are you telling me you don't enjoy Manu flopping ten-feet across and into an opposing player's knee after being breathed upon? Are you telling me you don't enjoy seeing Eva in the stands with her...
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    A few thoughts before I disappear…

    What did he say?
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    A few thoughts before I disappear…

    I'd almost prefer it. Didn't watch the "after" show. I assume Nash did his usual honorable lefty Canadian "they outplayed us" bit, which indeed they did. The problem is that the series was tilted in their favor before there ever was a game 6, and that's not right. I'm not blaming the...
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    A few thoughts before I disappear…

    Nash got his teammates involved, as always. That was his number one goal and he succeeded. I think he should have taken more shots. Those three’s in the fourth were surreal, almost Kobe-esque. Is he really that good a shooter!? For a man who shoots that well, he probably should have...
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    Doyel: Bowen a "dirty snake"

    By Gregg Doyel CBS National Columnist Tell Gregg your opinion! Doyel: Basketball's terrorist Bruce Bowen is a dirty snake willing to end another player's career just to win a basketball game. Or he's spastic, unable to control his flailing limbs. Those are the choices...

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