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  1. F

    its official

    Amare & Diaw suspended 1 game. Horry 2. Just heard on KTAR!!!
  2. F

    Duncan may get suspension!

    Okay, here's the point I'm trying to make. Both Amare and Duncan were reacting to the play, not the altercation. For Amare, a slight altercation developed after the reaction and that's when they moved back to the magical bench area. Luckily for Duncan, no altercation developed and he moved...
  3. F

    Duncan may get suspension!

    But can you pinpoint when the "altercation" began for those two plays in question? When Amare and Diaw stepped onto the court, had the altercation begun yet or should you never step on the court, ever? One could argue that Duncan was initiating a possible altercation when he stepped onto the...
  4. F

    Are the Spurs mentally weak? Why did they fall apart tonight?

    j/k...that's what they would have said about the Suns if they lost...endlessly in the media all day.
  5. F

    The merged "Suspension" thread

    Upon further review, the rules leave a lot of room for interpretation. The immediate vicinity is a judgement call. Was there a fight? The fight never really started. How are we sure it was really Diaw and Amare in question? Maybe it was their long lost evil twins.
  6. F

    God *&&^%$ it!

    It's about the drama. That's what makes life interesting and makes you die 10 years early.
  7. F

    The merged "Suspension" thread

    If you want to get Clintonesque (I'm a dem anyways) about it, it depends on what the definition of fight is. This was more of a fracas. :) I would argue, Amare's intent was to check in and there was no fight.
  8. F

    This is freaking funny here.... Dirk-a-Licious

    That was hilarious!!
  9. F

    Did Bowen kick Amare on the final dunk?? Quoted from a Mavs board: Did anyone catch Bruce Bowen kicking amare in the back of the leg when he went up for that final dunk? Oh my, what a dirty play and Bowen should be suspended for a long time for intentionally trying to...
  10. F

    Does everyone feel a little better?

    My mood is so much better now. :)
  11. F

    Round 2: Utah vs. Golden State

    You would think it would be good for the league to have GS and PHX play. Imagine how low the ratings will be if it goes Utah/Spurs and Spurs/Pistons. Only diehard basketball fans will watch.
  12. F

    Round 2: Utah vs. Golden State

    GS looks so hungry out there. Some dumb shots, but they keep working so hard.
  13. F

    You're the new owner of the Mavericks, how do you fix the team?

    Is this before or after your marry Jessica Alba? :)
  14. F

    bulls-eye on the Suns

    I think one thing a lot are overlooking is that the Suns are playing the Spurs early, instead of in the WCF. This should help the Suns because in the past, they really stumbled into the WCF. So if we are fresher, we might have a slight advantage.
  15. F

    You're the new owner of the Mavericks, how do you fix the team?

    Is it an easy fix or do you make some huge trades?
  16. F

    Where are some Mavs Forums to go read their bitching?! enjoy
  17. F

    Golden state @ Dallas

    If GS wins, they will come into the WCF really banged up.
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    Golden state @ Dallas

    God, mav fans were the most patronizing fans ever. "You know you're 'style' doesn't work in the playoffs. We know how to play D." lolololololol
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    Golden state @ Dallas

    Enjoy the fan meltdown:
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    Golden state @ Dallas

    If Houston beats Utah, I don't think they can run with GS. Yao will be neutralized.
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    Golden state @ Dallas

    I'm starting to feel sorry for Dirk. He will never live this down unless he can win a championship.
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    Golden state @ Dallas

    I have an irrational hatred for Harris. I shouldn't hate someone I've never met before, but damn. :)
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    Golden state @ Dallas

    Sloppy Suns just might do it. COME ON GS!!!!!
  24. F

    Golden state @ Dallas

    Crowd will go crazy like a college game if GS can win tonight. I really want to see it. Please, please, please.
  25. F

    Golden state @ Dallas

    I'm sorry but the refs or f'ing horrible. GS getting no calls unless it's obvious. Even some the obvious calls aren't called. I know usually it evens out, but this is ridiculous. GO GOLDEN STATE!!!!