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  1. R

    OT: Who are you rooting for? Vikes or Cowboys?

    Thats awesome! TFF
  2. R

    Hey guys...

    :D Imagine how I feel. My favorite team is being led by most hated rival! :bang:
  3. R

    OT: Who are you rooting for? Vikes or Cowboys?

    Ok cards fans... I rooted for your team to win. Now its your turn to root for the Vikes to keep winning. I seriously think the Vikes will beat the Saints next week. What do you guys think?
  4. R

    Game Thoughts: Saints 45 Cardinals 14

    Whatever LOSER. Go suck on your mommys 80 proof breast milk.
  5. R

    Game Thoughts: Saints 45 Cardinals 14

    See Cards fans, what Vikings fans have to put up with? This is how Puker fans are. They always have excuses as to why their team lost. I'm just surprised this one is still sober enough to type! By the way, I was hoping the Cards would have won. I would like to see my 1st and 2nd favorite...
  6. R

    Question for Cards fans

    Pack a lunch cyber tyson. You're gonna need it.
  7. R

    So far, rematch games have gone the same way as Week 17

    Psycho doesn't even rhyme with Tiny......IDIOT :p
  8. R

    Question for Cards fans

    Don't mention it.............IDIOT! :p
  9. R

    Question for Cards fans

    Good luck tomorrow. I'll be rooting for the Cards to win, you idiot. Yes, I use the word IDIOT. Simply because it's applicable.
  10. R

    Question for Cards fans

    Sorry that I only have 70 something posts. That is actually quite a bit considering I have a LIFE and don't live on message boards like some people with 8000 something posts. You really hurt my feelings when you emphasize and repeat the word TROLL. How will I ever get over that??? Just an...
  11. R

    Question for Cards fans

    OMG. Read the thread and see how I feel about Bret Favre before you speak.
  12. R

    Question for Cards fans

    President AND cyber tough guy?? Look I'm not on here to offend and if you read through the thread, I believe you will see that. When I get attacked, I have the right to respond. But if you really want to "fight" over the internet lets do it. :stick: :hulk:
  13. R

    Question for Cards fans

    3% Club President?
  14. R

    Question for Cards fans

    HA! Keep channeling your anger and pretend that it doesn't eat you raw inside that your HERO is leading your arch rival! You cheeseheads crack me up. I'm actually impressed that there is someone in WI that can still type after "Brent" and the Vikings beat you down twice this year. Everyone else...
  15. R

    Question for Cards fans

    Um........speaking of pathetic posts.... I have always been Rooster7. You don't HAVE to read $hit. If you don't like it don't read it. Simple as that. There happens to be some members of this board that I like to talk to. You are just one of the 3% that comes off as a complete jerk. So please...
  16. R

    Question for Cards fans

    :D Ya have a good start with the Vikings nine pro bowlers. Although, it should be 8. How Bryant McKinnie made the pro bowl is beyond me??? By the way, how is Levi Brown doing? This is a serious question because I don't follow him much. But how is he doing? I know its a touchy issue...
  17. R

    Question for Cards fans

    OH believe me PJ when I say I DID NOT want that pre-madonna SOB playing for MN. I said before he signed that if the Vikings do well, it won't be about the Vikings as a team. It won't be about the Vikings finally got a decent owner. It won't be about the Vikings drafting well and putting together...
  18. R

    Question for Cards fans

    Dammit quit saying he's my QB. :) I'm a Vikings fan. Not a Favre fan. But I do have to admit, the old attention whore has played lights out this year. Who woulda thunk?
  19. R

    Question for Cards fans ain't worth it...
  20. R

    Question for Cards fans

    The new stadium needs to get approved SOON. The dome is an embarassing dump. The lease runs out in 2011 so something needs to get done. Zygi wants a retractable roof which I believe is the only way to go if you want to generate revenue aside from football. Also, you would never be able to host a...
  21. R

    Question for Cards fans

    I rest my case your honor
  22. R

    Question for Cards fans

    Congrats on the career change! A cheesehead implanted on my head may just lead to ME :D
  23. R

    Question for Cards fans

    You know, I'm not sure. Dallas is the hot team right now. We match up best with the packers and the cards can kill you depending on which team shows up. If Warner goes down, the cards are screwed. Same with Favre. If he goes down, the Vikes are screwed. Gawd I still can't get used to using...
  24. R

    Question for Cards fans

    I have been here before and those that remember me know that I'm not a troll and I am not even close to being as insulting as some of your regular members on this board. I find it funny that you say insults are not allowed on this board when you should phrase it like this: "Insults are not...