Article on JJ's contract

Mar 3, 2005
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The article gives no credit to the author. But it is from the websites of AZCentral and Arizona Republic.
JJ deal isn't time for Sarver to turn frugal

Jul. 15, 2005 12:00 AM Suns season ticket renewals are due Monday, but an answer on Joe Johnson's future isn't. What seemed like a slam dunk days ago is looking more like a heave from half court because of Robert Sarver's growing concern about his team's payroll.

Caveat emptor. As you write that check today, know that the giddiness hangover of the postseason has been replaced by a vibe of uneasiness from several Suns officials who believe Johnson's return is no longer imminent.

The Atlanta Hawks are expected to sign the restricted free agent to an offer sheet worth approximately five years and $70 million on July 22. The Suns have the right to match the offer, and many assumed they would in order to keep much of last season's Western Conference title contender intact. But Sarver is concerned about the long-term implications the deal would have on his club, especially when Amaré Stoudemire's contract extension kicks in beginning with the 2006-07 season.

If Johnson returns to the Suns, approximately $54 million would be committed to Johnson, Stoudemire, Shawn Marion and Steve Nash in 2006-07. With the reality of a salary cap and luxury tax - even when factoring in cap aids such as a midlevel exemption - the Suns will face challenges putting together a supporting cast. Sarver became a successful businessman by making decisions with his head, not his heart, and he has the bottom line and a profitability margin on his mind.

That's fine, except that the Suns have sent out signals for several months that closing a deal with Johnson was a priority. General Manager Bryan Colangelo said in April that "my priority No. 1 is to sign Joe Johnson. My other priority No. 1 is to sign Amaré Stoudemire to an extension."

Sarver has spoken many times of Johnson's greatness. Just two weeks ago, Stoudemire said: "I think the main thing right now is that we take care of Joe. I know Joe wants to be here."

Those remarks led many fans to commit money and emotions to Johnson's return. The Suns have sold about 2,500 new season tickets and expect to move another 500. That means nearly 12,000 season tickets to occupy an 18,422-seat arena, which could translate to quite a few sellouts.

Many of those fans wrote checks thinking Johnson would be back.

While some have suggested that Johnson might want to play for the Hawks, the truth is, it doesn't matter. As a restricted free agent, he belongs to the Suns if they match Atlanta's offer. And don't buy the suggestion that he could become a disruptive influence.

Not on a team with a unifying presence such as Nash. Not on a team that has a real chance to be successful.

Plus, Johnson's teammates like him and often have spoken in his defense regarding contract talks.

Which brings up another reason fans won't be too willing to cut Sarver slack if Johnson doesn't come back. The owner could have had him for about $20 million less if the team had signed Johnson to an extension a year ago.

"It wasn't the money to Joe in particular," Sarver said recently. "It was the money to the team in total not knowing what we had that was the key. Sometimes you make good decisions and sometimes you make bad decisions."

It's hard to believe losing two starters - Johnson and Quentin Richardson - from a team close to advancing to the NBA Finals would be a good decision.

And before they write any more checks, fans would like to know whether the Suns agree.


Long time Phoenician!
Sep 16, 2002
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NE Phoenix
This editorial was written by Paola Boivin. She is on the ball and is a sports columnist for the Republic.

Page 1 of today's (July 15) sports section.


Formerly Bball_31
Jul 27, 2002
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If the Suns aren't worried about him staying here and his new love for the Hawks - why don't they resign him? If the team wants to compete, they are going to have spend that money regardless... the team isn't a sure thing to get into top 6 seeds without JJ IMO. When JJack leaves next year, they are going have-to go out and spend another $1-3 million along with Draft Pick... can't be cheapskates when the team is close to being a Title contender because you sure and hell aren't going to spend when you're a 6-8 seed... I can imagine how many fans would be pissed off.

I've been a fan since 1st Grade and I'm now 30 (who'd thunk it) and I'm already starting to feel robbed... mostly by 3 bad Drafts and giving up so much in Trades, letting JJ go would really be frustating :mad:


Jun 12, 2003
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I know that Sarver isn't reading this message board but bottom line or no, the Suns would be STOOOOOPID if they don't match the Hawks offer. First off, you let JJ go and get NOTHING back. If you match then you at least have a very tradeable commodity on your hands, if the budget gets too out of hand. The Suns need to just suck it up and pay the money. JJ is too good of a player to let go like that. It would be similar to if the Lakers would have let Kobe go for nothing last year. Or if the Magic would have let Mcgrady go for nothing. You just don't let talent like JJ go without getting something in return. Sign and trade him if you have to.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2002
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salt lake city
guys the whole problem here is just like what happened with the q for kt deal. because we cant sign anyone till the 22nd (next friday) all kinds of things are being invited to take up no info in the sports page.

mark my words jj will be a sun next year.


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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If Sarver refuses to sign JJ he will instantly suplant Sterling as the biggest joke owner in sports.

Sure Sterling has a long history of stupid cheap moves but he has never had a championship caliber team and thrown it away just to accomodate his bottom line. And furthermore you can understand when a team loses and the owner doesn't feel like coughing up the cash but I can't think of another example in pro sports where a team was as good as the Suns were last year then broke up the team to save money.

If he balks the fans better boo him every night when he performs his clown routine at center court.


Jan 10, 2005
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The Suns really F-ed this off season up if they lose JJ.


ASFN Lifer
Apr 29, 2004
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Sometimes I wonder just how much gamesmanship goes on with these things. Are the Suns just trying to see if JJ is bluffing with his desire to go to Atlanta by now letting it leak that they just might let him go.
I just can't see someone actually wanting to go to the Hawks, but it looks like he has some people whispering in his ear. He didn't listen to them when they told him not to come back in the playoffs, hopefully he won't listen to them here.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
Sarver is like some other new owners that want to run NBA teams like a busienss, but is getting a brutal education that this is a players league. Don't like it, sell.


Supporting Member
Dec 29, 2003
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But Sarver is concerned about the long-term implications the deal would have on his club, especially when Amaré Stoudemire's contract extension kicks in beginning with the 2006-07 season.

Geez...the future is now while the window is still wide open.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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I've thought about this issue at length about matching Atlanta's offer for JJ. The following is my conclusion.

The Suns made a bad management decision in not extending JJ a contact last year. They virtually gave away Zarko and they also got fleeced by Chicago and NY for a good first round draft pick. Now the Suns stand get to get worked over by Atlanta. I won't even get into the Q situation.

Since I believe the Suns have to save face and can't lose JJ without value returned, they almost have to trade Shawn Marion out of necessity to cover these flaws. And true to form, the Suns save money (the language of the new Suns) by moving Shawn's higher max contract. It's really pitiful to think of it this way.

Yes, the Suns sign JJ, but probably at the cost of Marion unless a miracle of some sorts happens. I don't even know if a sign and trade will be viable option with JJ (hence keeping Marion) since there may be some more trade kickers in the contract besides the 20 million upfront.

Please tell me my thinking is seriously flawed as I need hope. :confused:
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Registered User
Oct 3, 2002
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Before JC sold the team to Sarver, he made some deals to save money for the team so Sarver would buy the suns.

The trade to Utah in the Googs deal still really bothers me!!

Then he sold the suns to Sarver and the Banker business is in full mode.
Sarver does not know how to run an NBA team at all and is worried about the bottom line more than anything else.

I have said before that I will never bad mouth JC, well it did not take me long to see a big difference in JC and Sarver.

Mainstreet is right when he talks about last year not signing JJ, and letting Zarko go for almost nothing.

Someone can argue all day about the trades, only keeping 12 players on the roster, etc. but the bottom line is Sarver is cheap and wants a profit and that is not going to happen, especially during a teams run to the title.

If they are not careful, JJ may not go to Atlanta and may not sign a new contract with the suns, he may just take the one year tender that is on the table and be an unrestricted free agent next year.
If he does that and has a good year he will get the max from many teams.

If Sarver does not sign JJ all hell will break loose in Phx., and especially on this suns board.....:D



Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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sunsfn said:
Before JC sold the team to Sarver, he made some deals to save money for the team so Sarver would buy the suns.

The trade to Utah in the Googs deal still really bothers me!!

Then he sold the suns to Sarver and the Banker business is in full mode.
Sarver does not know how to run an NBA team at all and is worried about the bottom line more than anything else.

I have said before that I will never bad mouth JC, well it did not take me long to see a big difference in JC and Sarver.

Mainstreet is right when he talks about last year not signing JJ, and letting Zarko go for almost nothing.

Someone can argue all day about the trades, only keeping 12 players on the roster, etc. but the bottom line is Sarver is cheap and wants a profit and that is not going to happen, especially during a teams run to the title.

If they are not careful, JJ may not go to Atlanta and may not sign a new contract with the suns, he may just take the one year tender that is on the table and be an unrestricted free agent next year.
If he does that and has a good year he will get the max from many teams.

If Sarver does not sign JJ all hell will break loose in Phx., and especially on this suns board.....:D


Amen. :thumbup:


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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sunsfn said:
If Sarver does not sign JJ all hell will break loose in Phx., and especially on this suns board.....:D


ain't that the truth. I will be FURIOUS and scared for the future of the Suns if JJ isn't resigned. That has the markings of the Bidwills (circa 1998) all over again. I wish I wasn't starting to get worried about resigning JJ. :shrug:


Jan 10, 2005
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Shoulda kept Q, let JJ go if he wanted the Max. Drafted either Nate Robinson or Andre Blatche. Picked up Finley.

The Suns woulda saved a butt-load of money and had flexibility to sign a 3 point shooter.

The only way we the team can be salvaged if we lose JJ will be to get Finley.


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Jan 2, 2003
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JPlay said:
The only way we the team can be salvaged if we lose JJ will be to get Finley.

even that's incredibly short-term/frugal thinking. JJ is gonna be a star in this league - he's only 23, he's not on his last legs and constantly injured like Finley.

Losing JJ will kill this team - in the present AND the future. I will start believeing that Sarver is a Sterling clone if he lets this kid walk. He made his bed last season by not signing him, now he has to freaking lie in it - that's what owners who want to win do for pete's sake.

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
frdbtr said:
I know that Sarver isn't reading this message board but bottom line or no, the Suns would be STOOOOOPID if they don't match the Hawks offer. First off, you let JJ go and get NOTHING back. If you match then you at least have a very tradeable commodity on your hands, if the budget gets too out of hand. The Suns need to just suck it up and pay the money. JJ is too good of a player to let go like that. It would be similar to if the Lakers would have let Kobe go for nothing last year. Or if the Magic would have let Mcgrady go for nothing. You just don't let talent like JJ go without getting something in return. Sign and trade him if you have to.

I'm going to play devil's advocate here. First off, let me say that I do think the Phoenix Suns should match the offer for JJ. I think they should go for it all in the next year or two. If it doesn't work they'll have to move people.


The team is championship material if they have JJ back. He plays backup point guard, spreads the offense with his shooting, and is a solid perimeter defender. I also think they need to show Amare Stoudemire that they are serious about winning and will spend what it takes to get there.


They will have too much money wrapped up in their starting five by next season. Even after Kurt Thomas' contract expires they'll have around $55 million just in the other four players. Everybody keeps saying that JJ re-signed as a tradable commodity. I don't think that's necessarily true. If he plays up to or near to his contract the Phoenix Suns will want to trade JJ. If not, it's going to be difficult to trade him with a huge contract. At least it is supposedly frontloaded.

I think the Phoenix Suns have to match the offer, and I think they will match the offer. They need to get that extension for Amare done, and I think this is important for that to happen. If JJ goes they better get a hell of a lot in a sign and trade. I don't think it will come to that though.

Joe Mama


Standing Tall And Traded
Sep 22, 2002
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Boise, ID
It's interesting how far JJ and his support has come. Just over a year ago, people were saying how soft he was. One season later, we are ready to pay him anything for him. He's proven himself.

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
JPlay, I like the Q trade regardless of the JJ situation. Q is not a substitute for JJ. They play the same position. That's about it.

I do agree with those who are saying that the Phoenix Suns have made a lot of decisions that look bad now recently. In fact the only moves them look good right now are drafting Amare, trading for JJ, and signing Steve Nash.

I think it's entirely possible that this is all posturing by the team and JJ and his agent as some have suggested.



Standing Tall And Traded
Sep 22, 2002
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Boise, ID
I know this is JJ thread, but if contract situations were going to be a problem in a few years, (with the resigned jj) Wouldn't the next year or two be a good time to trade marion for trade value reasons? I want marion here, but this is just an observation. I think the Q trade was a good one as well. Letting JJ go would not be good. Even a sign and trade would not get us someone who would help the team as much as JJ.


Good to be back!
Jun 28, 2005
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IF Saver wants to add to his bottom line, there are two ways to go about this: 1. Cut Expenses, 2. Increase Revenue.

Since having a team contend for the title provides more opportunity for revenue streams (ticket sales, greater local TV/radio contracts, consessions, etc), I would suggest that Sarver pay JJ and Amare and start sticking it to the fans - since that is who is telling him how and where to spend his money.

Increase the price of beer/popcorn by 35%; increase price of single tickets by 25%; renegotiate with local TV and Radio this off-season - even if you are in the middle of a contract. Go ahead and hold the city hostage if they want JJ. That will send a message...

...the kind of message that says, "I didn't buy this team to please the fans, I bought this team because I like to be entertained with my own product, I like being a community figure head, and I wanted to have a nice little cash cow. You fans (and Steve Nash/Amare explosion) are screwing it up for me.":thud:

To be honest, I want to win a championship as much as the next guy (I have been routing for the Suns since the days of Kyle Macy, Rich Kelly, Maurice Lucas, Walter Davis, etc) but Sarver does reserve the right to make money from an investment if he can. I would only ask that Sarver have a little forward thinking on this...

Of all the professional Sport Franchises in the Valley, the Phoenix Suns have the greatest potential to stay competitive year after year - which translates to the most amount of profit. With the growth of Phoenix and the valley, the Suns could win over fans with a team that is exciting to watch and continually winning divisions, conferences and titles over the next 6-7 years. Therefore, Sarver - you can add revenue streams - focus on that. Get creative in your approach - Don't focus on cutting expenses now, consider them to be business investments and not 'employee payroll'. They are wise investments.

btw - if the Bidwells sold the Cardinals, the above statement would have to be modified to show the Suns have the #2 position (this really is a football state).


Jan 10, 2005
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I would say JJ is as valuable to the Suns as Manu is to the Spurs. He should be getting a contract similar to Ginobli's.

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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alright guys i am is my problem. If bottom line is such freaking huge concern for sarver then play with the team this year and see what you got. If JJ get 20 million upfront like the hawks are threatning and amares max doesnt kick in until next season after that then make your run right now, assess at the end of the year what you have, and then deal the commodities availiable (most likely marion) if the suns dont win it all next year i have no problem with trading shawn and trying to have less money tied up into the starting payroll. Then we at least have two big time pieces to build around as well as an aging steve nash (who obviously still gets it done) I have defended Sarver in the past but if he pulls this kinda bull i am renouncing the suns. Like a former post said, I have never seen a team come this close and the owner be so unwilling to pony up. Id be willing to say even sterling would be pressured into buying in if he was in a simialar situation. The suns are too good of an org. to have a some kinda businessman/conman running the show. we have definatly been spoiled by JC, but i cant do anything but admonish Sarver for this even becoming a story.

what a joke of a franchise we become if we let both JJ and q go (and letting Q go was the right move) and hope to contend with spare parts (and thats what finley is). and mark my words...if Amare is not sold on the fact that the owner will do anything to win there are some franchises in NY, LA, and Dallas who not only need him but will spend the cash to get him as well as whatever he wants. Sell the F---ing team if you cant handle the bottom line. Its one thing when you are losing but completly different if the past regime has handed you a winner. pull your head out of your a$$ sarver because it was your mistake last year and now you have to pay for it by spending the extra money. it was a risk that was assessed at the time and you crapped out. I urge all season ticket holders to demand refunds if this plays out because while the suns will be trying to con you that everyone was on board with this decision and that we can still contend,its a total fallacy. the last thing i need is another Bidwill to continue to break my heart and i wont stand for it and neither should you suns fans......


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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cheesebeef said:
Losing JJ will kill this team - in the present AND the future. I will start believeing that Sarver is a Sterling clone if he lets this kid walk. He made his bed last season by not signing him, now he has to freaking lie in it - that's what owners who want to win do for pete's sake.

Agreed. I guess the fans will learn about the new ownership July 22nd or a week thereafter.

Is anyone else fearful that the only way out of this debacle is being forced to trade Shawn Marion to get some return value if the Suns sign JJ (rather than letting JJ walk)?

They will be cash strapped and they can't even afford Steven Hunter. I hope they have a plan.

Unfortunately I predicted a sign and trade would be forthcoming with JJ last year when the Suns didn't extend his contract... sadly, I didn't think it might be Marion that has to go.

I don't think the Suns believe they can afford three max players and one high salaried player (Amare, Shawn, JJ and Nash) on their roster and maintain any wiggle room financially or in regard to acquiring additional players.

This is not what I want and I sure hope I'm wrong. I guess this is where BC can prove if he is the general manager of the year if he can find a way out.

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