Why is it playstation is the only one who agrees w/ me on this. Marion IS a falling asset. No chap, im not a "Hater"....as playstation says marions game is based on his out of this world athleticism. He is a great rebounder for his size and maybe the best in the league at his size (but that also has to do w/ playing the 4) YET....players usually lose their hops around 30 for one reason or another(see MJ, Kemp, Dr. J, Barkley, McDyess, Nique)What most of those players had to fall back on once they turned 30 was their refined basketball skill set. Something Marion does not possess. Let me ask you this. take away Marions ability to jump and what do you have???? cant shoot, cant create his own shot off the dribble, can rebound anymore, can really stay with anybody anymore. The guy is unbelievable and HE IS crazy athletic now, but that will eventually erode and then we got two more years of 15 million left.
Is any of this wrong? Does anyone think Marion will be the one player to defy father time and continue to jump out of the gym at 35? JJ is the better "playa" (thats for you chap...) and thats why as he gets older and loses a step, he still has other things he can rely on...(passing, shooting, dribbling) thats why Marion is a declining value. Hes a great player now but I hope we can agree that he is mostly an all world athlete and if we do trade him next year, it might look stupid the first year or two after but long term it is a very smart move. ONCE AGAIN I FEEL SHAWN IS AN STAR PLAYER ON BOTH THIS TEAM AND THE NBA....but w/ KT after next season, he is a luxury we wont need....This is probaly all for naught as all signs are JJ is still gone, but for next year and beyond JJ (even at 14 million) is the smarter player to keep. He is a low flawwed player in a highly flawwed league....,