ESPN Radio Trade Speculation......


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Jan 2, 2003
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thegrahamcrackr said:
I don't know what to say about it. I don't love it, and I don't hate it.

If the Suns were going to move Marion/Q - this is definitely a reasonable proposal.

I just don't know

I'm the same way.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2002
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Los Angeles area
Even though it might be a little high to pick him, would Channing Frye be a good fit? Honestly, if they got this pick, and hit a home run with it, would they be able to afford to keep him? Meanwhile, if Frye develops into a good starting center for us, it'd absolutely be worth it.

C Channing Frye
PF Amaré Stoudemire
SF Andre Kirilenko
SG Joe Johnson
PG Steve Nash

Jim Jackson
Matt Harpring
Leandro Barbosa
Steven Hunter?
Paul Shirley?
Second round picks...?

That sounds like a pretty devastating team.


Krycek, Alex Krycek
Oct 15, 2002
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Harrisburg, PA
I am really oposed to any trades at this point, unless it's just flat out a steal for the Suns. I think adding a couple of servicable vets would solve the problem.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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this one blows my mind. i don't think we need to do anything drastic to be a legit contender again next year. but the thought of adding kirilenko, the 6th pick, and getting another higher 2nd round pick (q is better than harpring, but it's close to a wash) is pretty enticing. the only problems, the injuries and you just never know what's gonna happen when you gamble on changing up a talented team . . .

maybe shawn is bitching internally more than we know and turning into a malcontent? i don't know this, nor do i even think it, but i could speculate given his comments throughout the playoffs and the beating he's prolly taking from the press/fans following his invisible man impression in the wcf.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Ok, I had a chance to think about it.....

First off, two assumptions would have to be made in order to consider it.

1.) Kirilenko is 100% healthy, and can play at a pre-injury level
2.) Marion is complaining a lot behind doors like Ouchie mentioned

If both of those are true, I would pull the trigger. Kirilenko could score in the same way Marion did, and would probably be fine with a limited offensive role (like Marion is/used to be). His defense however would be a lot better, which would help us a lot.

I like Q a lot, which is largely based on his personality. I would hate to send him to Utah - especially since he just signed here. With that said, Harpring could have a good impact and would come off the bench. Not to mention his salary is cleared next year, helping to ease the impact of JJ and Amare.

The picks make this happen. I don't have a clue who we take, but getting both the #6 and #34 for the #21 will be huge.

With that said, I am still indifferent on it. It would be a hard sell in Phoenix, since both players are liked by fans - but it would probably be better for the team.


Formerly Bball_31
Jul 27, 2002
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Those reasons and a want for a top-10 talent... it's too bad, Andre Iguodala isn't in Draft :)

Okay, should I start a Poll, on who, members would like the Suns to take with #6 Pick in this Trade scenario?


Registered User
Nov 3, 2004
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after seeing this posted on 4 message boards i find it hysterical that NO BODY is definitively calling BS or truth to it.

all i hear is "some guy heard on ESPN radio," while nobody has said that they listened and did or didnt hear it.

the idea of this trade is a little interesting. but the idea of getting the oft-injured AK-47 and Harping would keep me from doing it. we would be one injury away from a ruined season.

grabbing the #6 pick really doesnt interest me either. if Utah is ready to bail on it if they cant get the ONE guy they are eying, what does that say about the rest of that class. i'm sure we could find a decent piece and quality player, but their wouldnt be a guy like Amare hiding in there. but who knows....a healthy Harping/AK-47/KJ like PG or Allen like SG would make this a nice deal for the suns. additionally, if they decided not to extend Harping, they'd have about $10mil coming off the books going directly to Amare.

it would be quite a gamble....something that would put us over the top or bust us for the year, and i dont know if it would be worth it.


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Nov 3, 2004
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BbaLL_31 said:
Those reasons and a want for a top-10 talent... it's too bad, Andre Iguodala isn't in Draft :)

Okay, should I start a Poll, on who, members would like the Suns to take with #6 Pick in this Trade scenario?

Probably Felton or Wright


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Okay, I just have to say this:

I'm puzzled that this proposal is getting more respect than my suggestion of Marion for Stojakovic and Skinner. I guess I should have said, "Someone told me that they heard this on ESPN radio." Next time I'll know better.


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
asudevil83 said:
but the idea of getting the oft-injured AK-47 and Harping would keep me from doing it. we would be one injury away from a ruined season.

I would not call AK-47 "oft injured." He sprained his knee early in the season, and missed 26 games. He returned in January, and was back in form by February and throughout March. He then got his wrist broken at the end of March, ending his season. He didn't need surgery though. Before that, he had never missed more than 4 games.

I would have some reservations about how his wrist is (since his knee is fine), but not many.

Harpring is a little worse, but has been pretty good the past 4 years with the exception to the 2003-2004 season. Either way, he comes to help the team next year while clearing salary. Not too concerned about his injury.


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
elindholm said:
I'm puzzled that this proposal is getting more respect than my suggestion of Marion for Stojakovic and Skinner. I guess I should have said, "Someone told me that they heard this on ESPN radio." Next time I'll know better.

Come on Eric, they are totally different.

We are talking about trading Marion and Q for a player that was getting DPOTY and Allstar consideration without playing 50 games. He affects all parts of the game, like Marion - but has more defense.

Peja is one dimensional. Not to mention we clear salary, while getting a good player for next season. Then add in the #6 and #34 for the #21.

The more I think about it, if I had the option I would probably trade Marion for Kirilenko straight up if it was allowed. Q and the 21 for Harpring and the 6/34 just ices it.

The Commish

Jun 16, 2004
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San Francisco
elindholm said:
Okay, I just have to say this:

I'm puzzled that this proposal is getting more respect than my suggestion of Marion for Stojakovic and Skinner. I guess I should have said, "Someone told me that they heard this on ESPN radio." Next time I'll know better.

It's because people are actually interested in what we would get in return. Not to mention the idea of trading away our best defender for a couple sub-par ones doesn't make sense for a team like the Suns who need defenders to get to the next level.

In regards to the trade, I think I would have to pull the trigger on it. It's somewhat risky considering AK's injury, but he is a definate monster on both ends of the floor. Harpring would be good off the bench, as would Collins. Not to mention the #6 and #34 picks. The draft picks are the deal clincher for me. Antoine Wright or Danny Granger would be solid pickups there (don't think Frye goes that high). We could even trade down a few spots in the draft and target a guy like Diogu.

I do think that there would be some blacklash by the fans in this town if BC were to make these kind of changes to the starting lineup - it would be a high risk/high reward type of move by the organization. Ultimately I don't think this rumor has much legs for all of these reasons. But if by some freak occurance this deal happens I wouldn't be upsetl because we would get deeper as well as bigger.

I don't think this trade is in serious play, but it's the first trade idea in a long time that I don't feel is completely idiotic. Looks like another crazy offseason of rumors and ideas is beginning once again.
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Registered User
Oct 26, 2002
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I don't think we can do it to Q by trading him to Utah. Since everybody seems to be so serious about it, I'd take AK for Marion straight up and leave the other parts of the rumored deal. :D


Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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I think it's plain BS. Like George, I think the idea of Utah being moved to make this trade because a certain draft pick isn't available at #6 is ridiculous. And I can't imagine how the Suns could force the trade onto the table - it takes two interested parties to get a big trade like this near the table.

Heck, if getting the guy they wanted was that big of a deal, they'd be wheeling and dealing to move down in the draft - and they wouldn't have to deal AK away to do that. To top it off I don't think Utah likes to deal with Phx... we'd have been willing to take Aroyo off their hands last year for more than an elder statesman they promptly cut loose (Eldon Campbell). I'm sure they could have pried Casey from us...


STAT man
Nov 5, 2004
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It's BS, the Jazz have no interest in moving AK and really the Suns management already stated that they aren't going to spilt up the roster.

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
It's crap. It's an interesting idea, but it is clearly a figment of someone's imagination. in fact when I looked at it on the ESPN Board there were several people saying that the original poster has a reputation for posting fake trades and other fake stories.

Joe Mama


The thread killa strikes again
Jun 15, 2004
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Isn't AK a BYC player because of his new contract? Would this trade work under the current CBA? The draft takes place before the expiration of this CBA, so Utah would have to pick a player for us and the deal would go down after the new CBA is put in place. If, as expected, the trading rules are simplified.


Jan 10, 2005
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I really don't expect Utah to give up potentially the best defensive player in the league for basically Shawn Marion. Kirelenko is a franchise type of player and Shawn Marion is more of a complimentary player.


Jan 10, 2005
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On second thought this is a dumb thread. The Suns organization would never blow up a team that won 62 games just because they lost to the Spurs with JJ hurt most of the series. All that's needed are a few more pieces to the puzzle and to let this team grow together. They are still very young and got way further than anyone predicted. Hopefully they will be hungry next year and all work on their games this summer to improve defensively and offensively. If we can pick up a good rebounder/shot blocker either in the draft or as a FA we will be fine.

Don't trade any of the 5 starters, this team needed a learning experience like that. Tinkering with the team will make us Dallas and will ruin chemistry.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
elindholm said:
Okay, I just have to say this:

I'm puzzled that this proposal is getting more respect than my suggestion of Marion for Stojakovic and Skinner. I guess I should have said, "Someone told me that they heard this on ESPN radio." Next time I'll know better.

I agree. I can't believe this is up to 3 pages already!!

That said, I don't like the trade. Why? Mainly because it is so far-fetched, it's difficult to even comprehend. I don't agree with the Marion for Peja and Skinner trade, but man, it's 100% more realistic than this one.


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Oct 21, 2002
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salt lake city
JPlay said:
Kirelenko is a franchise type of player and Shawn Marion is more of a complimentary player.

jplay, i live in utah and have seen enough jazz game to tell you flat out that marion is the better of the two players. ak47 isnt looking to be a scorer, he isnt a outstanding rebounder. he is almost as good as marion at getting steals. the only area that he really is better then marion is in blocks. take a look at the stats yourself. both players are nice but unless you really need blocked shots marion is the better of the two.



on this whole trade idea
the reason to trade marion is to save money. by picking up AK47 and harpering and the 6th pick the suns. in the end it cost the suns more money. ak47 contract goes longer and then you get the 6th pick which after 3 or 4 years will have to be signed to another big contract. in the end it just doesnt make sense for the suns or jazz.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2004
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Errntknght said:
I think it's plain BS. Like George, I think the idea of Utah being moved to make this trade because a certain draft pick isn't available at #6 is ridiculous. And I can't imagine how the Suns could force the trade onto the table - it takes two interested parties to get a big trade like this near the table.

Heck, if getting the guy they wanted was that big of a deal, they'd be wheeling and dealing to move down in the draft - and they wouldn't have to deal AK away to do that. To top it off I don't think Utah likes to deal with Phx... we'd have been willing to take Aroyo off their hands last year for more than an elder statesman they promptly cut loose (Eldon Campbell). I'm sure they could have pried Casey from us...

Utah does need to get more athletic, they are going to have to compete with Seattle, Minny, Denver for the NW Division title. They added two Eastern style players last year, Okur and Boozer, which now do not fit in the West Coast NBA offense.

I disagree Utah loves dealing with us, look what we did with them to get rid of Googs, 2 1st's, a 2nd and took Keon Clark off their hands. Their 27th pick this year is an extension of that deal, they sent Pavel Podelzine from their selection last year for this pick. We are also subsidizing Howard Eisley for playing in Utah.


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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scotsman13 said:
the reason to trade marion is to save money. by picking up AK47 and harpering and the 6th pick the suns. in the end it cost the suns more money. ak47 contract goes longer and then you get the 6th pick which after 3 or 4 years will have to be signed to another big contract. in the end it just doesnt make sense for the suns or jazz.

The Suns will not make a trade just to save money. They did this before to clear room to sign free agents. They will not trade down just to stay under the cap.

Doing so would relegate them to Clipper status. They would be a joke especially after the kind of year they just had.

As long as Marion doesn't let his ego get in the way he is a PERFECT fit for this team. Many experts felt that HE was the Suns MVP. Every other team in the league would kill to have a third option like Shawn Marion.


Jan 10, 2005
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scotsman13 said:
jplay, i live in utah and have seen enough jazz game to tell you flat out that marion is the better of the two players. ak47 isnt looking to be a scorer, he isnt a outstanding rebounder. he is almost as good as marion at getting steals. the only area that he really is better then marion is in blocks. QUOTE]

Kirelenko doesn't just get a few blocks, he dominates in blocks. I know he's a marginal rebounder and scorer. However for a big man he gets a great amount of steals and assists. I had him on my fanstasy team. He's an inside presence defensively.

Marion is good, but when he's not getting garbage points on offense he can disappear.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2004
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I am begining to think that Utah might just pull the trigger on this, they have put themselves in a position to do so. Last summer was suppose to be a turnaround offseason. They had three 1st round draft choices, two courtesy of the Suns, one of which was traded away for a 1st rounder this year (#27). They had a lot of cap space, signed Okur and Boozer as RFA's. Yet a team that was just barely nudged out of the playoffs by a division rival, Denver, and had the worst record in the West. That has got to piss off an owner.

This summer they still have some cap space, 2 1st rounders and 3 second rounders. I don't think they have enough to get a impact player with their capspace. 2 first rounders are not going to turn the ship around right away. They can't trade Okur or Boozer, that would make them look foolish. They can't trade the first rounders from last year, Snyder and Humphries, they are the only athletes other than AK47. Players like Marion and Q could insert some desperately needed energy and experience immediately.

Utah might seriously consider this deal. Sloan is probably considering retirement and his offense might be out the door anyhow.

edit: forgot NO is now in the West.
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