ESPN's Sheridan: Suns F.O. The Joke of NBA


ASFN Lifer
Jun 24, 2005
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This from Chris Sheridan, and it is more of the same, but it really is what makes me absolutely sick every time I try to get into the Suns:

Bryan (Xenia, OH)

Please tell me the Suns won't trade Amare for Z just to get under the LT... I can't imagine the fans reactions to that...or Nash's for that matter.
Chris Sheridan (2:25 PM)

Here's the thing when talking about proposed Suns trades: They've shown that they'll take pennies on the diollar for their assets, so no one is going to initially offer them much more than cap relief and either a low first-round pick or a borderline youngster. If it's a Cavs deal, I'd expect Phoenix to get little more than Ilgauskas (who they'd presumably buy out, Jawad Williams and whatever filler is needed to made the salaries match (Cleve can sign-and-trade Wally Szczerbiak and/or Lorenzen Wright.) Remember, the Suns are the same team that gave away two unprotected first-round picks just to get Kurt Thomas' $8 million off their payroll a few years back. The second of those No. 1 picks goes to the Thunder this year, by the way.

Bruce (Miami, FL)

Chris, with the rumor mill kicking up regarding Bosh and Amare (and Boozer still out there), are you hearing anything involving Miami putting together a package involving Beasley?
Chris Sheridan (2:29 PM)

I have heard that Miami is among the teams with the greatest desire to land stoudemire before the deadline, because it would give them two max-level players heading into next summer, plus they'd have another $7-8 million in cap space left over -- even more if they can move Daequan Cook. But I see the Heat trying to hang onto Beasley, offering Jermaine O'Neal's expiring contract and little else of relative value. Like I said in my previous answer, when dealing with the Suns, you really can't lowball them enough. You'll recall they traded Shaq for nothing, nada, zip, zilch of value (other than a bigger stack of Benjamins in Bob Sarver's bank account).

It has been said time and time again, but reality is Bob Sarver has turned this once proud franchise into snookie from the Jersey Shore, almost like some ccharactor that everyone else gets to **** on and everyone knows it...

This is why we are in the place we are in.. this is why if we get even 1 first round pick for STAT, I may be satisfied, but knowing the suns MO, they will either trade him for contracts that expire just ike stats but allow them to buy them out early, or they will simply let him walk...



Sep 2, 2002
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Wow...just wow. We went from one of the most respected franchises in bball to the laughingstock of the league very fast. I'll stick with the team no matter what, but I predict tickets will be very easy to come by over the next couple years. Luckily we still have our first rounder this year to help bridge to the


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
As I recall, nobody ridiculed us for the Shaq trade--it was ignored more than anything. We weren't going to get anything good for Shaq anyway.

And in case you guys don't know, Sheridan is a Laker homer through and through.


Hall of Famer
Oct 28, 2003
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The sad thing is that Sarver will probably end up selling the Suns at a profit and the next ownership group will spend a decade reversing his damage.


Suns are my Kryptonite!
Jan 3, 2003
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Laveen, AZ
The trading Kurt Thomas and picks is logical if you aren't a fan of the team. With Kurt they would have got killed with the luxury tax. Plus, if you are showing a salary problem, which we have had, signing guaranteed contracts for unproven talent, could just keep you in that luxury tax hell longer. They were never going to use those picks, so giving them up wasn't painful in their eyes. That said Sarver showed he could spend money when he signed Shaq. That was a pure go for the ring move that back fired on us completely. We made the best recovery from that we could. From a fan point of view the moves have been horrible. For all the criticism of Sarver, he's kept Nash, and Hill, and brought in a HUGE salary in Shaq. The Suns are a watchable team. How would you like to watch the cellar dwelling teams night in and night out? I'm not apologizing for Sarver, but he hasn't put horrible teams on the floor like the Clippers did for DECADES. I believe the guy wants to win, but he's no billionaire like Cuban. I think the Suns are lacking in the front office, no doubt. Gentry and Kerr need to come up with a plan, or a system, and have the guts to carry it out. It seems right now they are just trying things out like a fan playing fantasy basketball. That's what the Shaq experiment looked like. It's not the lack of spending money for the most part (we pay a luxury tax), it's what they have spent it on that I question.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 28, 2003
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The trading Kurt Thomas and picks is logical if you aren't a fan of the team. With Kurt they would have got killed with the luxury tax. Plus, if you are showing a salary problem, which we have had, signing guaranteed contracts for unproven talent, could just keep you in that luxury tax hell longer. They were never going to use those picks, so giving them up wasn't painful in their eyes. That said Sarver showed he could spend money when he signed Shaq. That was a pure go for the ring move that back fired on us completely. We made the best recovery from that we could.

I think the Suns saved money over the two years of Shaq vs Marion + Banks.


Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
The trading Kurt Thomas and picks is logical if you aren't a fan of the team. With Kurt they would have got killed with the luxury tax. Plus, if you are showing a salary problem, which we have had, signing guaranteed contracts for unproven talent, could just keep you in that luxury tax hell longer. They were never going to use those picks, so giving them up wasn't painful in their eyes. That said Sarver showed he could spend money when he signed Shaq. That was a pure go for the ring move that back fired on us completely. We made the best recovery from that we could. From a fan point of view the moves have been horrible. For all the criticism of Sarver, he's kept Nash, and Hill, and brought in a HUGE salary in Shaq. The Suns are a watchable team. How would you like to watch the cellar dwelling teams night in and night out? I'm not apologizing for Sarver, but he hasn't put horrible teams on the floor like the Clippers did for DECADES. I believe the guy wants to win, but he's no billionaire like Cuban. I think the Suns are lacking in the front office, no doubt. Gentry and Kerr need to come up with a plan, or a system, and have the guts to carry it out. It seems right now they are just trying things out like a fan playing fantasy basketball. That's what the Shaq experiment looked like. It's not the lack of spending money for the most part (we pay a luxury tax), it's what they have spent it on that I question.


The Kurt Thomas trade didn't save enough money to make up for losing a first round pick and one pick that will be in the lottery.

We saved about 16M$ in that trade, gave up 2 first round picks that are worth more than 6M$ you could have gotten by just selling them when you had them. Plus the Suns had an operating income about 37M$ that year. Doubt they would have been in the minus if they kept Thomas.

And in reality the deal saved less than 10M$ because of the first round picks we gave up and the quality of the team got worse and we didn't advance in the playoffs as much as we could potentially with Thomas who ironically played against us in the playoffs.
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Supporting Member
Apr 2, 2004
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The trading Kurt Thomas and picks is logical if you aren't a fan of the team.

I think people put way too much blame on the Suns for the decisions they've made. Every trade, signing, buyout etc could be justified especially if hindsight is not involved (I usually disagreed with their reasoning but I could at least understand it). Every deal but one. I was absolutely stunned when we traded Kurt Thomas and still see no justification for the move. He clearly had value yet we gave up considerable value to get rid of him. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!



Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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The sad thing is that Sarver will probably end up selling the Suns at a profit and the next ownership group will spend a decade reversing his damage.

Bingo. You win the prize. However at least the Suns would be rid of Sarver and Kerr.