Gotcha. Long live the Dawg!My sig, not my name. That would get me on the no fly list.

Gotcha. Long live the Dawg!My sig, not my name. That would get me on the no fly list.
Half time review:
Like how many different players we have that are playmakers on D and ST's.
Like that Housler and Roberts are getting more involved.
Love the Duke.
Oline hasn't been horrible but CP gets too much pressure and he isn't very good when that happens.
Hate when the D doesn't hold serve, like ever.
Love how the D plays when the O or ST's screw them.
Good thing we get the ball to start the 2nd half.
palmer still suck..i understand why they want to trade for big ben
The Cards never said they wanted "Big Ben" silly.
palmer still suck..i understand why they want to trade for big ben
they didnt say doesnt mean they dont want ''silly''
Alrighty then, my bad.
AgreeI hope BA unleashes Elli like he said he would.
8 runs 16 passes - turnovers in pass game as usual
UghDamn nice 3 and out Palmover.
Could it really be any worse?can we just put stanton in and see what happens?