I'm not going to hammer on anyone just because they see it differently, I've certainly been wrong often enough in the past to know that I miss my share. That said, I still see Markkanen as perhaps the safest pick in this draft. The recent Sabonis comparisons shock me, those two have virtually nothing in common: not ceiling, nor floor, nor style.
Markkanen, IMO, will be a little better than Frye or Kaminski on the low end. His ceiling is close to Nowitzki and I think he's more likely to approach his ceiling than his floor. Passing on him because of Bender or Chriss makes no sense to me, Markkanen is less of a risk and is a better player than either of those two right now and I'd expect the gap to grow in his favor over their respective careers.
Remember, the college game is typically hard on the big man. But it isn't his performance thus far that would keep Lauri from being selected first, it's his anticipated arm length. If, for example, on measuring day they showed him with a 7'5 wingspan, he'd be the first player chosen without question IMO.