I think this season is already in the toilet, I think we can expect to see the same type of season Indy had a little while ago...I just hope we are in the playoffs right after like Indy was. We gearing up for 2014 if you know what I mean. Bidwill must be down with it too. We always said we even suck at sucking, winning meaningless games that drop our draft like a bad habit. Arians, Keim, these guys aint playing around this year. They are dropping what they can and focusing longterm. They aren't making football decisions with their heart, not keeping guys with moxi, they are making football decisions they feel will benefit this team in the longrun. Our division says it aint time to plug in a player or two and go for the playoffs. Our division says we will be lucky to win more than 2 division games this year, and that's who we will face year after year.
All them tankmode supporters better suck it up and not go crazy this year when it happens, because it is going to happen.
All them tankmode supporters better suck it up and not go crazy this year when it happens, because it is going to happen.