whoo boy, the gloves have come off for hsandu! I like it!
I think you realize as much as me and so do many other posters, I can't remember exactly who said it earlier in this thread, but the ramifications of what happen with this thing are tremendous.
And they could be tremendously positive or tremendously negative. In many ways this is the last straw with shawn marion, at least on my part.
We've put up with his constant bitching about being underappreciated, not getting award consideration that is frankly ridiculous for him to be asking for (dpoy, mvp, are you kidding me) and then recently even pondering that he may actually enjoy being in another situation.
All this despite the fact that he is in the PERFECT situation for him in every way. He's making max money, gets his numbers, gets all-star games and always gets his flaws minimized by the local media and fans (his inability to create any offense himself, getting TORCHED by every bid d assignment he has, not delivering in the playoffs).
And now after what we went throught the last month, this dude is gonna screw us from what would be the biggest move in franchise history (yeah I said it, bigger than barkley, bigger than nash), when he's getting what he seemed to fantasize about.