Matt Leinart's Personal Life Merge Thread

Jersey Girl

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Sep 17, 2002
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Super Scottsdale
I guess I'll have to take your word for it as I don't get out to these type of things anymore, but I would like to comment that supermodels are not all they are cracked up to be. I'd much rather be with a fun loving gal with a great personality and a little meat on their bones.

I know you've been told this before, but you rock. :)


Like a boss
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May 6, 2003
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No, it wouldn't. You get busted for statutory rape and you're pretty screwed if it's proven.

I'm not perfect, ergo I'm not allowed to be upset that our starting QB did something illegal and it made its way onto the 'net? Great leap of logic there, 40....................................NOT.

So, do we have any actual proof that these girls are underage?


Jan 16, 2007
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annapolis, md
Maybe they're cool girls and he enjoys their company, but who cares if they aren't, by your standards, super hot? :rolleyes: I guess looks ARE everything.

Anyway, it is ridiculous that this thread got to 15 pages, lol. I feel like I'm reading Star magazine or something.

Maybe these chicks are friends of his who just happen to be a tad under the legal drinking age. I know I partied with underage people when I was 25. Yeah, yeah I wasn't a superstar QB, but it doesn't make it any more right or less wrong, does it?

I can't wait til draft day so we have something more important and relevant to talk about.
Thank you for posting that. This whole thread is just an embarrassment IMO. The guy didn't do anything terrible or anything that most people do at his age. Why is everyone so damned upset about this?

Furthermore, why does he need the "hottest" girls on earth. Most chicks that fall under that category also fall under the "pain in the @$$" one and the "dumb" section as well. It's not like he was hanging with dog-faced gremlins either. I would bet everything I own that some of the guys that are trashing these women would be all over them at a club. Seems to me the guys that are normally pressed upon having the best looking girl they can find are always insecure about something.

He looked like he was having a good time to me, and frankly I am happy for him. Good to blow off some steam before the season starts.


Like a boss
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May 6, 2003
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Thank you for posting that. This whole thread is just an embarrassment IMO. The guy didn't do anything terrible or anything that most people do at his age. Why is everyone so damned upset about this?

Furthermore, why does he need the "hottest" girls on earth. Most chicks that fall under that category also fall under the "pain in the @$$" one and the "dumb" section as well. It's not like he was hanging with dog-faced gremlins either. I would bet everything I own that some of the guys that are trashing these women would be all over them at a club. Seems to me the guys that are normally pressed upon having the best looking girl they can find are always insecure about something.

He looked like he was having a good time to me, and frankly I am happy for him. Good to blow off some steam before the season starts.


Heaven forbid he actually have fun and enjoy his life. He HAS been putting in the film work, he HAS been practicing with his teammates. Him having a party is in no way an indictment of his ability to lead this team.


Sep 2, 2002
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Thank you for posting that. This whole thread is just an embarrassment IMO. The guy didn't do anything terrible or anything that most people do at his age. Why is everyone so damned upset about this?

Furthermore, why does he need the "hottest" girls on earth. Most chicks that fall under that category also fall under the "pain in the @$$" one and the "dumb" section as well. It's not like he was hanging with dog-faced gremlins either. I would bet everything I own that some of the guys that are trashing these women would be all over them at a club. Seems to me the guys that are normally pressed upon having the best looking girl they can find are always insecure about something.

He looked like he was having a good time to me, and frankly I am happy for him. Good to blow off some steam before the season starts.

The point is simple, you figure Leinart would be with hotter girls or at least girls that are over 21. That's not to insult anyone, these girls are definitely cute, just not models.

I think some people are looking too much into it. Mary Buckheit, an writer had a pretty funny take on it:

"Let's start with Mr. Leinart. He had himself a fine Southern Cal baby mama, and where has he gone from there? To Paris Hilton and a bunch of random bikini-clad coeds.

Reading a page from Tom Brady's playbook surely would remind Leinart that a touch of class goes a long way. Next time you're in a Jacuzzi with young babes, ask yourself: WWTD?

The answer? Tom would inquire about an upgrade. Tara Reid ... Bridget Moynahan ... Gisele Bundchen. See that progression, Matty? Tom Brady is not made of Teflon, but his image remains unscathed because he's always riding the escalator headed up."


That Rapscallion!!
May 13, 2002
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So...instead of a fun-loving kid, though not making the best choices, we want him to be an arrogant prick?


Like a boss
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May 6, 2003
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The answer? Tom would inquire about an upgrade. Tara Reid ... Bridget Moynahan ... Gisele Bundchen. See that progression, Matty? Tom Brady is not made of Teflon, but his image remains unscathed because he's always riding the escalator headed up."

Tom Brady is also a dead beat dad. At least we hear about Matt caring about his kid. That's a really crappy standard we're setting, Tom is a jerk but it's ok because he's dating hot women. That's so superficial. Are we really so judgmental that we're going to criticize Matt for not being exclusively with women that meet our own over inflated standards?

Jersey Girl

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Sep 17, 2002
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Super Scottsdale
Tom Brady is also a dead beat dad. At least we hear about Matt caring about his kid. That's a really crappy standard we're setting, Tom is a jerk but it's ok because he's dating hot women. That's so superficial. Are we really so judgmental that we're going to criticize Matt for not being exclusively with women that meet our own over inflated standards?

Are you trying to get points, too, lol? :p

Nice post, face. :thumbup: BTW, I think Tom Brady is very physically attractive, but his smugness and better-than-you attitude (my perception) is a major turnoff and makes him not hot. The supermodel can have him.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2007
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being a legend at USC....

and being an NFL QB is going to get you this type of attention. If it were tom brady or tony romo in these pictures these guys would be getting crucified as well. and some people on here would be driving in the nails too. I don't have a problem with it. it's his life as long as he doesn't hurt someone else. If it were me would I be embarrassed probably......maybe he should just be more aware of his status and take that into consideration beforehand. I think romo went through some similar growing pains too spending his personal time with celebs. which for some reason is grounds for being critiqued heavily. BTW I brought romo up because of his popularity status....not because he compares to brady on the field. just want to clear that up ahead of time.
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Herfin BIg Time
Apr 1, 2003
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In A Cigar Bar Near You
Tom Brady is also a dead beat dad. At least we hear about Matt caring about his kid. That's a really crappy standard we're setting, Tom is a jerk but it's ok because he's dating hot women. That's so superficial. Are we really so judgmental that we're going to criticize Matt for not being exclusively with women that meet our own over inflated standards?

Excellent post, and if he were dating the supermodel types wouldn't that make his persona (the one everyone hates to hear) of the "HOLLYWOOD QB" seem even more so?

Nobody here knows for sure how old these girls are or who they are. They could be very nice girls and fun to be around. But lets take it to the gutter that these girls must be SL^TS because they are wearing mini skirts and doing beer bongs. In my best Larry Gatos voice "WHAT A JOKE"...


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
And I suppose you've never done anything illegal like speeding or drinking before you were 21? Sorry, but I find it hypocritical to hold anyone to a stricter standard than you would hold yourself. He's a sports figure, not a man of the cloth.

Speeding doesn't enter into it, nor does me drinking before I'm 21. Irrelevant. Did I provide alcohol to underagers when I was over 21? Yeah, when I was in college. Was it stupid then? Yeah. It could be excused normally as a stupid college thing, but what happens if I was caught at it? I'd have been busted. Now, doing the same thing when you're out of college and older is even more stupid. Doing it and getting caught by the media doing it is really stupid.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Now it's statutory rape? You think any of those gals was under 16?

I wouldn't doubt but what someone will take this and run with it.

Now you're just trying to be deliberately obstinate. He made a comparison of situations where it is illegal to do something with an underage person. NOBODY said that Matty engaged in statutory rape. Please. Stop playing dumb; I know you're just trying to throw off the topic.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Maybe they're cool girls and he enjoys their company, but who cares if they aren't, by your standards, super hot? :rolleyes: I guess looks ARE everything.

Anyway, it is ridiculous that this thread got to 15 pages, lol. I feel like I'm reading Star magazine or something.

Maybe these chicks are friends of his who just happen to be a tad under the legal drinking age. I know I partied with underage people when I was 25. Yeah, yeah I wasn't a superstar QB, but it doesn't make it any more right or less wrong, does it?

I can't wait til draft day so we have something more important and relevant to talk about.

As to the first part, no kidding, right? Nothing wrong with those girls (especially the one in the front on the right :D ). And yes, Jersey, remember to a lot of guys out there, looks ARE everything, sadly.

As to the rest, let me ask you a question. Sure, you partied with underage people when you were 25, but did you bring them to your own house and serve them alcohol? HUUUUGE difference, in circumstance and stupidity on Matty's part, IMO. No, it isn't the worst offense in the world, but the lack of thought process and lack of maturity that went behind the decision is horrible. Ya know, maybe let's not do something illegal that gets plastered all over the net, Matt.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Maybe we should ask Ouchie or one of the other lawyers here but IMO there is no way that charges would be pressed in those conditions.

Tell that to the parents. I was a criminal justice major, and it was pounded into our heads during my Crimes Code class, for this and other offenses: ignorance is NOT a defense that the law allows for.


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Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
******** argument, he said, not that you're ********. And, I'm sorry, but you made a really bad point.

So who makes a ******** argument? And there was nothing wrong with my point. Rather than answering it, resort to name calling. Typical.


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
As to the first part, no kidding, right? Nothing wrong with those girls (especially the one in the front on the right :D ). And yes, Jersey, remember to a lot of guys out there, looks ARE everything, sadly.

As to the rest, let me ask you a question. Sure, you partied with underage people when you were 25, but did you bring them to your own house and serve them alcohol? HUUUUGE difference, in circumstance and stupidity on Matty's part, IMO. No, it isn't the worst offense in the world, but the lack of thought process and lack of maturity that went behind the decision is horrible. Ya know, maybe let's not do something illegal that gets plastered all over the net, Matt.

Why are you so positive these girls were underage?