McCown would draw plenty of interest


Jolly Nihilist
Jan 17, 2003
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Old Town Scottsdale
josh seems to be a less aggravating AND less exiting verion of Jake Plummer.
Damn - I have a good 30+ more years of life expectancy, and I have to be a fan of this team and it's Island-of-Unwanted-Toys lineups.
My angst and depression will attract some hot chicks with issues...


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
that mccown is better than navarre, king, and an old washed up warner? some serious bragging rights there boy . . . WHOOO!

Whos bragging? Just stating the facts. None of those players have produced a victory.


Grey haired old Bird
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May 9, 2002
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Sun City, AZ
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
skorp, are you saying that mccown is a good qb? are you saying that you believe that mccown will become a good qb? what are you saying? if he's only bound to be adequate we need to pass on him (pun intended). we've invested so much in our WR corps that to only have an adequate qb getting them the ball turns out to be a tremendous waste of investment.

yes, he's 7-7. i'll give him that. he's kept us in games. but other than the other night, has he won any? i'd say that even given his night our defense won that game. they shut out the opponent. if our offense hadn't given up 14pts our defense could have won with only a fg from the O.

i want our team to be a serious contender, not just a .500 team (and i know we have to take baby steps). i just don't think mccown has the makings of a qb of a contender. a .500 team? maybe. a contender? no.

No, I don't think todays McCown is a good QB. I think he's talented and riding a three game cusp on whether he will become truly good or sink into mediocrity.

But he's shown enough to merit the shot.

My personal opinion is that he compares to Rich Ganon, a QB who took a long time to develop and was let go by Dennis Green.

It is also my personal opinion that Josh McCown will persevere and that he is our QB of the future. If he proves otherwise, dump him.

And ASUCHRIS, I agree, nothing personal. I jumped into this because swd, wildcard, and Russ were going too far in their criticisms. Nothing personal either to all the forementioned.

I like McCown. But to K9, I love Phillip Rivers. I'd trade half our team for Rivers.

This has been a good discussion but I think I know QBs. McCown will win this job.

Crimson Warrior

Dangerous Murray Zealot
Oct 27, 2002
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Home of the Thunder
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
i don't need 300 yards. i want 240 yards and 1.5 td's per game from him. those are average - to - good qb numbers. i also want no more than 1 turnover (ints and fumbles added) per game. we've invested so much in our passing game that an adequate qb doesn't make sense. not with our running game.

This is kind of where I'm coming from. Josh won games last year, but realistically, he wasn't playing well enough to win playoff games.

I mean, that's what its all about right? Does 7-7 really satisfy?

So that's why I was willing to sign on with Warner.

But Warner is nothing more than a stop gap. We still need our QB of the future.

Which brings us back to Josh.

I don't agree that he's very inexperienced. But he is just 26. Still, how many more starts is it going to take for him to fully realize his potential?


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Crimson Warrior said:
This is kind of where I'm coming from. Josh won games last year, but realistically, he wasn't playing well enough to win playoff games.

I mean, that's what its all about right? Does 7-7 really satisfy?

So that's why I was willing to sign on with Warner.

But Warner is nothing more than a stop gap. We still need our QB of the future.

Which brings us back to Josh.

I don't agree that he's very inexperienced. But he is just 26. Still, how many more starts is it going to take for him to fully realize his potential?
Heres a short list from the top of my head there are more though. I will find them after some more research.

Terry Bradshaw took 5 years and 59 games befre he started to "get it" (Thanks Sir Chaz!)

Brad Johnson took 5 years and 8 starts before he seemed to "get it"

Trent Green took 8 years and 14 starts before he seemed to "get it"

Rich Gannon took 5 years and 23 starts before he seemd to "get it"

Jake Dellhome 6 years and 17 starts before he "got it"

Warren Moon 4 years and 45 starts before he started to "get it"

Matt Hasselbeck 4 years and 12 starts before he "got it"

Heck Jake Plummer 51 starts and 6 years he now obviously "gets it"

Steve Young took 6 years in 19 starts in his first 2 years with TB and he still didnt "get it"

Bottom line is many QB's just take a little more time.

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
skorp, are you saying that mccown is a good qb? are you saying that you believe that mccown will become a good qb? what are you saying? if he's only bound to be adequate we need to pass on him (pun intended). we've invested so much in our WR corps that to only have an adequate qb getting them the ball turns out to be a tremendous waste of investment.

yes, he's 7-7. i'll give him that. he's kept us in games. but other than the other night, has he won any? i'd say that even given his night our defense won that game. they shut out the opponent. if our offense hadn't given up 14pts our defense could have won with only a fg from the O.

i want our team to be a serious contender, not just a .500 team (and i know we have to take baby steps). i just don't think mccown has the makings of a qb of a contender. a .500 team? maybe. a contender? no.

Great post ouchie, I totally agree.

McCown is not a better QB than Warner but McCown might be the best QB for this team presently constituted. At least I once again have optimimism that our season can be saved if McCown plays out of his a$$. And thats ok. Do you think I was dissapointed when Jake had a career year and took our team to the playoffs and a first round upset? Hell No. That Dallas game might be one of the five best days of my life.

But I agree McCown is not the long term answer. Let some other team take the gamble and we should invest highly in the player that Graves and Denny thinks is a franchis QB. Whether that be Lienert, Young, Brees, Rivers, or Leak who knows? But I will say that I think there is a possibility that he could bring this team together and be the mobile Qb our offense needs to win. Who knows? I 'm going to lay off taking sides until this weekend at the very least but if Josh wins, then great. But like i said I have sen enough previously that worries me enough to make me wince at giving him a long term deal.

Whatever happens this season (barring something ridicoulous like the NFC championship) I don't really see why we should take a chance on Josh. Especially if has bad salary cap implications. But I hope like hell he plays well this season.
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Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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Heck Jake Plummer 51 starts and 6 years he now obviously "gets it"

You might get excited about some low yardage, efficient, but only above average performances in the first four games. I feel I know Plummer's offensive tendencies enough that makes me feel he will go on an interception streak that kills the Broncos chances. Thats just the type of player he is. Watch and see......


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Arizona's Finest said:
Heck Jake Plummer 51 starts and 6 years he now obviously "gets it"

You might get excited about some low yardage, efficient, but only above average performances in the first four games. I feel I know Plummer's offensive tendencies enough that makes me feel he will go on an interception streak that kills the Broncos chances. Thats just the type of player he is. Watch and see......

Sorry but Jakes last 3 season have been very good. He hasent needed to be as productive this year. He is playing very well in Denver.


Jan 12, 2005
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Warner is a better QB than McNown but why is there a need for any controversy? Warner is injured and McCown has his chance to prove himself. Last week was the first step, a much needed confidence builder. But he needs to show more consistency and succeed against better defenses. Ive been a bit of a McCown basher but Id be happy to eat my words if McNown came out and showed a lot of improvement. But to say he is the better fit for the team is a bit of a stretch. Sure, with a poor OL the ideal QB would be Michael Vick and Jerome Bettis as RB. But this logic is silly, we need to fix the OL! Fitting the QB to an awful OL is a stopgap measure at best.


R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
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Chandler AZ.
For the most part

will someone just copy some of what I've said on other threads about MCCown and Warner to here? :D
The D did have a shut out and in all fairness played up to what I thought they'd be doing all year. Funny thing, is the O had some drives and kept them off the field alot of that game. They go hand in hand.
Now, I'm coming right out and saying it I'm a McCown lover! He's got some very good skills and I believe he will be a very good QB in the future.
I AM NOT a Warner hater. I root just as hard for him as McCown.
This crap has to stop. It's driving Cards fans away. Sanders said it earlier "WE WON". McCown was the QB when we did it. If he only loses 3 of the rest of the games and runs the table for us, and we win the division, are any of us STILL going to be arguing this?
He's a Cardinal and he won a game for us, along with the rest of the team.
I talked to guys on the D last year and was told that they didn't agree with Green, they weren't getting pissed at McCown or the O, they were winning and loved the love they wqerew getting from us at SDS.
Win Sunday Cards, with McCown at the helm and the D haviung a great game. Let Shipp and Arrington get over 110 yards rushing between them. Let Wakefield have a Wake"FIELD" day on Peppers.
Maybe then we'll all be happy.


R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
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Chandler AZ.

I'm glad some other Cards fans think McCown did alright last week. I was beginning to think I was out of me head! :D

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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jstadvl said:
I'm glad some other Cards fans think McCown did alright last week. I was beginning to think I was out of me head! :D

McCown did fine he was not perfect by any means as some seem to think, but I really liked how he is finally throwing the ball down the field. This was always my biggest beef with Josh he never used to do this on a consistent basis at all. It was dump after dump after dump pass or full charged heads down run (which fans love, and I think is incredibly stupid for a starting QB to do). The last game was not the first time Josh has completely missed wide open recievers streaking down the field.

I personally do not want to see this as a fan when you have arguably two of the best recievers in the NFC.

Maybe he has finally figured it out and will get the ball to hs play makers...having said that I also think Warner is a good QB who given time will put up results and wins. Remember he only has had 3 games and it's not like the losses were on his shoulders alone. It's really weak thinking to automatically make that association that because Josh was the QB who won against a weak team that it was only the QB the prevented us from being 4-0.

We'll see how he does against Carolina, I for one am really pumped this is a huge game.
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R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
Chandler AZ.
Point is

assomeone else said. If we lose it will be because McCown stunk. If we win it will be because the D, or WR's or RB's or soemone else palyed great.
Your correct, win OR lose, it doesn't just fall on one player.
That's why I'd like to see evryone have a great game. So everyone on the board is happy.


May 5, 2003
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jstadvl said:
assomeone else said. If we lose it will be because McCown stunk. If we win it will be because the D, or WR's or RB's or soemone else palyed great.

Interesting take. I see from many here that if we lose its because of the D or the line. If we win its because Josh was the second coming of christ himself.

I hope he does great and not only wins but locks up the job for the next 7 years.

However, just watching HBO NFL countdown they showed Josh's locker room speech. Not one person clapped or cheered after he was done. I saw a lot of that in the army when someone no one respects tried to rally us after days and days of training.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
swd1974 said:
However, just watching HBO NFL countdown they showed Josh's locker room speech. Not one person clapped or cheered after he was done. I saw a lot of that in the army when someone no one respects tried to rally us after days and days of training.

Once again another person making a whole lot of something out of nothing. Its funny how the people that noticed this fail to say that after each statement McCown made there was a plethura of players saying "yea" and agreeing with him and nodding their heads with tempered enthusiasm. cant say I blame them we are still 1-3


ASFN Addict
Aug 17, 2004
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Phoenix, az
Shane H said:
Once again another person making a whole lot of something out of nothing. Its funny how the people that noticed this fail to say that after each statement McCown made there was a plethura of players saying "yea" and agreeing with him and nodding their heads with tempered enthusiasm. cant say I blame them we are still 1-3

I agree. Also they were all holding hands getting ready for a prayer. Would have been odd if everyone jumped up and started hollering. Even if they weren't..who cares? He said exactly what most would say.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
spanky1 said:
How true skkorp.......of the following "YOUNG GUNS", I would take McCown over:

Kyle Boller
But Boller's 14-11 as a starter. He must be better than McCown because all he does is win. :rolleyes:


Sep 23, 2002
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Mesa, AZ
Maybe it is just me but I enjoy wins. If that means Josh throws for 110yds and 1 TD and the Cards win...well...gimme the f-ing win and I will look towards next weekend. The Cards didn't get an extra half win because Josh threw for over 300 yards, or because the D pitched a shutout. They got a W and the team got off the shnide for at least 1 week. Contrary to the QB doomsday crowd, Josh played a good game. It wasn;t perfect but show me how many QBs are perfect on any weekend let alone over the course of a year. Skkorp siad it best...even the greats right now make bad reads or miss wide open happens people. Good gravy, we won the freaking game on Sunday and people are still bellyaching.

What will ahppen if/when the Cards win a Super Bowl??? Everyone going to be pissing and moaning about a dropped screen pass in the 2nd Q of that game instead of enjoying the win...because it sure seems like some people have not enjoyed this win very much...mostly because McCown was involved.

For whomever asked why people hate McCown so much, here is my take. He was a MAc guy and the bitter taste in some peoples mouths causes them to refuse to believe that McCown is anything but a clerk at Home Depot because Mac know, Mac sucks and Graves sucked as GM so they guys they picked...all of them sucked too and McCown is just lucky enough to be in the highest profile position on the team so the venom and hatred (and there is hatred for McCown the player...anyone who says otherwise is either stupid or blind) for him and his play is magnified.

I hope Josh crams it down everyones throats this weekend so we can relish another win while the anti-Josh brigade returns to remind everyone why he sucks so much when the team seems to respond when he is starting at QB...oh what was I thinking, it was ONLY know that CFL team.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
AZCB34 said:
For whomever asked why people hate McCown so much, here is my take. He was a MAc guy and the bitter taste in some peoples mouths causes them to refuse to believe that McCown is anything but a clerk at Home Depot because Mac know, Mac sucks and Graves sucked as GM so they guys they picked...all of them sucked too and McCown is just lucky enough to be in the highest profile position on the team so the venom and hatred (and there is hatred for McCown the player...anyone who says otherwise is either stupid or blind) for him and his play is magnified.

This is so true. As evidence of the Josh bashers who are all over Navarre's jock even though he is terrible and has looked nothing but terrible. But hey he is Greens guy he must be great.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Redsz said:
I agree. I really don't understand some of the 'venom' that gets spat at Josh on here. It seems some people take this personally.

why do you all think it's "venom?" no one has anything personal against josh. in fact, i'd be willing to guess that everyone on this board would probably acknowledge that he's a nice upstanding citizen. just b/c fans of the team criticize his play - and nothing that anyone has pointed out is wrong, it's just opinion - doesn't mean anyone is piling on mccown. it just means that people have strong opinions in regards to josh's abilities.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
why do you all think it's "venom?" no one has anything personal against josh. in fact, i'd be willing to guess that everyone on this board would probably acknowledge that he's a nice upstanding citizen. just b/c fans of the team criticize his play - and nothing that anyone has pointed out is wrong, it's just opinion - doesn't mean anyone is piling on mccown. it just means that people have strong opinions in regards to josh's abilities.

Sorry Ouchie but when people start calling him McClown and a dumbazz and getting the way they do then its venom. No need to say things such as that in relation to his play is there?


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Skkorpion said:
No, I don't think todays McCown is a good QB. I think he's talented and riding a three game cusp on whether he will become truly good or sink into mediocrity.

But he's shown enough to merit the shot.

My personal opinion is that he compares to Rich Ganon, a QB who took a long time to develop and was let go by Dennis Green.

It is also my personal opinion that Josh McCown will persevere and that he is our QB of the future. If he proves otherwise, dump him.

And ASUCHRIS, I agree, nothing personal. I jumped into this because swd, wildcard, and Russ were going too far in their criticisms. Nothing personal either to all the forementioned.

I like McCown. But to K9, I love Phillip Rivers. I'd trade half our team for Rivers.

This has been a good discussion but I think I know QBs. McCown will win this job.

honestly skorp, i hope you're right. i just don't see it in him. i know he has the physical tools, but what he's exhibited in a mental football sense leaves a lot to be desired. and i just don't see the leadership necessary from the position. just my humble opinion.


I'm saying you ARE stuck in Wichita
Mar 20, 2003
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Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
why do you all think it's "venom?" no one has anything personal against josh. in fact, i'd be willing to guess that everyone on this board would probably acknowledge that he's a nice upstanding citizen. just b/c fans of the team criticize his play - and nothing that anyone has pointed out is wrong, it's just opinion - doesn't mean anyone is piling on mccown. it just means that people have strong opinions in regards to josh's abilities.

Grrr, I hate agreeing with you Ouchie! :D

So if ya dont like his play and point out things that he does wrong, you're a "Josh-hater' if you only look at the good and that he has made some strides,'re gay for Josh...
I've saw his play last week, it was good. Now I'm a Josh lover. On the other hand, he played against the 9ers and that's not a true test...ooops, now I'm a Josh basher.

McCown threads are good for one thing...padding my post count!!:thumbup:


Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
why do you all think it's "venom?" no one has anything personal against josh. in fact, i'd be willing to guess that everyone on this board would probably acknowledge that he's a nice upstanding citizen. just b/c fans of the team criticize his play - and nothing that anyone has pointed out is wrong, it's just opinion - doesn't mean anyone is piling on mccown. it just means that people have strong opinions in regards to josh's abilities.

The venom is not directed at Josh the person...never is which is good, well except for the idiots who use the McClown tag because that makes it personal...but there is hatred and venom for Josh the QB. and that happens in the heat of a game but during the week, the amount of anger towards Josh's play, after a WIN, is staggering. He had a good game and this board is more dysfunctional after a WIN mostly because of the Josh factor, than after a loss.

I can only shake my head at this because I don't get it. Instead of basking in the first win of the year, people are fiocusing pretty much all their energy and like/dislike on one guy...and that is the guy who had a very good game. Perfect? Nope, but it was still a good game for him.


Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
blindseyed said:
Grrr, I hate agreeing with you Ouchie! :D

So if ya dont like his play and point out things that he does wrong, you're a "Josh-hater' if you only look at the good and that he has made some strides,'re gay for Josh...
I've saw his play last week, it was good. Now I'm a Josh lover. On the other hand, he played against the 9ers and that's not a true test...ooops, now I'm a Josh basher.

McCown threads are good for one thing...padding my post count!!:thumbup:

The problem is, both sides use the -hater, -lover tags too freely and they are used in blanket ways...even I am probably guilty of that. But there is this venom underlying the "hater" crowd that compels the "lover" crowd to try and rise up in defense. Both sides have their points, and if you look at it unemotionally, both sides are right...and both sides are wrong. The problem of course is that some on each side refuse to accept anything the other side says even when there is evidence supporting that view.