Metta World Peace Assaults Harden (ugly vid)


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Nov 17, 2003
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Gee From The G
Raja Bell didn't know what he was doing when he clotheslined Kobe. He was merely... Ah who am I kidding? Raja premeditated and executed that clothesline with precision. And I love him to this day for it.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Folks, please avoid replying to Donald. He is mentally unstable and you should know better.

If you get a retort it is your fault for provoking a response. Any reply is not his fault and it is yours for bugging him.

(Sorry Donald, but this one was wide open). Like you and your stock advice man, but this defense is kind of crazy.

And this... :thumbup:

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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To recap my point, IMO, Metta didn't know wtf he was doing...not that he didn't maliciously throw an elbow and purposefully do it (who would even think that??), but that he was in some super crazy man zone, got bumped and did a get the ef off me move. The fact that he kept on running afterwards, IMO, shows his complete break with reality at that moment...he was incredibly amped up, didn't even realize what he did. When Westbrook and Ibaka were coming at him to fight, he looks genuinely taken aback with hardly any realization why he was being confronted. It's frighteningly bizarre.

People like Artest when provoked or over stimulated make irrational DECISIONS in the heat of the moment and are unable to resist acting on urges like the average person. They don't have that little voice in their head that says "stop". Usually this results in impulsive actions hurting others and often results in an assault. He is a classic case of someone with an Impulse Control Disorder.

I am speaking from experience of growing up with a father with similar issues. You learn a thing or two growing up with someone who goes through years of counseling for the same disorder. I personally don't believe Artest premeditated his shot to Harden's dome and is not usually the case with people with rage issues. However, they are aware of what they are doing when they do it. They just can't help themselves. They often "act" out on even momentary thoughts that pop into their head that normal people just let go of.

Seriously, I almost laughed my ass off when Kobe talked about how sweet Artest was. So, was my father...until you pissed him off or he got worked up. Artest's own father said Artest has had these issues since he was a little boy and the reason he put him into boxing when he was little. This problem has haunted him his entire life and career.

Seriously, Donald...this guy has a serious mental disorder and is fully aware of what he did and did know what he was doing. Aside from the fact that most people with this disorder usually go through the denial stage as a symptom....he also knows it would further damage his already tarnished image.

Dude needs some serious life long counseling and probably some medication.
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Sep 1, 2010
Reaction score
I hate to say it Donald but the only one spinning this is you brother.

Folks, please avoid replying to Donald. He is mentally unstable and you should know better.

If you get a retort it is your fault for provoking a response. Any reply is not his fault and it is yours for bugging him.

(Sorry Donald, but this one was wide open). Like you and your stock advice man, but this defense is kind of crazy.

I honestly feel that I have "spun it" in the same exact light that Donald has. I am far more guilty, I have been laughing my ass off and just calling it how I see it. I haven't ever really hung out with Donald, schooled him in some yard style football one time but...

I was pretty much the one who stated crazy beard was funny for jumping in Godzilla's way. Did crazy beard have the right to be there? Absolutely. Yall trip on folks that aren;t wearing the same caps, or yall just got me on ignore...neither is acceptable!!!! :mulli:Fully a Mully because I have been way more supportave of the crazy meeting crazy case, Donald just replied and yall put him on roast. For shame, giving him those types of elbows!!! Homie stated like 18 times, Artest is crazy, he doesn't have a World Peace tattoo. Crazy beard wasn't going for no inbound pass, and it doesn't even matter why or how it happened anyways. He got clocked in the head for no good reason!!!! If you can explain Ron Artest's actions... you are fooling yourselves.

Donald, sorry man. & to the Suns fans, I'd rather Beat LA than beat off, so don't get it twisted.
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Sep 1, 2010
Reaction score
Raja Bell didn't know what he was doing when he clotheslined Kobe. He was merely... Ah who am I kidding? Raja premeditated and executed that clothesline with precision. And I love him to this day for it.



Jan 16, 2012
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Buckeye, Az
Raja Bell didn't know what he was doing when he clotheslined Kobe. He was merely... Ah who am I kidding? Raja premeditated and executed that clothesline with precision. And I love him to this day for it.

I loved it as well. It was just the right thing to do.


Oct 24, 2002
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You don't get my point, still. But that's ok.

To recap my point, IMO, Metta didn't know wtf he was doing...not that he didn't maliciously throw an elbow and purposefully do it (who would even think that??), but that he was in some super crazy man zone, got bumped and did a get the ef off me move. The fact that he kept on running afterwards, IMO, shows his complete break with reality at that moment...he was incredibly amped up, didn't even realize what he did. When Westbrook and Ibaka were coming at him to fight, he looks genuinely taken aback with hardly any realization why he was being confronted. It's frighteningly bizarre.

If he were actually headhunting Harden as some of you say, he would have MUCH more likely stood over him after he knocked him down, not scampered off and throwing yet another chest pound afterwards, either.

What he did was not done with forethought, it was reactionary and in the heat of the moment - which doesn't excuse it in any way. The fact that he didn't know that he did it really lends to a break with reality, and frankly that should be what gets a massive suspension. He's dangerous. If it were a planned headhunting expedition, I'd have very little worry about it, and he should get only a couple of games - elbows are not considered fists in the NBA, and historic elbow suspensions are a game or two. Malone gave MANY more elbows that were worse than that. So did Shaq. But Metta Ron, at least in my opinion, had a brief, unexpected and incredibly violent snap with reality and that is downright frightening. He should get a very large suspension for that reason, and a lot of counseling before he steps back on the court.

Spin that how you want it, but Lakerfan or not, my way of looking at this is far more damaging than the "bad man threw an elbow" mentality of some others and Mike Breen. Ron Artest has mental issues, and right now we saw those issues unfold violently because a dude bumped him. And yes, Harden bumps guys after scores quite's a Kendrick Perkins play that I notice Harden also does. Regardless, it doesn't make it right and it isn't Harden's fault, either.

There it is. Spin as you will.

OK. I actually agree with you a little. It actually makes the incident even more scary. He might have played his last nba game. He could be suspended for the rest of the year. I doubt the Lakers will keep him and I cannot imagine who else would pick him up.


Mar 22, 2007
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OK. I actually agree with you a little. It actually makes the incident even more scary. He might have played his last nba game. He could be suspended for the rest of the year. I doubt the Lakers will keep him and I cannot imagine who else would pick him up.

Um, duh... Look at what Rodman got when he fell over that photographer and kicked him in the nuts, and then was suspended. Whatever Dennis Rodman got, Meta will get. It's virtually the same situation, except Meta's a little more dangerously crazy and Rodman involved an individual who was not part of the game (but was also not a paying fan).

Artest is the way too easy scapegoat for what people see as a trend recently: hitting people hard to send a message. Everybody was talking about it whenever Blake Griffin was bumped during the Suns game. And then when he actually was hit pretty hard, the culprit (Robin Lopez) wasn't suspended a single game. And then you also look at what Dwayne Wade did to Rip Hamilton in the Bulls game - he literally pushed him away and at the ground. Lebron also hit someone about two thirds his size, I guess to send a message to Earl Boykins to not even think about signing with Chicago off waivers. This Ron Artest thing was bad, but if Artest is the guy who becomes the face of the NBA's efforts to combat unsportsmanlike plays with intent to be excessively physical, then it still allows for guys like D. Wade to feel like his recent actions are okay, because he's not a psychopath like Artest.

I don't think they're going to overreact with Artest. But the next guy to do something questionably dirty is going to get royally F'd.


Standing Tall And Traded
Sep 22, 2002
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Boise, ID
Um, duh... Look at what Rodman got when he fell over that photographer and kicked him in the nuts, and then was suspended. Whatever Dennis Rodman got, Meta will get. It's virtually the same situation, except Meta's a little more dangerously crazy and Rodman involved an individual who was not part of the game (but was also not a paying fan).

Artest is the way too easy scapegoat for what people see as a trend recently: hitting people hard to send a message. Everybody was talking about it whenever Blake Griffin was bumped during the Suns game. And then when he actually was hit pretty hard, the culprit (Robin Lopez) wasn't suspended a single game. And then you also look at what Dwayne Wade did to Rip Hamilton in the Bulls game - he literally pushed him away and at the ground. Lebron also hit someone about two thirds his size, I guess to send a message to Earl Boykins to not even think about signing with Chicago off waivers. This Ron Artest thing was bad, but if Artest is the guy who becomes the face of the NBA's efforts to combat unsportsmanlike plays with intent to be excessively physical, then it still allows for guys like D. Wade to feel like his recent actions are okay, because he's not a psychopath like Artest.

I don't think they're going to overreact with Artest. But the next guy to do something questionably dirty is going to get royally F'd.

Tend to agree about the handling of other hits, weird that some of those got nothing. I do think because artest is a repeat offender, he'll get plenty of punishment. Mostly because it was pretty violent (Wind back and followthrough on a guys head) If that Elbow connected with hardens shoulder, Harden may still finish out the game.

If harden was facing him, it could have been much worse. Based on the action of swinging a high elbow, that alone would maybe be 2-3 games. But since it connected violently, and its from Arest, he needs to be sat down more.


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Folks, please avoid replying to Donald. He is mentally unstable and you should know better.

If you get a retort it is your fault for provoking a response. Any reply is not his fault and it is yours for bugging him.

(Sorry Donald, but this one was wide open). Like you and your stock advice man, but this defense is kind of crazy.

It's not defense of it...if you really see where I'm coming from, it's a much more damning viewpoint than him acting like a Karl Malone.


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
People like Artest when provoked or over stimulated make irrational DECISIONS in the heat of the moment and are unable to resist acting on urges like the average person. They don't have that little voice in their head that says "stop". Usually this results in impulsive actions hurting others and often results in an assault. He is a classic case of someone with an Impulse Control Disorder.

I am speaking from experience of growing up with a father with similar issues. You learn a thing or two growing up with someone who goes through years of counseling for the same disorder. I personally don't believe Artest premeditated his shot to Harden's dome and is not usually the case with people with rage issues. However, they are aware of what they are doing when they do it. They just can't help themselves. They often "act" out on even momentary thoughts that pop into their head that normal people just let go of.

Seriously, I almost laughed my ass off when Kobe talked about how sweet Artest was. So, was my father...until you pissed him off or he got worked up. Artest's own father said Artest has had these issues since he was a little boy and the reason he put him into boxing when he was little. This problem has haunted him his entire life and career.

Seriously, Donald...this guy has a serious mental disorder and is fully aware of what he did and did know what he was doing. Aside from the fact that most people with this disorder usually go through the denial stage as a symptom....he also knows it would further damage his already tarnished image.

Dude needs some serious life long counseling and probably some medication.

I agree all the way across the board - but with the caveat that when in that moment they don't actually realize what they did until the rage passes by...which was shortly after Ibaka challenged him. In the moment, those people don't know what they are doing, it's all reactionary and crazed (I had an uncle just like this, great guy but when he snapped, holy crap...almost hit me with a hose's metal end once but I barely avoided it). Afterwards they will completely make excuses as Ron is (accidental, it wasn't accidental).

It's almost like there are two people...the normal guy and the hulk guy...the hulk guy knows what he is doing, and then the normal guy snaps in and quickly figures out..oh crap, look what I just did..they are usually then flooded with guilt and remorse...which I'm not seeing from Ron right now and that also IMO should warrant a larger suspension. But you are right, he knows if he owns up in any way, he'll get hammered by the league. He knows he didn't do it accidentally, but I don't think he realized he did it until a minute after it was done.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
People like Artest when provoked or over stimulated make irrational DECISIONS in the heat of the moment and are unable to resist acting on urges like the average person. They don't have that little voice in their head that says "stop". Usually this results in impulsive actions hurting others and often results in an assault. He is a classic case of someone with an Impulse Control Disorder.

I am speaking from experience of growing up with a father with similar issues. You learn a thing or two growing up with someone who goes through years of counseling for the same disorder. I personally don't believe Artest premeditated his shot to Harden's dome and is not usually the case with people with rage issues. However, they are aware of what they are doing when they do it. They just can't help themselves. They often "act" out on even momentary thoughts that pop into their head that normal people just let go of.

Seriously, I almost laughed my ass off when Kobe talked about how sweet Artest was. So, was my father...until you pissed him off or he got worked up. Artest's own father said Artest has had these issues since he was a little boy and the reason he put him into boxing when he was little. This problem has haunted him his entire life and career.

Seriously, Donald...this guy has a serious mental disorder and is fully aware of what he did and did know what he was doing. Aside from the fact that most people with this disorder usually go through the denial stage as a symptom....he also knows it would further damage his already tarnished image.

Dude needs some serious life long counseling and probably some medication.

Perfectly stated...

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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I agree all the way across the board - but with the caveat that when in that moment they don't actually realize what they did until the rage passes by...which was shortly after Ibaka challenged him. In the moment, those people don't know what they are doing, it's all reactionary and crazed (I had an uncle just like this, great guy but when he snapped, holy crap...almost hit me with a hose's metal end once but I barely avoided it). Afterwards they will completely make excuses as Ron is (accidental, it wasn't accidental).

It's almost like there are two people...the normal guy and the hulk guy...the hulk guy knows what he is doing, and then the normal guy snaps in and quickly figures out..oh crap, look what I just did..they are usually then flooded with guilt and remorse...which I'm not seeing from Ron right now and that also IMO should warrant a larger suspension. But you are right, he knows if he owns up in any way, he'll get hammered by the league. He knows he didn't do it accidentally, but I don't think he realized he did it until a minute after it was done.

He he is not schizophrenic which would be what your describing. Many of the case studies show it's more like an out of body experience with no control over your actions versus snapping, having amnesia and not knowing what you did until after the fact. The guilt, remorse and denial stems from the "OMG why did I do this" that follows.
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Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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To me the reality is the closer you get to the playoffs the worse something like that is. Because if you take out a key player on another team with a cheapshot it materially impacts the game. So the NBA HAS to come down on him. Not saying Harden will miss the playoffs but what if his jaw was broken or something worse?

They HAVE to throw the book at MWP to send a message not only is safety critical, we do not want the NBA to have "goons" who are there as enforcers. Even hockey is trying to phase that out, the NBA can't stand for it.


Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
To me the reality is the closer you get to the playoffs the worse something like that is. Because if you take out a key player on another team with a cheapshot it materially impacts the game. So the NBA HAS to come down on him. Not saying Harden will miss the playoffs but what if his jaw was broken or something worse?

They HAVE to throw the book at MWP to send a message not only is safety critical, we do not want the NBA to have "goons" who are there as enforcers. Even hockey is trying to phase that out, the NBA can't stand for it.

Based on his past Ron should be judged differently too. This is a guy who has snapped before and displayed levels of violence that would be frowned upon in a prison yard, much less an NBA game.

At minimum his season should be over, and if I was the NBA I would be tempted to end his career. If they let him back and he goes and does something like this again down the road, the victimized player, or fan, would be well within his rights to sue the pants off the league.


Hall of Famer
Oct 12, 2010
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I disagree (sort of). I think there are a few players in the NBA that are scum. I don't think Artest is one of them. I think he's actually a pretty decent guy most of the time. But Ron has a real problem. He's bat-crap crazy. I blame the NBA for this action more than I blame Artest. He's demonstrated a lack of control many times at both the NBA and collegiate level and enough is enough.

It's time the commissioner sits down with him and promises Artest the full support of the league as he deals with his issues and they should do everything they can to assist him in adjusting to life without basketball. But, make no mistake, it should be life WITHOUT basketball. It's not fair to the rest of the players to put them on the court with a man that has demonstrated time and again a willingness to assault others without regard for consequence.

While separating him permanently from the NBA might seem like harsh punishment, I'm not suggesting it should be done as punishment. I say suspend him in a manner consistent with the league standards and dock his pay the corresponding amount as a disciplinary action. Then, treat him as you would any other player with a disability that prevents further play.


Great post.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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7 games... in other words, just in time for the Lakers to be at full strength when they need to be when they face OKC.

That's a joke. Dude started the biggest brawl of all time, has been kicked out of numerous games for violent acts, clotheslined a guy half his size in the playoffs last year and then does this... and he still gets to play in the playoffs again? That doesn't sit well with me.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Agree. I was really surprised it was for only 7 games. I hope Ron gets an elbow to the temple when he comes back.

best way to beat a bully is to wipe their asses out on the court... just like the Mavs did last year to the Lakers... just like the Bulls did to the Pistons years ago. if you get caught up in their tactics, they'll end up screwing with you until you blow up, just like the Suns did versus the Spurs. The Thunder have to be smarter than that.


Registered User
Nov 3, 2004
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7 games... in other words, just in time for the Lakers to be at full strength when they need to be when they face OKC.

That's a joke. Dude started the biggest brawl of all time, has been kicked out of numerous games for violent acts, clotheslined a guy half his size in the playoffs last year and then does this... and he still gets to play in the playoffs again? That doesn't sit well with me.

Artest has been suspended like 12 times in 13 years in the NBA. that's nuts.

i thought and hoped Stern would take a hard look at the other professional sports (especially the way the NHL handled Torres), and finally come down hard on Artest.

Stern is a ****.


Phoenix native; Lifelong Suns Fan
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Jul 31, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
It's a difficult time for the Lakers to lose World Peace. Reserve small forward Matt Barnes suffered a sprained right ankle in Sunday's win, and will not accompany the team for the regular-season finale. Second year forward Devin Ebanks, who played through the fourth quarter and both overtimes against the Thunder on Sunday, dropped a weight on his left hand during a workout Tuesday, suffering bruises to his ring and middle fingers.

Ahhhhh. Poor babies. :cry: