I keep reading Kerr has no leverage. This isn't true. Whenever you're negotiating the best leverage you have is the power to walk away. If Miami really wants Amare they still have to deal with that reality.
If Kerr walks away what does that do to Miami's chances of keeping Wade?
Miami must be gun ho in their thought that Amare WILL be in Miami this offseason through FA. in that respect they have all the leverage. in their mind its "well, you can take our package for him now, OR we'll just take him away in a few months anyway."
IF Miami, Phoenix, AND Amare were 100% sure that no matter what Amare were in Heat uni this offseason, then in fact Miami has all the leverage and Kerr has none. and it appears as though the Heat are acting that this is the case.
Amare probably will not resign with the suns. the bridges have been burned IMO. management has talked about trading him for how many years now? and they have done nothing. by this time i think amare is thinking "screw it, i'm out." knowing that Kerr has placed an extremely low value on him makes it even worse.