I get that point but again look at the timeline. IF they were in fact talking about Ayton obviously he'd already committed, and may have even been on campus. Which is why getting him locked down, not signed, is relevant. If it was Ayton in that timeframe, the most obvious answer is Miller was afraid Ayton was going to what Terrance Ferguson did and go pro, so he was confirming with Dawkins that a deal for money was in place. Why Dawkins? Because Dawkins was being funded by Andy Miller, and if they needed money to pay a player, you do it through a 3rd party and ASM sports is the perfect example of such a 3rd party.
Right now I don't have a clue what happened, I said originally it amazed me Miller would be dumb enough to do this, I also think it makes no sense for ESPN to dig in this much if they at all think it's possible they're wrong. The SI story quoted earlier is still going off the old timeline so the entire point of the story is wrong since ESPN has gone back to the original 2017 timeline.
I think it's entirely possible that Miller didn't do what ESPN said he did, or it's a different player and the discussion was about Bowen. Millers argument then is we didn't agree to pay him and he didn't commit to arizona. The problem for Miller is that we know for a fact that Bowen went under oath and said I was going to commit to arizona, I didn't because neither Trier nor Alkins went pro, so I went somewhere else(Louisville). If Miller is saying the reason we didn't get Bowen is we didn't agree to pay him, Bowen contradicts that, they DID get Bowen, he simply passed because he didn't see obvious PT behind Trier and Alkins. That doesn't prove they agreed to pay him of course but that's the entire intent of what Miller said, he didn't go to arizona because we didn't agree to pay him.
The timeline is also consistent with Nassir Little.
and it's consistent with the idea that they were trying to "lock in" Ayton.
ESPN appears to have made a bunch of mistakes, they are insistent the core of their story is still true, that Miller is on tape discussing paying ayton.
I assume we'll eventually find out who's right and who's wrong, I agree it's unlikely Miller will sign because he can't prove malice. Someone leaked this to ESPN, if Miller can find out who, he might be able to sue them instead of ESPN.
It's a bizarre story.