NBA Off Season Thread


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
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Jan 27, 2005
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Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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Now that Aldridge is officially a Spur he is the enemy. LOL. So, hopefully this year is the year it all spectacularly falls apart age wise.

It's fun to switch gears.

Aldridge turns 30 July 19th. The Spurs are really getting old. Duncan and Ginobili can't keep playing forever. GS is carrying the new banner.

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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The Dark Side


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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A player the Lakers are getting. Celtics' PF.

Lakers, free agent Brandon Bass agree to deal

They also got last year's 6th Man of the Year, Lou Williams. May trade Nick Young.

Lakers reach deal with Sixth Man of the Year Lou Williams

I wish the Suns had kept the Lakers pick. ;)

Brandon Bass is solid depth.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Certainly not a bargain but a lot of players are getting overpaid or looking ahead to the new cap.

A player the Suns are reportedly have some interest (as well as other teams) is Kevin Seraphin, a FC. He is not a name player but he would be solid depth for the Suns frontline.

Seraphin? Why on earth are the Suns even considering another PF who is weak on the boards? Tolliver was almost understandable since he was a so-so threat from 3. Seraphin is not. He doesn't stand out in any positive way. He also turns the ball over a lot for the number of assists he gets: ast/TO = .6... beaucoup fouls, too.

It could be worse... we could be pursuing Ryan Kelly (let go by Lakers) who has the lowest rebound rate I've ever seen for a PF - 4.3/36 min. I don't think we have a guard with a rate that low.

How did Lou Williams win 6th man of the year - a SG who takes half his shots from behind the arc and hits only 34%. On top of that he's a defensive liability. Any GSW sub performed better than that.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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Seraphin? Why on earth are the Suns even considering another PF who is weak on the boards? Tolliver was almost understandable since he was a so-so threat from 3. Seraphin is not. He doesn't stand out in any positive way. He also turns the ball over a lot for the number of assists he gets: ast/TO = .6... beaucoup fouls, too.

It could be worse... we could be pursuing Ryan Kelly (let go by Lakers) who has the lowest rebound rate I've ever seen for a PF - 4.3/36 min. I don't think we have a guard with a rate that low.

How did Lou Williams win 6th man of the year - a SG who takes half his shots from behind the arc and hits only 34%. On top of that he's a defensive liability. Any GSW sub performed better than that.

The pickings are slim unless the Suns do a trade. Seraphin would be depth.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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That's sounds about right.

IMO, the super NBA teams are ruining the NBA in their ability to corner the market on players. I'm not sure what can be done about it. It was good that GS won the title last season but now they will become an elite team.


Oct 24, 2002
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IMO, the super NBA teams are ruining the NBA in their ability to corner the market on players. I'm not sure what can be done about it. It was good that GS won the title last season but now they will become an elite team.

Only 1 team has won a title that way and that is Miami. While others have tried to attract multiple quality free agents, it has failed to produce domination for those teams.

Miami, while the won two titles, they were not able to keep it together.
Lakers with the Mailman and Gary Payton failed.

I do not think the Spurs are a lock to win this year either.


Oct 10, 2011
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IMO, the super NBA teams are ruining the NBA in their ability to corner the market on players. I'm not sure what can be done about it. It was good that GS won the title last season but now they will become an elite team.

Is this anything new? Fading studs have been jumping on the coattails of contenders for ages. Walton to the Celtics, Barkley to the Rockets, Malone and Payton to the Lakers, and those are just some of the stars. Remember when the Suns brought in Danny Manning and AC Green to be role players at a pittance of their market value?

And of those guys I just listed only Walton got a ring out of it. It helps the big teams stay in the hunt but it does not win them the title, a teams top 5 guys do about 90% of the lifting when it gets down to the nitty gritty.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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Only 1 team has won a title that way and that is Miami. While others have tried to attract multiple quality free agents, it has failed to produce domination for those teams.

Miami, while the won two titles, they were not able to keep it together.
Lakers with the Mailman and Gary Payton failed.

I do not think the Spurs are a lock to win this year either.

I agree with you. I'm not looking for the Spurs to come out of the West.

As I recall Malone and Payton were on the tail end of their careers with the Lakers.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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Is this anything new? Fading studs have been jumping on the coattails of contenders for ages. Walton to the Celtics, Barkley to the Rockets, Malone and Payton to the Lakers, and those are just some of the stars. Remember when the Suns brought in Danny Manning and AC Green to be role players at a pittance of their market value?

And of those guys I just listed only Walton got a ring out of it. It helps the big teams stay in the hunt but it does not win them the title, a teams top 5 guys do about 90% of the lifting when it gets down to the nitty gritty.

It just seems stars trying to bundle together on certain teams (like Miami) has become more prevalent. I do not have any stats to prove it but I didn't feel this way until Miami did their thing with Lebron, Bosh and Wade. Now it seems to be the thing to do. It's not that it didn't happen before but it feels more like a planned thing these days.

A thought, it could be the star players make so much money these days they are not afraid to leave huge dollars on the table like David West. They are more like independent entrepreneurs.


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Banned from P+R
Jan 2, 2003
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IMO, the super NBA teams are ruining the NBA in their ability to corner the market on players. I'm not sure what can be done about it. It was good that GS won the title last season but now they will become an elite team.

I think it's hypocritical for Suns fans to be complaining about this when they could have been considered a "super-team" back in 1993-5 when coming off 62 and 56 win seasons they went out and not only got THE biggest FA on the market in back to back years, but completely circumvented the cap to do, signing AC Green and Manning to one year, one million dollar deals.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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I think it's hypocritical for Suns fans to be complaining about this when they could have been considered a "super-team" back in 1993-5 when coming off 62 and 56 win seasons they went out and not only got THE biggest FA on the market in back to back years, but completely circumvented the cap to do, signing AC Green and Manning to one year, one million dollar deals.

Wow. Did we have a knock down drag out conversation about this before.

I don't think the Suns ever created a "super team" in Phoenix as they have never have won a championship. Jerry Colangelo certainly did establish a pipeline to get some top players for the Suns based upon his reputation of being a man of his word. Were his methods unethical? I don't think so but you can judge for yourself.

I think what we should be discussing are these types of methods good for the game. My answer is no.


Long time Phoenician!
Sep 16, 2002
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NE Phoenix
Is this anything new? Fading studs have been jumping on the coattails of contenders for ages. Walton to the Celtics, Barkley to the Rockets, Malone and Payton to the Lakers, and those are just some of the stars. Remember when the Suns brought in Danny Manning and AC Green to be role players at a pittance of their market value?

And of those guys I just listed only Walton got a ring out of it. It helps the big teams stay in the hunt but it does not win them the title, a teams top 5 guys do about 90% of the lifting when it gets down to the nitty gritty.
Walton, Barkley, Malone and Payton were indeed fading studs with the teams you mention.

We just got one in Chandler. But the Suns are so mediocre that even a fading stud is immediately a real plus.


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Banned from P+R
Jan 2, 2003
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Wow. Did we have a knock down drag out conversation about this before.

I don't think the Suns ever created a "super team" in Phoenix as they have never have won a championship.

And the Spurs didn't even get out of the first round last year and they're older then dirt... and most everyone here thought Aldridge's "wise" choice would go with us. As far as the Suns never creating a super-team because they didn't win doesn't take away from the fact that they tried like hell to create that team, does it? The Barkley/KJ/Majerle were "elite teams" and that ********* had 3 olympians and countless All-Star appearances between them, not to mention deep benches when they signed AC Green (who was the top FA when signed) and Manning (who was an multiple time All-Star and the top FA when he was signed).

And were you complaining about the Garnett rumors when it looked like we were going to trade Marion to put Nash/Amare/Garnett together? That would have rivaled any superteam as well.

Jerry Colangelo certainly did establish a pipeline to get some top players for the Suns based upon his reputation of being a man of his word. Were his methods unethical? I don't think so but you can judge for yourself.

I think what we should be discussing are these types of methods good for the game. My answer is no.

But hasn't Pop done exactly what Jerry has done? Again, feels like you think it's not good for the game... because right now it's not good for the Suns, whereas you didn't seem to have a problem with Jerry acting the exact same way (and a little shadier, which I had no problem with) as what Pop's doing.