P...P...P...Peyton Manning to AZ? The web is a buzz with it...

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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Peyton Manning is still one of the best QBs in the league. That "bad team" was a superbowl contender WITH Manning--they will be again with him at the helm next year.

With no Caldwell? No Polian? Likely no Reggie Wayne or Garcon?

And did anyone hear Andrew Luck at the FIesta bowl? Hes not going to sit behind another player....anywhere. This isn't Aaron Rodgers. This is the best QB prospect in the past 13 years. And you know who the last best prospect prior to him did when he got on his team? He started from Day 1.

If you draft Andrew Luck, obviously Peyton Manning isnt the long term answer there. So you either sit Luck for 3-4 year (not happening) OR pay Peyton 28 million FOR ONE YEAR. The roster bonus was set up the way it was under the assumption it would be the 2nd of multiple more years for Peyton.

Things have changed. Peytons not going to be a Colt in 2012. I would be shocked otherwise. And if he was, it would be public knowledge at this point that they planned to keep him. The report wouldnt be "both Peyton and Irsay" are going to make the decision. Why do you think its phrased that way? So when Peyton goes, it doesnt all fall at the feet of Irsay.

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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I'm not trying to say he SHOULDN'T come to AZ--like I said, the Cards should do everything they can to make it happen--but I just don't see it as likely.

Likely is a relative term here. If I had to bet, I would definitely take the field becasue ALOT has to happen for this to come to play.

But I think its just as silly to dismiss it out of hand. I bet this gets louder before it gets quieter....


My time of year!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Likely is a relative term here. If I had to bet, I would definitely take the field becasue ALOT has to happen for this to come to play.

But I think its just as silly to dismiss it out of hand. I bet this gets louder before it gets quieter....

Dont matter how many rumors swirl or how loud it gets Peyton will not be in AZ next year. or EVER!


Supporting Member
Jul 16, 2004
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This is thread is better than Leinart v. Warner, Leinart v. Max Hall, Kolb v. Skelton, etc etc threads.

Good work peeps.


Frank Kaminsky is my Hero.
Apr 2, 2005
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South Bay
One man's speculation has turned into chickens running around with their heads cut off.

There is nothing of substance that even indicates the Cards will make a push for the 36-year old QB with a bad neck. just Casserly (who I respect, btw) throwing out a possibility of AZ being a "dark horse."

I believe he gets cut (unless some desperate team wows them with a trade offer like Oakland did with Palmer) and IMO, the most likely destination for Peyton is NYJ.
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Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
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One man's speculation has turned into chickens running around with their heads cut off.

There is nothing of substance that even indicates the Cards will make a push for the 36-year old QB with a bad neck. just Casserly (who I respect, btw) throwing out a possibility of AZ being a "dark horse."

I believe he gets cut (unless some desperate team wows them with a trade offer like Oakland did with Palmer) and IMO, the most likely destination for Peyton is NYJ.

IMHO... the wind swirling outdoor stadium in New Jersey is not the most likely destination for Manning.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Talks of Peyton Manning coming to the Cardinals is all the buzz right now on the Cardinals message board and on a few sports stations.

I have no idea how possible it is, but I'd be excited if it came true.

This is about as possible as man walking on the sun. Can you envision Mr. B. paying 28 mil a year for anyone? This is totally beyond belief. I predict Skelton will be our starter but the HC will be committed to start Kolb because we paid so much for him. I think he/we should be concerned about concussions. Evertime I see Ali I think about multiple concussions and how you could end up.

The Denver/Pittsburgh game was fun to watch yesterday. Tebow is some sort of an enigma. They guy could easily be a Fullback if he could not be a QB however he seems like a QB to me. A rookie who seems to win in spite of bad mechanics. I suspect he is the only QB in the NFL who can make the option play work. I do not care about his religion and I do not think others should. I realize he wears it on his sleeve but how is that in different than baseball players making the sign of the cross when going to bat. Many writers seem to hate him for his ways but he seems like a nice young man who I wish well. He sure made some great throws yesterday and is really hard to bring down. I have not seem the option in regular use for many years as QBs usually end up hurt but his guy is so tough and at 245 lbs minimum he hurts the opposition. Count me as a Tebow believer. We could have used him as our short yardage RB.

Denver is an 8/8 team just like us and moving on. Great to see for me.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
I dont get why people are so quick to toss this to the side like its pie in the sky or like pigs flying?

I mean Peyton isn't playing for the Colts next year. Its not going to happen no way no how and you arent making any leaps of logic to see where the Cardinals would be a palatable opportunity for him.

My question is how healthy is he? I have heard he was throwing to players already but not sure that means hes ready to play in an NFL game yet.

Funny thing is this is just the tip of the ice berg. Watch how much more this thought blows up coming up to March 8th. This is just the beginning.

Does anyone know the date the Cards have to make a decision on Kolb for 2012? I am hoping its at least a week or 2 after March 8th......

I think it is March? I suspect he will stay unless their are real concerns about the concussion issue. Of course Mr. B will always think about saving 26 mil or so over the contract when Skelton shows more promise than Kolb at this point. Here is a question for you: If you had to release either Kolb or Skelton today who would you release? My answer is Kolb for various reasons.

Cards Czar

The Bird is the Word
May 14, 2002
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Alton, Ill
Mannings salary is 7.5 Mil and his bonus that is due on 4 March is 28 Mil. If they take Luck you will be adding another 40-42 mil of 4-5 yrs. Thats ruffly around 46 mil just for those two. Thats about 35% of your total team funding for FY-12. That will not happen. You still have numerious players to sign and other draft picks. They just dont have enought money to resign all. Letting Payton go would free up alot of money for the team to get better in a hurry.
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john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
I actually think it's pretty likely he'll be playing for the Colts next year.

I agree and think he will be the starter. one has to wonder what does this do to the CAP of the team and their ability to sign some badly needed players. I do not know if Peyton would sign a short contract at this stage of his career so much will depend on what he wants to do. If he left it would be the equivalent of the Pujols departure.


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
Would any team be willing to take on his monster contract for next year? Or would they rather take their chances that he would hit the market and they could then make an offer that they were more comfortable making?

To me, the Cards are in the second group, so even if Peyton doesn't play for the Colts next season, I think he will be playing for someone who is willing to step up and secure him via trade.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Really? You think the Colts are going to pay Peyton Manning 28 million dollars for one year to play on a bad football team? To what, mentor Andrew Luck on a team that has no hope to win a Super Bowl?

Explain the logic to me. Why would the Colts do that? Why would Peyton go through that?

I have no idea how this will go down but it want necessarily depend on logic. I think Peyton is around 35 so if you are lucky you probably could get about 3 good years from him. If he left I think it would be to a team that was ready to win a super bowl and only needed a QB. He and the owner are very close. Peyton I would think will not follow the money as he has enough for 10 lifetimes. He could probably buy the Colts himself if the owner wanted to sell.


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
Just to reinforce what was pretty deeply buried in this thread is that the source was Charley Casserly (who speculated that a move like that would make a lot of sense). He was always considered a pretty savvy and knowledgeable GM.

Three key factors:

1. Medical.

2. Willingness of the Colts to make that deal.

3. Financial.

The dollar issues are the most complex and Byzantine because both Kolb and Manning have big salaries/bonuse/cap hits for 2012, and the balance of the two contracts may be of an apples to oranges nature that would make it difficult to level out the terms of any deal involving a one for one trade.

The good news is that there appears to be a lot of wriggle room in the form of various nooks and crannies inbedded in the two contracts.

But to simplify things, it could all boil down to (1) what would each team have to pay their respective QB's if no deal was done vs. (2) what would they have to pay their new QB's after the deal was made.

And (3) even if the comparison wasn't Even-Steven, would either team concede more in dollars, players etc. in order to get the deal done.
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john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Shane lets break it down right quick. Lets take AZ out of the discussion, because i have no idea if he would consider playing here.

What do you think the Colts are going to do? They already said they wouldnt trade him (which wasnt going to happen anyway so thats a safe bet - #1 you dont want to be the guy that traded PM. #2 There would be no market. No team is going to take that 20 mill cap hit for a guy that missed all of last season) so they either have to keep him or release him right?

You think they keep him? With a likely new coach? With his biggest confidant gone in Polian? With most of his targets gone in Wayne and Garcon? With the #1 pick being spent on a QB and not a guy who can help the Colts win right now - which is what Manning would want?

All I ask is someone make a credible argument for why Peyton Manning is on the Colts next year. And take the emotional sentiments out of it because I have 28 million reasons why that won't matter as much. Not to mention I have SERIOUS doubts if Peyton wants to be there anymore. He still considers himself one of the best QB's in the game and they are drafting his replacement?

The Colts are going to spin this as "the right thing to do for Peyton" and so that they can move on to a new era. Guaran-damn-teed.

Having had neck fusions myself at the C3/C4 and C4/C5 level there is no way in hell I would play NFL football for any amount of money. You would be one hit away from becoming a paraplegic. A good fusion takes some years to fully form and he is only one year away from the fusion. He has all the money a person could ever hope for so the only reason he would play is for the love of the game I would think. I think his first fusion did not take which makes this double scary. It has been nearly 30 years since my fusions and when I have a X-Ray there is rock solid piece of bone. You also have to worry about the levels above and below the fusions and you will lose some mobility in moving your head up and down depending on which vertebra are involved. Generally the fusion is made by opening up your neck in the front with about a 6" cut and then sweeping aside all the stuff to access the spine. My operations was about 4 hours plus. No pain except where they took bone off my hip bone. That sucker really really did hurt. The surgery immediately relieved all the pain level "10" I was experiencing. After about 2 months of agony I called my surgeon on a Sunday and told him I had rather be dead than live like I was. I had surgery the next day. Two to three years later I was playing basketball at the YMCA every day at lunch time.

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
One man's speculation has turned into chickens running around with their heads cut off.

There is nothing of substance that even indicates the Cards will make a push for the 36-year old QB with a bad neck. just Casserly (who I respect, btw) throwing out a possibility of AZ being a "dark horse."

I believe he gets cut (unless some desperate team wows them with a trade offer like Oakland did with Palmer) and IMO, the most likely destination for Peyton is NYJ.

Whose running around like chickens with their heads cut off? You know better then anybody i told you about this very possibility a MONTH AGO. Charlie Casserly was saying the same thing I am saying. It makes sense for both parties. Of course there won't be any "reports" at this point because Manning is still on the team and the Cardinals would be violating the CBA to be making inquiries at this point. But your kidding yourself if Casserly bringing this up yesterday was the first time its been mentioned on Warner and Hardy. Bickley made a mention of Manning a week ago too.

Prior to yesterday you didnt even think he was going to be released? ANd now hes going to the Jets? Really? What would make more sense about that then the Cardinals? Hes going to go to the Meadowlands in the swirling winds, play for Rex Ryan who is the EXACT opposite of every coach he has had in the NFL, only to get his ass kicked by Brady and the Pats every year? Not only that but while there maybe some sentiment to playing in the same city as his brother, its also his Brothers city. I am not sure Eli loves the idea of sharing top billing in his city with the brother who has upstaged him most of his life. Elis just starting to get national respect as onpar with his brother. I don't think Peyton goes to Jets to compete for attention with him.

Part me knows you dont think chasing Peyton is a good idea and would rather go with what we have next year, but thinking its a good idea and it actually having a chance of happening are mutually exclusive. But cmon man.....its PEYTON MANNING. If hes healthy you chase the hell out of him.

LMAO. Ill take your bet. Whatcha got on Peyton to the Jets?
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football karma

Michael snuggles the cap space
Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2002
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a few thoughts:

1. Irsay has said that Manning will not be traded, and he and Peyton will sit down and make the decision on his status together, prior to the payment of the $28 million.

2. Irsay has also said they are taking Luck.

This sounds to me like Irsay is saying:

1. Peyton -- you arent getting $28 million.
2. You are no longer the QB on a long term basis -- just until Luck is ready.
3. Lets you and I sit down and figure out how to either reduce your pay to some reasonable level, or let you go in some franchise face saving way.

Finally: Why not Arizona? Larry Fitz. 1,000 yard rusher. Good Defense. Plays at least 9 games a year indoors / perfect conditions. Compare that to playing home games in NY. If I were Peyton, I would want assurances on the plan for the offensive line -- but if he gets that......


ASFN Lifer
Mar 22, 2005
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Behind you
a few thoughts:

1. Irsay has said that Manning will not be traded, and he and Peyton will sit down and make the decision on his status together, prior to the payment of the $28 million.

2. Irsay has also said they are taking Luck.

This sounds to me like Irsay is saying:

1. Peyton -- you arent getting $28 million.
2. You are no longer the QB on a long term basis -- just until Luck is ready.
3. Lets you and I sit down and figure out how to either reduce your pay to some reasonable level, or let you go in some franchise face saving way.

Finally: Why not Arizona? Larry Fitz. 1,000 yard rusher. Good Defense. Plays at least 9 games a year indoors / perfect conditions. Compare that to playing home games in NY. If I were Peyton, I would want assurances on the plan for the offensive line -- but if he gets that......


Peyton may even ask to get his release. The team will try to move back his bonus and try to trade him. Cards may even look at trading Kolb for Manning and asking the Colts to take $7 mill of the cap hit. The Cards would then owe $14 mill of the hit....only 7 more than they would have with Kolb. I can see ownership agreeing to this (Cards side).

Peyton doesn't want to be rebuilding with them for another year only to be shipped off and they don't need $50 mill tied up in qb's.

Hello AZ!


Frank Kaminsky is my Hero.
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
South Bay
Whose running around like chickens with their heads cut off?

You! You were the person I thought of first when the story broke and I'm not surprised about your excitement about the prospect of getting Peyton.

You know better then anybody i told you about this very possibility a MONTH AGO. Charlie Casserly was saying the same thing I am saying. It makes sense for both parties. Of course there won't be any "reports" at this point because Manning is still on the team and the Cardinals would be violating the CBA to be making inquiries at this point. But your kidding yourself if Casserly bringing this up yesterday was the first time its been mentioned on Warner and Hardy. Bickley made a mention of Manning a week ago too.
Unless you're reading a different article than I, Bickley said in passing that unless the Cards can lure Manning to the desert, Kolb would be the quarterback in 2012.

Prior to yesterday you didnt even think he was going to be released? ANd now hes going to the Jets? Really? What would make more sense about that then the Cardinals? Hes going to go to the Meadowlands in the swirling winds, play for Rex Ryan who is the EXACT opposite of every coach he has had in the NFL, only to get his ass kicked by Brady and the Pats every year? Not only that but while there maybe some sentiment to playing in the same city as his brother, its also his Brothers city. I am not sure Eli loves the idea of sharing top billing in his city with the brother who has upstaged him most of his life. Elis just starting to get national respect as onpar with his brother. I don't think Peyton goes to Jets to compete for attention with him.
For starters, it is New York. #1 media market, and Peyton is a publicity *****. He'll advertise anything and everything. Call his agent about MSH, I'm sure he'll do a 30 second plug for you on TV ;)

The sentiment you speak of would probably favor both Mannings. A little sibling rivalry would add some spice to the football environment in Metlife Stadium. I don't see it as "competing for attention" but rather sharing the spotlight, which is entirely possible in New York.

As for playing in the city, why is it so hard for people to believe he would refuse to play outdoors? While his stats do decline slightly when he plays outside, so do all QBs. But not all free agent QBs are flooding the fax machines with their resumes of the teams with indoor facilities simply because of playing indoors. In addition, the team has a great offensive line, good running back, good wideouts and tight ends and a stout defense. It is a formidable QB from being a favorite for the AFC East crown. Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are largely ranked 1 and 1a in the NFL, so the disparity at QB between the two teams would be minuscule at best and a hell of a lot smaller than Brady v. Sanchez. Moreover, with New England's recent struggles at defense, if Peyton went to the Jets, I'd have to imagine they'd be the favorites to win the division. I see the whole Rex Ryan thing as a non-issue. I think he'd enjoy having a quarterback who can move the ball down the field and take pressure off his defense. As far as I know, he lets the OC manage the offense.

Part me knows you dont think chasing Peyton is a good idea and would rather go with what we have next year, but thinking its a good idea and it actually having a chance of happening are mutually exclusive. But cmon man.....its PEYTON MANNING. If hes healthy you chase the hell out of him
Because for once, I want to see this team have a QB that we groom at a young age to be the QBoF and rely upon for 8-10 years. Not get guys on the wrong side of 30 who would only then retire in two years. In Warner's last years, he was breaking down considerably with hip, shoulder and head injuries; forcing him to retire. Manning has neck issues and IIRC, I heard somewhere that neck problems in his family are hereditary, so there is not a lot riding on his side when it comes to being reliable long-term. I realize Kevin Kolb is injury prone, but this organization spent a lot to get him in picks, DRC, and monetary compensation. Going after Peyton would be even more of a gamble. 3 neck surgeries and being 36 scares the living **** out of me. I think at this point he's more injury prone than Kolb.

Hell, you even posted an article the other day about Aaron Rodgers and using parallels to Kolb's situation. Make up your mind, dude!
LMAO. Ill take your bet. Whatcha got on Peyton to the Jets?
Bottle of Grey Goose shipped to my front door in dry ice if he goes to the Jets. Whatcha got on him going to AZ?

Push if he goes elsewhere.

But this guy believes he's not coming to the Desert:

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ASFN Addict
Sep 3, 2011
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Guys need to understand Peyton wouldnt be nearly as good on a team other than the Colts.

that offense is tailored around him. He is the OC. The plays he calls are of his own doing. The guys on that offense have been in it for a very long time and understand it.

Drop him in a new team where none of the players understand his playcalling, or he has to run the play his OC calls. I have no doubt hed do great because hes a great QB, but at the same time, alot of his success stems from the system that purely built around him.


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
Guys need to understand Peyton wouldnt be nearly as good on a team other than the Colts.

that offense is tailored around him. He is the OC. The plays he calls are of his own doing. The guys on that offense have been in it for a very long time and understand it.

Drop him in a new team where none of the players understand his playcalling, or he has to run the play his OC calls. I have no doubt hed do great because hes a great QB, but at the same time, alot of his success stems from the system that purely built around him.

I second this opinion. The first year in a new system, he will struggle and his critics will point to it being a sign that he is done.

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