Thats an easy point of view to have as a fan, and not one I disagree with. But imagine your a owner (whos not a billionaire) of a mid market team, does your perspective change? Likely it would. If the Suns make the playoffs, especially if they can get out of round 1, it really helps their bottom line.
If the Suns have a healthy Bledsoe and Pau, is there any Western team that scares you besides OKC? There wouldn't be any to me. While there would be teams we wouldn't be favored against, I wouldn't be surprised to see those theoretical Suns beat any other western team in a series.
As a Manager, I understand that bringing in Gasol may take me into the 2nd round, and I realize that brings in revenue. I also understand that you have to calculate the cost (both short-term and long-term) of that move and see if it's worth it.
Bringing in Gasol adds money to payroll, and losing Okafor's (insured) contract is an expense as well. Obviously, I don't manage the Suns, so I don't know if extra 3-6 home games in playoffs are worth the x number of millions in added cost/ payroll. Getting rid of a draft pick may also be an actual benefit.
Long-term, I have to look at Len and Plumlee, who are the future of this team, and I have to decide if those 3-6 extra home games during playoffs are worth it if a half-year rental player is slowing down their development.
In business, I've learned that no move is simple. You have to look at all the benefits, all (not just the obvious) cost, and really make some decisions.
If I were managing the Suns, I'd say that short-term cost vs. benefit analysis is questionable, and long-term short vs. benefit analysis scares me.