Suns Trade Half the team.


Supporting Member
Apr 2, 2004
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Like giving out bad contracts? Upsetting the best player on the team to request a trade? Wasting a first round pick? Am I missing anything?

Yes. You're missing quite a bit. Season before last we appeared to have the least desirable future of any team in the NBA. We had marginal talent and no youth and finished the season with a 25 - 57 record. In a span of 20 months we've moved to somewhere near the middle of the pack and we are one of the youngest teams in the league with a few extra draft picks. I don't think very many of us are happy with what just went down but it isn't all doom and gloom.

We made unexpected strides last season and yes, we've taken a step or two backwards this season. But here we are, the All Star break is over and we have a winning record, we're still fighting for a playoff spot and we have already eclipsed our 25 win record of the 2013 season. If you had asked this board 16 months ago, I'll bet the vast majority of us would have said we were several years away from being a break-even team.


Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
Yes. You're missing quite a bit. Season before last we appeared to have the least desirable future of any team in the NBA. We had marginal talent and no youth and finished the season with a 25 - 57 record. In a span of 20 months we've moved to somewhere near the middle of the pack and we are one of the youngest teams in the league with a few extra draft picks. I don't think very many of us are happy with what just went down but it isn't all doom and gloom.

We made unexpected strides last season and yes, we've taken a step or two backwards this season. But here we are, the All Star break is over and we have a winning record, we're still fighting for a playoff spot and we have already eclipsed our 25 win record of the 2013 season. If you had asked this board 16 months ago, I'll bet the vast majority of us would have said we were several years away from being a break-even team.


No offense but you sound like a Bucks fan, that's how far the Suns have fallen unfortunately.


Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
What a crazy day. I think the Suns turned out alright considering the circumstances. They moved Dragic and IT for 3 first rounders and snagged an up and coming guard in Knight. With Bledsoe, Knight, and Green the Suns may have the most athletically explosive backcourt in the league. Realistically, we weren't going to contend for a title while Dragic was in his prime. Setting the clock back with a younger Knight may fit a more realistic timetable to compete if he and Bledsoe can share the backcourt.

Obviously the Lakers pick smarts, but deep down I knew it would inevitably turn into a mid first rounder just like the Atlanta and Chicago pick did. We shall see. Today would have been really solid had we not given up that pick.

Our lack of front court depth is worrisome with Plumlee gone, but he's wasn't going to resign anyway. It'll be interesting to see who McD brings in to round out the roster.

Hopefully Archie and Warren will get some minutes as a result of these moves.

Go Suns!


Supporting Member
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
No offense but you sound like a Bucks fan, that's how far the Suns have fallen unfortunately.

Two years ago most of us would have been thrilled to swap our roster for the Bucks (or any other team in the league). There's no doubt that a lot of mistakes were made that led us to that spot but that's where we were. We were named in more than one publication as the worst franchise in sports and we were repeatedly mocked for having no talent and no future. We might not have a shiny future now, that remains to be seen, but on the surface, it's been an amazing turnaround in a very short time.



Hall of Famer
Nov 4, 2002
Reaction score
London, UK
But we weren't the 8th seed, and being the 8th seed means squat. How many 8th seeds have even made it to the 2nd round? Then if they do, how many make it to the third round, then after that how many go to finals, and how many win it? You have about the same shot as winning the Powerball. I don't like it, and I definitely would root for us and hope we win it, but if you are a GM you can't play that sort of hope-y kind of stuff. Especially when you are talking about the past like it's the future. You're confusing the two.

You see you are assuming way too much with this. Had this gone right and that gone right we might have gotten this guy. The problem is, it didn't happen, and thus the snowball effect never was an option to happen. It would of been great, but it didn't happen and we can't make future decisions based on things that never happened.
8th seed / 9th spot – whatever, we had a decent team that was there to be built on. Bledsoe and Dragic in the back court, Alex Len in the front court – they’re not assumptions. Picking up Stoudemire is reaching a bit but he did get bought out and he did go to a 6th seed moderate-only contender in Dallas. That easily could have been us – assuming we kept the team structure as it was last year and brought in anyone other than IT.

I understand that he isn't really old, but the fact is guys like Nash are a rarity. Players in their 30's of any sport decline physically, and it's up to their mental aspects to keep them going. It's not just about age, but also cap hit. Basically in the NBA unless you have a top team, you might as well just keep reloading. Because if you sign yourself up for the long term with guys who aren't getting any better, your team is not going to get any better. Thus timing is very important in the NBA. Once you sign your guys to big contracts and lose capspace, and you can't get a top pick, then you are stuck in the middle.

1. Dragic isn’t old and hasn’t got the burn of most guys his age. He’s had two and a bit seasons only of playing heavy minutes, and they aren’t even that heavy – 34per game mins is relatively small.
2. If Dragic is any good as a play maker he’ll adjust his game as he gets older – we won’t know until he gets there if he’s capable of it, my guess is that he will. Slin kindly pointed out that he should have adjusted this season, but how? He’s a playmaker that needs ball in hand which he wasn’t getting.
3. $20m is a stretch and I wouldn’t want to pay that but, as I’ve pointed out before $20m for Dragic plus $14m for Bledsoe – against a suggested cap in two years’ time of $90m and the % of the salary cap that this would take up is 38%. That’s not debilitating assuming no injuries.

McD is churning the roster, and keeping us right before that point, where he is amassing talent and options and once he finds what we want...THEN we go over. Also don't mistake my comments about age to just be negative, it's more told from the perspective that upside when you are barely 23 is much more then someone closing in on 29. Dragic is not going to improve much, while Knight could still get a whole lot better. Remember how raw Dragic was at 23? See how much he grew? If Knight grows half that much he would be clearly much better then Dragic ever was. Overall we had a guy who would be exiting his prime right as our other guys are entering it. That's not ideal.
You make it sound like RMcD has a grand plan with ‘roster churn’ and ‘asset allocation’ – he ruined the roster in the off season so his track record so far is not good. His make up play is pretty good however so let’s hope he’s learned the lessons. But I just can’t justify destroying chemistry like that; every ball club wants it but can’t get it, we had it and threw it away like a piece of trash. Damn.

But we aren't. Even 6th seed is crap. If you don't have homecourt, you aren't likely to win, and the only time you really have a shot to overcome that is if it's say 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 or 2 vs 3. I don't like this, but this is reality. This isn't college basketball march madness one win type situation. I don't bet, but if I wanted to make some easy money by betting I'd bet homefield in the playoffs across the board and win every year more then I'd lose.

So you’d rather be where we are now, with god knows what sort of team on our hands, than fighting for a competitive spot in the playoffs, with a team that plays well together, is greater than the sum of its parts, has sentimental Stoudemire on board, all the while not pi$$ing off the fan base through another year of missing out and potentially being attractive to free agents? C’mon. The only thing this scenario depended on was a competent FO.

You also forget that just because you have the 6th pick or even 1st, sometimes it doesn't matter. We did give up a potential for a good player, and we gave up likely a middle pick who might be a nobody or a decent player. The pick is only as good as who is available and what we would have selected. If there is a player we really want, and he turns out to be good, then we missed, but odds are both of those things aren't going to happen, and if they do, we buttress it against whatever Knight turns out to be.
That’s too broad a discussion – we gave away a first rounder that could come back to bite us. Deng and Rondo hurt. Great track record we’ve got there.

So the real question is, when that pick comes up, who is available and are they better then Knight? Until then we didn't lose anything, and such a determination might still be years away...potentially 2017.

We have Knight now, and if he's not the guy, we can trade him for something as well. But we then had a chance to see if this guy works for us and still could get other picks or players for him. So we gave ourselves more chances to succeed at the expense of maybe missing out on the Lakers pick, which does have a shot to not being very good.

You’re painting everything in a positive light – fact; incompetent management forced us into the market where we’ve turned good assets into questionable potential while setting us back at least a year. Maybe longer – I won’t be convinced that 6th seed was out of our reach had we built, not destroyed, from last year..

Heck there is a shot we end up with a better pick then the Lakers pick from trading Knight and even get to pick it BEFORE the Lakers pick even gets awarded to whoever we traded it to. That is a very real possibility that you are ignoring. At the same time we get to judge whether or not Knight fits.

Except you are missing some important points about this all. This hasn't been a long term situation. They started running the henhouse and McD shipped them out. You seem to want to blame McD for the actions and personalities of grown men. At some point it's not the teacher who is at fault, but the students who want to act like morons. We shipped them out, and didn't wait long. 1/2 a season for IT. Plumlee just getting demoted. Dragic going public 48 hours before. There's a fine line between being authoritarian and too lax.
RMcD trashed team chemistry with boneheaded acquisitions and draft picks so this team got what it deserved. Good makeup play from him but again, treating good chemistry like that is reckless IMO and I’m pretty sure we’ll see nothing like it again in a hurry. And who do I thank for the chemistry in the first place? Dragic, our best player and playmaker, and he’s gone.

As soon as the Suns saw that it got out of hand, they shipped them off. That's not mismanagement, that's actually good management. Some teams wait years. We didn't. I think you are assuming WAAAAYYY too much, and overlooking these basic facts. It's ok, it's not a big deal, but try to think of things like this, and as everyone already knows, with $arver, I'm always expecting him to somehow screw stuff up. In fact part of this still rests on him, since he was the one who anointed Dragic while McD, the actual GM, just firmly took control and made a different decision. Perhaps if $arver hadn't promised him the moon Dragic wouldn't of acted so unprofessionally.

It’s a decent make up play; Mismanagement is what got us there in the first place. RMcD’s trading ability; Good – player selection; Bad.

They didn't really do ANYTHING to dragic. They simply added guys and this irked him. You can understand it causing frustration, but he acted like a total d-bag by airing the dirty laundry. Remember all we did FOR him, even signing his brother, but it's not like he's oppressed. You seem to be thinking that we massively wronged Dragic. We didn't. But Dragic did wrong us. Like I said it's partially understandable, but acting crazy is still acting crazy, and ultimately it was Dragic who decided on this course of action.

They didn’t wrong Dragic personally, they wronged the team and the fans by taking him off the ball. That it was taken personally by Dragic is totally understandable. Coro said it on the podcast that the FO thought Dragic would complain the least with a different role – what a strange way to deal with your best player and playmaker.
About his late trade demand – this probably should have been done earlier. But I’d like to know why he did this as he’s been nothing but a team player his whole career. With the management incompetence we’ve seen to date, it wouldn’t surprise me to hear that it was a function of circumstance but I’m holding judgement until I know more.
And at least we got something for him - he would have walked for nothing in the offseason with the way things were going.

6th seed was a realistic aim, but it wasn't going to happen. As reality is playing itself out we're going to end up with 9th-10th most likely. What you don't understand is, this is true with Dragic, Plumlee, and IT as it is without. We were heading into a dead end. By now we should of figured out we didn't have enough talent to compete in the West. Changes have to be made. Should we have waited until after we gave all these guys their dream deals?

You keep assuming things that aren't going to happen into your equation. Taking the past for the future and it's all twisted. It doesn't work like that. I'm saying this with all due respect. It's complicated and stuff, so no problems. But your logic is faulty.

I’m not assuming anything other than a competent front office that wouldn’t dream of killing what Coro called some of the best chemistry ever seen. But they did, and that’s why we’re only looking at 9th or 10th. To iron out your confused understanding of my perfectly reasonable logic:
If management had just kept the structure how it was with Dragic and Bledsoe from last year, not gone and ass rammed the roster, worked Len into the rotation and picked up a player in the mid-season trade period like a Stoudemire, then 6th seed would be an entirely realistic aim. The only assumption made is a competent FO.

Knight and future picks IS better then Dragic leaving for nothing and not having these extra picks and our team getting bounced out of round 1 with the experience of losing in likely 5 games is not worth anything. It sounds like you keep thinking like we lost something special. We didn't.

See Coro and his comments about the depth of our chemistry. That was special. And had we built from last year, it’s unlikely Dragic would have walked at all.

You see Dragic was gone, and Plumlee was going to be. IT was unhappy. Good management realizes when things don't work out and is able to reclaim what they invested and even more. You keep talking about what we had as a sure thing, or it would of set up other things, but the key thing to understand is, we weren't going anywhere, winning the lottery is more likely the more tickets you have. Having more assets is better when someone comes available then not. Having more cap space is better then not. We were about to lose some of those tickets. Asset accumulation is better then going nowhere and the having asset depreciation or outright loss. It wasn't worth losing assets just for a shot to lose in the first round, and with OKC behind us, and who else the Pelicans???... we almost assuredly would of ended up 9th or 10th place had we stood pat.

We had a good team at least a year ahead of schedule now we don’t know what team we’ve got and we’re behind schedule. I acknowledge we did the best thing considering the situation but we shouldn’t have been here in the first place.


Embarrassing mismanagement got us into a mess and it’s cost us a reputation hit and our best play maker. There are huge questions being asked about FO’s ability to deliver for this club however RMcD’s trading ability, clearly a competitive advantage, is evidence that we have some hope and he’s surely learned his lesson on the IT trade. Our roster as it stands is intriguing in that all starters are of a similar, young, age but I find it hard to believe we haven’t been set back by these events. The next few months will give us an idea about what we’ve got and what we lost in Dragic. Who knows, maybe this will prove to be a good thing for the club avoiding a potential $20m salary on an ageing player. But that's what Dallas said about Nash. As always, I'm looking forward to what happens next.


Krycek, Alex Krycek
Oct 15, 2002
Reaction score
Harrisburg, PA
I love how people casually say Bledsoe was the best player on the Suns.

He is the featured player and Dragic is the 4th option, playing out of position, and it's still close. I wonder what the excuse will be if Dragic turns into Nash in Miami.

The money argument may be a good one- hell, I wouldn't pay him $20M per, but to say he was the worse out of the two is just silly. No team wanted to touch Bledsoe at the $12M per, while Miami, Lakers, and NY seem prepared to cough up the real max for Goran. Goran has no injury history (outside of a tweaked ankle, being bruised up once in a while, etc) while Bledsoe misses half a season every other year.

Dragic is by far the better player out of the two.

I suppose we'll see how they do without each other.


Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
My opinion is they should have stopped after the Dragic deal. 2 1sts for an expiring who doesn't want to be here? thank you very much.

But imo we shouldn't have dealt IT on that bargain of a contract, he is a good player.


Supporting Member
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
I love how people casually say Bledsoe was the best player on the Suns.

He is the featured player and Dragic is the 4th option, playing out of position, and it's still close. I wonder what the excuse will be if Dragic turns into Nash in Miami.

The money argument may be a good one- hell, I wouldn't pay him $20M per, but to say he was the worse out of the two is just silly. No team wanted to touch Bledsoe at the $12M per, while Miami, Lakers, and NY seem prepared to cough up the real max for Goran. Goran has no injury history (outside of a tweaked ankle, being bruised up once in a while, etc) while Bledsoe misses half a season every other year.

Dragic is by far the better player out of the two.

I suppose we'll see how they do without each other.

I don't have a problem with it, obviously, since I agree with it. But I don't really have a problem if someone sees it differently. Bledsoe and Dragic were different players with different strengths. I don't think either of them is a great point guard but I think each of them is capable of being a star in the right situation. I give Eric the overall edge because of defense but by the same token I doubt that Eric could have carried this team as well last season as Goran did.

I think Knight will make up for the loss of Thomas (who did help us despite some of the complaining here) but I expect we'll miss Dragic a lot. And I'd be very surprised if he doesn't play well in Miami for the next few years, not Nash well but well enough to get serious All Star consideration. He and Bosh should make a nice pick and roll combo and that team is still solid enough defensively to cover for his shortcomings. And next season, when Lebron opts out of his contract and goes back to Miami, I think he'll be an integral part of a championship team. <halfway kidding about Lebron>



Say Vandelay!
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
So we just going in circles here??????

I'm hearing those Miami draft picks have protection on them I swear to god this damn team and trading for protected draft picks.

Laughing stock

Tap the breaks.

Knight is better than anything you're going to find in the 6-10 range of this draft and possibly next. We'll see how it plays out.


Supporting Member
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
My opinion is they should have stopped after the Dragic deal. 2 1sts for an expiring who doesn't want to be here? thank you very much.

But imo we shouldn't have dealt IT on that bargain of a contract, he is a good player.

I think the fact that the entire league knew we were shopping IT in an effort to keep Goran sealed the fate on Thomas. He wasn't going to be happy knowing we had tried so hard to get rid of him. Despite the apparent rush job it appears we knew we'd have to move Thomas to keep Goran and we'd started the process several weeks ago. But it wasn't fast enough or the move itself wasn't enough, Goran wanted out. So we had to deal both of them.

I don't get the reasoning behind trading Ennis and the Lakers pick though. Well actually I do get the reasoning but I disagree with it. I think they believe we can still challenge for a playoff spot. The fact they were willing to not just part with Ennis and Plumlee but the Lakers pick too tells me they also believe we've purchased a future star. I thought so too when I looked at the numbers but it worries me that the people that have watched a lot of him aren't as high on him as the numbers suggest they should be, much as was the case with IT.

So, it looks like we either wasted a potentially great draft pick and a couple of marginal to decent players or we just snagged a future star for chump change. It might be a few years before we know whether this was a dumb move or highway robbery on our part.



edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
Reaction score
L.A. area
I thought so too when I looked at the numbers but it worries me that the people that have watched a lot of him aren't as high on him as the numbers suggest they should be, much as was the case with IT.

And Bledsoe.

So, it looks like we either wasted a potentially great draft pick and a couple of marginal to decent players or we just snagged a future star for chump change.

Chump change is exactly what the Suns got Bledsoe for, and look how that turned out. If a deal in the NBA looks to good to be true, it probably is -- unless you're the Lakers with a former player doing you a solid from the other side of the country.


Drive-by Poster
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
I really like Goran, but Eric is/was the best player on this team. Dragic's salary next year is going to be way to big for to long. This team was just to far away from being a contender to be locked into an older player.

That's a laughable take. Remind me when Eric makes all-nba. Dragic's salary next year wouldn't be bad had we not committed a crap load of money to Eric for the next 5 years, unfortunately we had to choose between the two and we chose Eric, yay.

Today was a huge punch to the nads for any reasonable Suns fan who doesn't have their head in the sand. We traded away two out of the three of our greatest assets today (Goran and the Laker pick).


Drive-by Poster
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
Yes. You're missing quite a bit. Season before last we appeared to have the least desirable future of any team in the NBA. We had marginal talent and no youth and finished the season with a 25 - 57 record. In a span of 20 months we've moved to somewhere near the middle of the pack and we are one of the youngest teams in the league with a few extra draft picks. I don't think very many of us are happy with what just went down but it isn't all doom and gloom.

We made unexpected strides last season and yes, we've taken a step or two backwards this season. But here we are, the All Star break is over and we have a winning record, we're still fighting for a playoff spot and we have already eclipsed our 25 win record of the 2013 season. If you had asked this board 16 months ago, I'll bet the vast majority of us would have said we were several years away from being a break-even team.


Steve thanks for your well thought out response, I can always expect that from a poster such as yourself. My problem is that it seems like we do not want to completely rebuild, we're doing a half-assed job with it because our front office fell in love with our success last year and bought into it. I wish McD would hit the reset button and trade everyone on the roster not named TJ Warren and Alex Len, all the rest can be replaced.

Why are we so infatuated with point guards? We traded away one of our most coveted assets, which will likely be a lottery pick, for a "combo" guard who doesn't like playing the 2. Didn't we just go down that road? I'm not a fan of Bledsoe being our point guard either. He's not a very good decision maker and he's not a good shooter.


Drive-by Poster
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
The money argument may be a good one- hell, I wouldn't pay him $20M per, but to say he was the worse out of the two is just silly. No team wanted to touch Bledsoe at the $12M per, while Miami, Lakers, and NY seem prepared to cough up the real max for Goran.

The money argument is weak if we featured the team around Goran and didn't sign Bledsoe to that absurd contract.


Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
And Bledsoe.

Chump change is exactly what the Suns got Bledsoe for, and look how that turned out. If a deal in the NBA looks to good to be true, it probably is -- unless you're the Lakers with a former player doing you a solid from the other side of the country.

... are you honestly saying Bledsoe was somehow not a fleecing of a trade?

In the NBA teams make deals that blow the mind, both in the moment and in retrospect on a regular basis. There have been tons of deals that looked to good to be true... and turned out to actually be true. I don't know if Knight is going to be a stud or another IT, but estimating his future based on what we gave up for him is a method that in the past has shown little foreshadowing.
Last edited:


Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
The money argument is weak if we featured the team around Goran and didn't sign Bledsoe to that absurd contract.

Yes, if only. How glorious those 30-35 win campaigns would be.


Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
Or a consistent all-nba point guard with a up and coming and center and small forward. Maintain flexibility all the while acquiring young talent.

Where is the consistency? The guy has been all over the place during his career. Goran has some good qualities but "consistent" is not among them.

As for the rest of your post... what we've done IS the route of acquiring young talent and maintaining flexibility. Its a very young team, with a lot of cap space and a lot of future picks. If that direction is truly your aim then you should be rejoicing in today's development.


Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
And how many games did we win last year while Bledsoe was out with his torn meniscus and Dragic was leading the team?

A hell of a lot less than we were winning when Bledsoe was healthy.

You really should look up those numbers before you use that as a defense for the "all hail Dragic" debate. Our winning percentages make a resounding case that we're much much better with Bledsoe.


Drive-by Poster
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
Where is the consistency? The guy has been all over the place during his career. Goran has some good qualities but "consistent" is not among them.

As for the rest of your post... what we've done IS the route of acquiring young talent and maintaining flexibility. Its a very young team, with a lot of cap space and a lot of future picks. If that direction is truly your aim then you should be rejoicing in today's development.

All the while running off our best player and giving away the LA pick which is likely a lottery pick. Yeah, I'm so full of joy I can hardly contain myself.


Drive-by Poster
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
A hell of a lot less than we were winning when Bledsoe was healthy.

You really should look up those numbers before you use that as a defense for the "all hail Dragic" debate. Our winning percentages make a resounding case that we're much much better with Bledsoe.

Were we winning with Goran while Bledsoe was down? That team lead by Dragic last year was a far cry from your 30-35 win campaigns you claimed earlier.


Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
All the while running off our best player and giving away the LA pick which is likely a lottery pick. Yeah, I'm so full of joy I can hardly contain myself.

2nd or 3rd best player, and that LA pick's value is boom or bust. It MIGHT be lotto, it might end up being trash. Currently we'd be looking at about a 20% chance of getting it this year, and seeing as LA has been plain about their desperation to return to relevancy its easy to imagine its going to be a much worse slot next season.

I don't think LA is going to be a title contender again any time soon, but they're going to blow their wad to try and make a playoff team this summer, which will probably doom that pick to landing in the 10-20 range.