The real joke is that Nash won over KB two years ago.
winning a scoring title isn't an mvp.. nub
The real joke is that Nash won over KB two years ago.
Nah. He had an even better season that year, than his first MVP year, and Kobe's team was barely hanging on. Nash deserved it then. Hell, he deserved to beat Dirk last year too.
and he def deserved the 3 peat.
Isnt there an entire Suns forum for you to crap out your opinions?
I know you guys see this place as a refuge, but we are in the Smack Shack.....
Besides, when Kobe wins the MVP, he'll be gone anyway.
The real joke is that Nash won over KB two years ago.
It would only be a joke if they gave it to LBJ this year, for doing the same things that got KB left off of several ballots completely, and a 3rd or 4th finish.
ya because you are def. a person who can gauge who is a good and bad Suns fan..
good lord, what a pathetic human..
boy, you know you've really struck a nerve with someone when they play this card. Hope you don't drown in your pool of tears when hammering away at the keyboard when you reply to this. toodles!
i repeated what you said but changed one word you genius.. god keep owning yourself..
Sadly, I think Jackson is right. Too many haters.
Sadly, I think Jackson is right. Too many haters.
I'm afraid of the same thing. It's a shame really, cause no one deserves it more then Kobe.
my best friends uncle is Jamal Wilkes .. die hard lakers fan he is.. he says Chris Paul is more deserving..
Roy Tarpley's godson is my brother's gardner and he is a Kobe man all the way.
Not this year. I think he has turned around a lot of people.
I think that it is important for LA to finish above NO in the standings. I think that will make a difference to some voters....
That's Kobe's only shot. The Lakers winning the West could tip the vote to him.
I think a lot of voters are just looking for a reason not to give it to him.
So a threat that doesn't really have a chance to succeed is ok?
Try yelling 'bomb' on a plane and see where that takes you.
There are rules to follow, read this, if you haven't already.
Those guys have developed into legit talent by playing with and learning from Kobe. He almost single handedly changed the Lakers from a .500 team to a potential champion. Yes, getting Gasol helped, but he held that team together through all the injuries and all the controversy. It's a shame that he might not win just because people don't like him personally.
Overall, I agree with ABomb, I won't cry if CP3 wins it, he's also very deserving, and I like him a lot. I do, and will continue to feel that Kobe is more deserving though.