Time To Be Honest Fire Whizenstupid Now.


Air Raid Warning!
Apr 26, 2005
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Sad isn't it that a Head Coach with a .500 regular season record after 5 years at the helm is considered one of the Cardinals best Head Coaches ever.

It's the two playoff runs in five years that give me some hope. He ain't building a New England type dynasty, but when and if he ever gets a quarterback who can stay healthy and run his offense, who knows. It would have been sweet to land the Manning boy.


Smushdown! Take it like a fan!
May 21, 2010
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Objectively Leinart had every reason to be unmotivated, His Head coach did everything possible to destroy his career and confidence, personally calling a TD back in the Red and White Scrimmage - calling him everything but a quarterback to anybody that listened in the press- ignored his far superior play in every preseason game, benching him for DA? Hall? Skelton before cutting him after the last preseason game- Because the team wouldn't follow him!

He called Matt out saying he always had an open door policy an Matt should not have gone to the press, Like he did and then benching Edge before and benching Beanie later.

Whisenhunt burned their damned house down, because I remember what he said about them before they went to the press. He's cut throat and gets the worse out of his players.

I still don't want him fired, I want him to correct it. I never remember Cower going after players in the press like that? He never had time to handle people like Deuce exactly wrong!

You watch what Carrol does with the Deucemeister, By treating him like a man not a punk.

If you actually look objectively at the choices we've had at QB, you'll see that Whiz couldn't have done much with the position. Leinart being unmotivated and injury prone ruined the "plan." I go back and look at what alternatives he had and it's not pretty. As far as free agency goes, outside of going for a bandaid in Hasselbeck instead of gambling on a long term solution in Kolb last year, there was nothing. Most of you, as well as Fitz and most everyone agreed that Kolb was the best choice at the time.

As for drafts, if we knew we didn't like Leinart after Warner left, our choices were Clausen, McCoy, Kafka. Skelton is arguably more successful than any of those guys.

2011 we could have passed on Patrick Peterson and taken Locker, Gabbert, Ponder, or Dalton. Ok, Dalton would have been decent but I wouldn't give up PP for him at this point. Can't think of a reasonable way we could have gotten both.

This year what would you have him do? Taken Weeden or Osweller instead of Floyd? Everyone with a brain would have called either of those picks massive reaches whether we had Kolb on the roster or not.

Good QBs don't grow on trees. At any given time, there's going to be teams on the short end of the stick. In spite of that, we made our best effort to get Peyton freaking Manning this off-season. He stated Denver was his team and he wanted to stay in the AFC. I personally believe that no matter how much cap space we had he wouldn't have come here because of that.

Whiz has done the best he can with the QB situation. We haven't been bad enough to get a Newton or Luck. We weren't the choice of the once in a lifetime free agent for no fault of our own. I don't blame Whiz for circumstances beyond his control. If anything, Skelton cost us a legit chance at Luck or RG3 and that's a good thing. Winning is better than tanking.

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