Early Doucet is horrible.
How he sees the field in a game like this, is still puzzling. Your primary, #1 duty as a wide reciever is the catch the ball. He doesn't, nuff said. He is just horrible.
This game was the reason why I state, that I do not know what the Cardinals will do in the offseason at running back. What a horrible showing by both Wells, and Hightower.
Same goes for the offensive line, and Russ Grimm. One can only hope some team hires Grimm away as an OC.
Cause our offensive line is horrible. Faneca looked horrible yesterday. He better retire, because film of him walking around the field looking old, and lost is not good for getting a job next year. Then there is the Brown, Lutui, and Sendlein, "Three Stooges". or the one that never will be, the one that isn't, and the one that never was.