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  1. Skedoozy

    ESPN News just reported..... (Old Thread - March 2005)

    No one ever said it was confirmed. IT was something stated by one of the asshats on ESPN News. That's it. Something was stated, it was passed along. I called Edge to ask if it was true and he told me to call Drew.
  2. Skedoozy

    ESPN News just reported..... (Old Thread - March 2005)

    Make sure you say.. "Skedoozy said......"
  3. Skedoozy

    ESPN News just reported..... (Old Thread - March 2005)

    Things are on ESPN news far before they are on the web. Also people are rporting hearing it on Fox Sports radio as well. We'll see tomorrow or soon, I guess. Don't shoot the messenger. Oh wait, don't shoot the messenger twice. ;)
  4. Skedoozy

    ESPN News just reported..... (Old Thread - March 2005)

    Thanks.. that reminds me I need to fix the BG color. Edit: done. :)
  5. Skedoozy

    ESPN News just reported..... (Old Thread - March 2005)

    Pills! Thanks for reminding me!
  6. Skedoozy

    ESPN News just reported..... (Old Thread - March 2005)

    Thanks guys, I feel so... welcome? lol.. I understand. My intentions are not to screw with anyone, I promise. Sorry.
  7. Skedoozy

    ESPN News just reported..... (Old Thread - March 2005)

    Whatever. People are reporting they saw the same thing on ESPN News in other forums. But yeah. I'm a retard.
  8. Skedoozy

    ESPN News just reported..... (Old Thread - March 2005)

    You can tar and feather me if there was no ESPN News report saying this. As I'm not the only one saying it now, and I've seen it on multiple forums, and I don't think they are all getting it from the same place, it's people seeing it on ESPN News, I think I'm safe. ;) That was a lot of commas.
  9. Skedoozy

    ESPN News just reported..... (Old Thread - March 2005)

    ESPN News. Turn it there and watch? They repeast their news like every 30 minutes or so.
  10. Skedoozy

    ESPN News just reported..... (Old Thread - March 2005)

    Umm okay. I'm not yanking anyones chain. But thanks for the warning?
  11. Skedoozy

    ESPN News just reported..... (Old Thread - March 2005)

    E.James could be traded to the Arizona Cards as early as tommorrow for the Cards 2nd round pick. Just heard it on another forum. Take it as you wish. ;)
  12. Skedoozy

    Do you know what would be nice

    That would be keen for sure.
  13. Skedoozy

    Miami will be hard pressed to get James

    Interesting. I just hope that getting James doesnt put the team into too much trouble financially. I'm sure thats the only thing that would stop the deal at this point. I want to see Quan in a Cardinal Jersey for a very long time.
  14. Skedoozy

    lattest ESPN scouts mock draft

    Am I the only one that would rather see the Cards draft a top 3 back then go after James or Alexander? We need a Franchise RB. Someone that will be here long after Warner is gone. You build through the draft and supplement through FA. If the Cards do not draft a Top 3 Back if he is there I see...
  15. Skedoozy

    Nice Assessment

    I hate our local sports writers for the Cards. MAybe they could show some initiative and support the local team and get people to follow suit so the Cards would have more backers instead of taking the view of most Casual Fans. It's disgusting.
  16. Skedoozy

    Per NFL Network: Hartwell

    Sounds post worthy. :P
  17. Skedoozy

    Per NFL Network: Hartwell

    Looks legit to me. lol

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