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  1. D

    Magic @ Suns Game Thread

    Orlando deserved to lose with Howard getting one shot attempt in 42 mins. One shot attempt; are you kidding me? I know he doesn't have the greatest offensive repertoire and that the Suns doubled him and fouled him basically anytime he got the ball, but that's just horrible on Orlando's part...
  2. D

    Magic @ Suns Game Thread The numbers head-to-head career wise are very close.
  3. D

    The Shaquille O'Neal vs Dwight Howard Beef Thread

    Shaq also played six more minutes.
  4. D

    Suns at Magic 3/3

    Howard hasn't flopped once in his career.
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    Suns at Magic 3/3

    Orlando is 5-1 combined against San Antonio, the Lakers, and Nuggets.
  6. D

    Suns at Magic 3/3

    The few times Shaq has actually faced Dwight in their careers, Howard's actually played him pretty well. I doubt he's scared.
  7. D

    All-NBA Teams

    Except this year, when Howard outclassed Amare in both games.
  8. D

    Is anyone worried about Justin Upton?

    Nah, Tulo's a heck of a talent who is a top notch defender at the most important position on the diamond. His hitting will come around (it's extremely early) and at season's end he'll be around .300 with 25 dingers and close to 100 RBIs. Now, Upton's the more talented player and will have an...
  9. D

    Shaq, your inner Rick Barry is calling...

    Shaq's arrogance is ridiculous at times. Rick Barry is a top 50 player of all-time and one of the great scorers in league history, but Shaq's ego is too big for him to see the light. What would Rick Barry know after all?
  10. D

    NBA All-Star Weekend thread

    Howard sure as heck didn't have trouble scoring on Amare this year, either.
  11. D

    NBA All-Star Weekend thread

    "A slam dunk (or simply a dunk) is a type of basketball shot that is performed when a player jumps in the air and manually powers the ball through the basket with one or both of his hands, then often grabs the rim shortly after the ball passes through the hoop (a dunk is still being performed if...
  12. D

    Attention Dwight Howard Fans

    Howard responded with 23 points and 24 boards against Denver last night.
  13. D

    Hawks at Suns 7PM FSN AZ

    I wish the refs would let Horford play a little... he's had some iffy calls against him. I like him a lot.
  14. D

    Orlando at Phoenix Game Thread -- Nov 30th, 7:00 pm -- FSN HD

    I thought the Suns got a ton of calls in this game.
  15. D

    Rumor from Pioneer Press and Ben Maller

    I've been traded? Ah well, I guess I'm a Twins fan now.
  16. D

    Suns at Magic Game Thread

    Amare flopped all over against Dwight last year in Orlando and got Howard to foul out in 17 minutes, so let's not act like Amare doesn't get any calls.
  17. D

    Suns at Magic Game Thread

    And just put up 33 and 18 and probably could of had a 40/20 game had it been more competitive. Howard's a stud.
  18. D

    RIP Devil Rays? Tampa Bay to change name and logo?

    Tampa has a rich baseball tradition, from all the Spring Training that goes on down there to all the talented players it has produced. If the Rays win, fans will come.
  19. D

    Hawks are great. And Horford should have been ours.

    Preseason or not, Horford is a heck of a talent. Atlanta finally picked the right forward.
  20. D

    Watching Joakim Noah tonight

    I'm kind of irked the Suns couldn't land him in the draft. Say what you want about his offensive game, but man, can he run the floor, and handle and pass the ball. This guy would be a fiend in Phoenix's system.
  21. D

    Suns Summer League Games

    Anyone notice how good Corey Brewer was on the glass in Vegas? He had three double digit rebound games! He never showed that type of rebounding ability at Florida (although, to be fair, he was an excellent offensive rebounder and had Noah and Horford to take care of that), and his passing...
  22. D

    Draft Prospects thread

    Brewer isn't going to impress you much one on one, but put him in a regulation game with 5 on 5 situations, and he really shines. He's an awesome team player who feeds off his teammates and really creates going to the rim. I'm not that worried about him in the pro's... I think he'll be a...
  23. D

    Draft Prospects thread

    I couldn't care less if he was 6'8 or 6'10, that's not that big a deal. As is the case with guys like Brand and Boozer, undersize PFs who thrive in the league, the wingspan is the more important measurement. And 7'3 is a damn good wingspan. Horford is a stud.
  24. D

    Draft Prospects thread

    So, it appears as though Horford measured out at 6'10 in shoes with a 7'3 wingspan.
  25. D

    Sports Guy Podcast

    Howard has really broad shoulders, though. Everyone who saw his shoulders knew he would get huge with proper weight training.

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