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  1. saxmanager

    '05-06 Suns Post Season Chat Thread Closed

    Well Suns fans, its' been a great series. Good luck to both teams and may the best team win. And good luck to all of you Suns fans, may your team not feel the bite of the injury bug so badly next year. Sincerely, saxmanager of the rapidly growing Clipper Nation
  2. saxmanager

    Insider - Steve Nash and Bill Russell are one and the same -- Bill Walton

    Gaddabout, is that Elvin Jones? Does "Gadd" in Gaddabout refer to Steve Gadd?
  3. saxmanager

    My game 7 predictions...........

    Unless the refs mess it up too much, I think the best team will win
  4. saxmanager

    Any chance we could see Kurt Thomas play a few minutes on Monday?

    I know what you mean, but actually Vin Baker is in terrific shape and played in several games at the end of the regular season. I'm surprised he wasn't activated for the playoffs ahead of Z Rebraca. And it's not just the donut shop he has to avoid it's also the liquor store.
  5. saxmanager

    Is Nash starting some pre Mavs psyche game?

    The layoff is going to help both teams. Cassell, Mobley, and Kaman from the Clippers are beat up and I expect Nash and the rest of the SOB's to come out firing on Monday night. I'm anticipating a classic.
  6. saxmanager

    Any chance we could see Kurt Thomas play a few minutes on Monday?

    I keep thinking that we should let you have Vin Baker to make it more fair!
  7. saxmanager


    Well, I hope all you doomsayers are right. I'd love nothing more then to see Nash and the rest of those tired players get a nice long rest, over the summer in fact! The Clips are ready for a new challenge.
  8. saxmanager

    Suns @ Clips May 18,2006 game thread

    It's nice to see that other teams have their optimists!
  9. saxmanager

    What Happened to Timmy?

    Have we figured out what happened to Timmy? Maybe he needs more help guarding EB?
  10. saxmanager

    '05-06 Suns Post Season Chat Thread Closed

    Game 7 Chat Anyone? No, you must be mistaken. I think you must have borrowed that book from Rasheed.
  11. saxmanager

    '05-06 Suns Post Season Chat Thread Closed

    Game 7 Chat Anyone? Don't expect to see a game like your last game seven. May the best team win!
  12. saxmanager

    Question for Clippers fans

    Definitely one of the best blogs you'll read anywhere on basketball!
  13. saxmanager

    Photoshop Challenge: Clippers Style

    Really enjoying your work! You guys are alright. Nothing like the faker fans, one in particular who is lurking in these boards.
  14. saxmanager

    Clippers Goal: Keep us under 120

    Well, that may or may not happen. So instead you get back to me......the next time the fakers WIN a playoff game!
  15. saxmanager

    Clippers Goal: Keep us under 120

    "A-Bomb"ination, You're right, the Clips haven't won anything YET, but one thing we know for sure is the fakers are not going to win anything this year. And I'm certainly not going to wait until the Clips win this series to answer your inane myopic faker fan comments.
  16. saxmanager

    Clippers Goal: Keep us under 120

    I can definitely believe you're rooting for the Suns! Keep rooting while you still can. Funny how tonight we played their game on offense, but played ours on defense. I guess you are mistaken. Those guys actually are there. It's the fakers that aren't there anymore!
  17. saxmanager

    Clippers Goal: Keep us under 120

    Darn, the Clips only missed Monday night's point total by one! I guess they'll have to try next time to "one-up" themselves.
  18. saxmanager

    Clippers Goal: Keep us under 120

    I'm extremely glad that the Clips lack many things that the Lakers have! Like the Lakers ability to miss shots two feet from the basket.
  19. saxmanager

    Anticipating Clippers adjustments

    Another myopic faker fan who is living in the past! We'll see just how "soft" the Clips are.
  20. saxmanager

    Question for Clippers fans

    I can tell you this. I've been to both Clipper and Laker games. I was at game two of the Clipper-Nugget series, and I've never heard Staples louder and more enthusiastic. Clipper fans tend to be more blue collar, and less inhibited than Laker fans. And don't forget, WE'VE got BILLY CHRYSTAL!
  21. saxmanager

    Question for Clippers fans

    You guys are just hilarious! Yes, there's a Clipper board. we'd love to have you guys over for cocktails! To answer your question about home games in Staples, of course the Lakers have more fans in LA. They are the most storied franchise in NBA...
  22. saxmanager

    Anticipating Clippers adjustments

    Brand has a great shooting percentage for the year, but I expect more from Mobley, Kaman, and Radmanovic.
  23. saxmanager

    Thoughts from LA.....

    Shawn has so much up side, but so much to learn. He just turned twenty, but he is going to be a big part of the Clips future, along with Brand of course. Maggette is a different story. He had some, let's say, disagreements with Dunleavy and if you remember, he was as good as traded to Indiana...
  24. saxmanager

    Anticipating Clippers adjustments

    It was a great game last night, even though my team lost. I think without the Suns having healthy bigs the Clips have the superior team, but it remains to be seen if the Clips can make the adjustments on defense to counteract the uncanny shooting of the Suns. It also remains to be seen if the...
  25. saxmanager

    LA Times in disbelief

    Well, the Suns got what they wanted in game one. Do you really think they can win this series simply by hoisting up threes?