I think SD and the saints could lose their entire first string to the flu and still crush the cards.
Too many potsers here are overestimating what 2 slim wins over St. Louis and Oakland means.
UYou can have an issue with a knee, or any other body part for that matter, and then injure it more. It was clearly he injured it more and the fact that he had surgery cements that as fact.
Shane is only saying that because he is the ONLY person to think that stevie was shaking his head because he should have caufght it. Everyone else knows it was because he was hurt and the pass was crap.
Dockett was collapsing the pocket yesterday.
Cambell has been invisible.
Saw Williams in on one series yesterday that I saw and he did really good. Nice tackle on a run as well.
reminds me of thge dave mac days. we need to be beaten badly multiple times to get whiz and his crew and boyfriend outta here in order to get better. addition by subtraction.