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  1. M

    Possible Replacement for Amare?

    I agree but then again should he be rewarded for half-assin it? Who's out there? Just Bosh?
  2. M

    Possible Replacement for Amare?

    Seriously, you're gonna think I'm on crack but I'd take Camby over stat. Even Eddie Johnson says that Camby can grab 20 rebounds on any given night. It comes down to possessions in the playoffs..the more chances you have the more success you have. Remeber 2007 and the Oberto tap back? How man6...
  3. M

    Thank you Suns!!!

    Man I love the guy. His shot is money...but man he really looked like Angel food cake out there.... I mean really soft...
  4. M

    Possible Replacement for Amare?

    We don't need surgery. We need a proven rebounder. The rest of the weapons are there. I would love Aldridge....
  5. M

    Possible Replacement for Amare?

    Lee wouldn't put the ball on the floor into 3 walled defenders in the paint and get denied. He would find an open man. It's about being smart out there. Stat doesn't have it. I'm sorry.
  6. M

    Possible Replacement for Amare?

    I'm with ya. It's all desire. Amare can have 32 points 7 rebounds in a game that we lose by 6 and he'd be comfortable with that. He doesn't have that "this is my sandbox" mentality. If you saw Gas-hole (Gasol) in the 3rd Quarter when their team was up by 16 he got called for a foul pushing...
  7. M

    Thank you Suns!!!

    Def. a lot of upside to this team. I agree with all your assessments but Frye. Frye is one dimensional (and we def. need that demension,) and if he keeps on his improvement and harden his defense and get a trainer who will work on his vertical with him he will be even better. He needs some good...
  8. M

    Possible Replacement for Amare?

    I don't think Kerr puts his job security in the hands of a sub cerebral player in Amare. No disrespect but just like Pop's mantra, the regular season doesn't mean squat its what you do in the playoffs. What's nice about this team is that the second squad is the reason for the success of this...
  9. M

    Amare Ought to be Embarassed

    Well remember the old saying..."rebounding is all desire"
  10. M

    Amare Ought to be Embarassed

    Take 6 more rebounds if he tries as hard as Odom and that's 6 possessions he gives for his team to score. Couple that with the three turnovers and that's 9 scoring ops.
  11. M

    Possible Replacement for Amare?

    Nowitzki went down swinging Vs. San Antonio...he's a master of the "and one" ..and he doesn't have to scream that @ the refs...
  12. M

    Amare Ought to be Embarassed

    Studying Amare's defensive presence during this game 6 you see Amare just sleepwalking as the ball is in the air. He's a hopeless liability. 27 Seconds to go, down by 7 in desperate need of a three, Amara puts the ball on the floor into 3 defenders. Access denied! No kickout, just trying to pad...
  13. M

    Possible Replacement for Amare?

    I would take Nowitzki anyday over Amare. Amare can be all world every game of the regular season but when its time to play playoff Basketball with D and with DESIRE, give me somebody who wants the ball in their hand who wont drive into a triple team, travel or charge into a wall of defenders...
  14. M

    Possible Replacement for Amare?

    I was thinking of Aldridge maybe a trade for him? 7" arms as long as telephone poles. Good all around player.
  15. M

    Possible Replacement for Amare?

    I'm not well versed on the business side of the NBA so with that being said, who's out there besides Bosh? Boozer is a dud in the playoffs.
  16. M

    Gambo thinks the Suns should trade Amare

    Trade for David Lee! I'll take the 4 points less a game for 4 extra rebounds a game!
  17. M

    Gambo thinks the Suns should trade Amare

    I wish it was that and I both know he doesn't average 10 boards a game... he's @ 8.5 H@ll, Brook Lopez averages 9.5.... bottom line is rebounding is defense and if you take the Amare challege he clearly takes off many plays when he's not part of things.... One more parting...
  18. M

    Gambo thinks the Suns should trade Amare

    I'm there with you on the Amare challenge I was a big defender of Amare but I watch him on defense and he is a HUGE liability. When you're 6'10 and can jump out the gym, there's no reason why you can't get 11 boards a game. Not 6 one day and 14 the next day.
  19. M

    I hereby recant my position on Nash

    Excellent take! I really like the upside of this team and look for them to make a run in 2nd half.
  20. M

    I hereby recant my position on Nash

    Under TP's system I really didn't care if Nash came out to rest because I didn't see any difference in the team performance with him on the floor or not. But now I know that Nash was born to run and that rebounding, stops and distribution is the by-product of Nash's comfort in this system...
  21. M

    Fat Randolph gets 2 games for striking Lou

    What's even more troublesome is that things are really bad out there in the real world and this goon doesn't seem one bit grateful on how good life is for him, or one bit remorseful to his actions. If I were a pro athlete, I would really be thanking my blessings that fan's still will pay to...
  22. M

    College team game

    Maryland G Steve Blake G Juan Dixon, Steve Francis C Chris Wilcox F Joe Smith F Jerrod Mustaph (a lil Suns humor for ya)
  23. M

    Clippers at Suns 2/17

    Sweet Lou goes for 31 and 17. Decides to carry the team on his Pony Tailed shoulders! Patriot...Brewer!
  24. M

    Anyone else excited?

    Excited. But worried about them defensively. Offense was never the question.
  25. M

    SSOL = A new dragic?

    And one!

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