Last night's performances by the women:
Mandiesel--Another strong performance on a pretty weak overall night. Sorry though, it's not better than Cry was, and I'm Every Woman is so damn tired on this show. It is sung every year, and it's always belted out like that. Mandiesel wins tonight, just barely.
McPheever--great voice, ok performance. I love her, and I think she's fantastic. She's got great personality, and a really great voice.
Lisa Tucker--Great voice but I'm wondering if she can do anything exciting. She's great, no doubt, but Mandiesel and McPheever both have her trumped in the personality department.
Melissa McGhee--Smoky voice and sexy attitude. I loved her performance last night, just fantastic. Too bad her fan base is very small, I think she's going to be voted off on Thursday.
Ayla Brown--Dumb song, because I hate it, but decent performance. Her voice is very good, and I hope this doesn't hurt her because she's light years ahead of pickler, and wanted to do an uptempo song to showcase personality. If she went like Tucker and just sang another safe song, she'd be in no danger. Probably feeling the pressure.
Paris--Poop. That was a really poor performance by her, and was very disappointing. It was boring and bleh, and I love Paris. She's totally safe though, which is a good thing, because that was crap.
Kellie Pickler-- Does anyone else think she's a total fake? And her voice is just not good. I'm going to be severely disappointed when her hick schtick ends up knocking off far better singers like McGhee and Ayla, one of which will happen on Thursday. That was her best performance yet, and I still thought it was merely ok. Her voice bugs, especially on high notes.
Kinnik--- Goodbye. Seriously, that's all I have to say. Goodbye, you've been thouroughly outdone by everyone on this show but Chicken Little.