Your incredibly ignorant post doesn't even deserve a response; however, since it appears many of our mods are not yet home from the game or not yet on the boards to ban your ignorant and condenscing ass, then I will, indeed, respond.
Um, our team lost hours ago. I got over it. Your/your teams fans' lack of respect for our national athem is an absolute disgrace. It is an extreme abomination to this fan base since we have people on this board who have served our country and who are serving our country currently and risking their lives in order for us to sit here and piss and moan about, of all things, football. In addition, we had this great defensive player named Pat Tillman (you might have head of him) who gave up all things football and sacrificed his life for our country.
I don't give a damn who you are, who you root for or where the **** you come from. You do not change the words of the national athem to suit your professional sports team's needs. That is classless.
In case you didn't know, our team has lost four games so far this season. I dare you to try and find a thread on this board where Cardinal fans are harping on something other than penalies, turnovers and Warner's poor play. We are harping on you Chiefs fans for being ******** during the athem, not for beating our team. Get a freaking clue already.