Concerning Dirks Shooting %


Superhero with glasses
Jun 10, 2004
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Dirk has been shooting very poorly in the playoffs (35%FG & 30% 3PT) and I am thinking it may be due to the fact that he is finally starting to miss Nash. Although Dirk did very good during the season, with the defense much tighter in the playoffs, he might be having a harder time creating a shot for himself and missing someone who can draw the defense away from him

I could very well be completely wrong about this. It simply might be that he is in a shooting slump or Houston is playing very good defense against him (Ill be the first to admit that I have not watched the Dallas and Houston series that much) or he could really be missing Nash

What do you guys think?


May 7, 2005
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New poster to the board and i'm a Mavs fan and guys don't worry i'm not some troll that has come here to destroy this board i'm just here to have healthy debates on this Mavs vs. Suns series.

Now that you guys sort of know my background Dirk's shooting against the Rockets were horrible. Some around Dallas have reported he's suffering from a flu and was seen coughing up almost blood at halftime. From what i've seen give the Rockets their due. They played Dirk great. They came into the series telling htemselves that they dont' care about what other Mavs players do just as long as Dirk doesn't go off for 50 again. That ended up costing them the series. They didn't expect for JET Terry, Josh Howard, Stack and Mike Finley to play like they did. Even with that being said though i've seen every Mavs game since 1991. I've seen all of the players Dirk has problems with when they guard him and there are a selected few and he one of those guys happen to play for the Phoenix Suns. His name is Shawn Marion. He's played Dirk great his whole career. As a Mavs fan I just hope to see Dirk just rise to the challenge and become Dirk again. We'll just have to see.


Sep 26, 2004
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After the post game interview, you could see Dirk coughing and hacking into his towel. My ititial thought was that he had some un-named injury which was causing him to struggle. Easier to get over a cold at this time of year rather than a bad ankle or knee.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
Generally I think Suns fans respect the Mavs (at least since Fortson was traded). The Mavs are a very good team.

As expected, most Suns fans think the Suns will win. The Mavs defense is better than in the past, but it is not as tough as the Grizzlie defense which the Suns shredded. During the regular season, the Grizzlies held opponents 91 ppg. The Suns averaged 113. During the regular season, the Grizzlies limited opponents to 43.2% shooting. The Suns shot 50.3% including 45.7% for three.

To beat the Suns, the Mavs will have to play much better defense than they did against the Rockets, but also score a lot of points. The Mavs MIGHT be able to win, but they will have to average over 120 ppg to do it.

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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As before I would have rather seen the Rockets than the Mavericks..The local media (who IMO are boarderline ********) was saying they would buy into the Suns after they beat the great Houston Rockets (DOH!!!)

Dallas is a very good team, they are very good from the perimeter offensive and defensively and that is how they beat you. Terry is a great shooter, Finley is hot right now, and Dirk can only play better. I think Dallas will play a tough series but I think in the end the Suns will win.

Why? Becuase while Dallas has excellent shooters and a a deeper bench, but they have no one who can stop the inside game of Amare. If Dirk guards Amare he will foul out, Dampier will surely foul out because he is a stiff.. Amare will dominate this series until Dallas doubles down then it's JJ, JJax, Q, and sometimes Nash shooting in 3 point heaven.

They also wont stop Nash...Nash as Dallas fans probably are fully aware of is not a KJ, he is not going to blow by you and beat you with quickness and an mid range jumper. Nash will slummble in at 2 MPH always moving with the dribble in an under the hoop always surveying the team for the right moment to make a precision pass to our 2 big time finishers. You can't stop that unless you hammer or impeed Nash...But here is the deal Nash is not just Steve Nash really good pt guard anymore...He is Steve Nash freaking MVP. Sorry but MVP holds some weight in the NBA, MVP's get preferitial calls, ie...Barkley got a ton in the Seatlle series in 93.

I personally would have rather beat an tired Houston in 5 (which we would have) but I'll settle for Dallas in 7. Don't listen to the local media (you know the same dudes who picked the Suns to finish 8th in the playoff hunt) Houston is not that great. But Dallas is very good when they play on all cylinders.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2004
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George O'Brien said:
Generally I think Suns fans respect the Mavs (at least since Fortson was traded). The Mavs are a very good team.

As expected, most Suns fans think the Suns will win. The Mavs defense is better than in the past, but it is not as tough as the Grizzlie defense which the Suns shredded. During the regular season, the Grizzlies held opponents 91 ppg. The Suns averaged 113. During the regular season, the Grizzlies limited opponents to 43.2% shooting. The Suns shot 50.3% including 45.7% for three.

To beat the Suns, the Mavs will have to play much better defense than they did against the Rockets, but also score a lot of points. The Mavs MIGHT be able to win, but they will have to average over 120 ppg to do it.

I totally agree with you. I've seen quite a few Rocket VS Mavs in Round 1 and both teams' defense were great but not great enough to stop the other team from scoring. Both teams could have their ways to score especially in the 4th quarter. So in terms of defense, I don't think Mavs is any better than the Griz although Mavs will be a lot tougher than Griz. Griz was suffering from internal problem and they gave it up in in Game 3 which totally destroys their confidence.

I don't think we can sweep Mavs but we should win it in Game 6 if we can play the way we did against the Griz.