Also I disliked the way Popovich complained to the referees and got a T when Nash took a charge (I believe by Duncan). Nash was clearly outside the circle and had his feet set. It wasn't even close. I just do not understand why Popovich was protesting on the play. The TV analysts were curious as well. Obviously I missed a number of even more blatant fouls by the Spurs as well.
I actually admired Pops for that one because in no way do I think he honestly believed that was worth arguing so much it deserved a T. I believe that was Pops stepping up to the plate for his star, Duncan, who picked up foul No. 3 before the half.
Now, Duncan knows he screwed up, but he was upset it was foul No. 3, and he's just not accustomed to being in foul trouble in the first half. You could tell he was about to go off, but Pops knows there's probably a very fine line the Duncan can't cross, so he runs out and debates the point for Duncan to keep him from getting T'd up (which probably runs the angst high enough for another T).
So ... I think Pops took one on the chin to insure his player stays in the game (both mentally and literally). Notice we didn't see anything like that the rest of the game, although there were surely more questionable calls than that one.