Do we overrate Dansby


Air Raid Warning!
Apr 26, 2005
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Dansby didn't make the pro bowl even as an alternate. He is a good player and is making just under $10 million per year with the franchise tag. Obviously he is not thought of that highly by coaches and players if he didn't even make the pro bowl as an alternate this year.

London Fletcher didn't make the pro bowl either, and apart from his age, I'd take him in a New York minute over Jonathan Vilma. Pro bowl selections can be deceptive.

Le Tigre

Jan 19, 2009
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he does look bigger

I was at a conference in Seattle in October. I arrived on Saturday, the day before the Cards played the Seabirds there. I didn't realize it at the time, but my hotel was the same one the Cards were staying at.

While I was going down the elevator, a very tall, muscular man got on. I recognized him right away as Karlos. This was one massive looking dude!

I asked him if he could kindly lay an extra hit on Seabird #84 (Houshmanzadeh) for me. He grinned and said "I think I can do that".

Cool dude.


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
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First, the whole playing with seperated shoulders thing is misleading. Depends on what grade seperation he has. If he has the lowest grade then it really isnt a big deal that he is playing with it. Lots of players do in many different sports.

Second, I think we slightly overrate him. I honestly dont remember game changing type play from him. But it is steady rock solid play game to game for the most part which should not be overrated. Luckily, WILB is one of the easier positions to fill on a 3-4 Defense. It is a position that Rookies can come in a play very well and most usually do if they are smart enough to know the playbook. I honestly think Haggans can slide over and we wouldnt notice much of a difference. Another guy with similar size and skill set, maybe not as fast but probably smarter.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Dansby didn't make the pro bowl even as an alternate. He is a good player and is making just under $10 million per year with the franchise tag. Obviously he is not thought of that highly by coaches and players if he didn't even make the pro bowl as an alternate this year.

From reading the various sites and listening to the talking heads he is not considered an outstanding player and would not likely receive what he is making now on the open market. I could see the Cards letting him go at some point in order to keep our real stars. I have probably over rated him my self when I mention him in the same breath as Dockett. On a team filled with wide receivers and perhaps short on the D: line and LB Dansby is certainly worth keeping but at what price. Would letting him go in order to sign Boldin make a lot of sense for as I said we have the best and most deep corps of receivers in the NFL. Boldin is going to demand really major dollars as is Dockett. If it comes down to one or the other then to me it is a no brainier. Dockett is perhaps the best at his position in the NFL. If Boldin gets hurt we have several guys who can more than just fill in. If Dockett leaves we have no one who remotely can fill his slot. I would think there is a lot of behind the scenes talks between our club and some of these agents. Like most fans I remain nervous for after all Kurt may just up and retire next year and no matter who goes or who stays there will be serious drop off as it will take Matt a year to adjust to playing every week. That is if Matt is going to be an NFL QB. That is still in question as he has not played enough for any of us to know.

We have been either real smart or real lucky in getting Campbell and Macfadden. Many of the announcers say we stole Bennie Wells at the bottom of the draft in round one. Who would have predicted DRC would be in the pro bowl so quick or even at all. I had never even heard of him. We have an ideal RB duo. Both big, fast, and tough and just as important block. Our OL has now played together for over a year and it shows. Kurt is still on his feet as a result. Seems to me that Kurt time and time again just has to step forward into the pocket and he can get the ball off.

I do not think Graves got real smart all of a sudden. I think input from our coaches and scouts began to be part of the equation. Whiz is a real NFL head coach. His move for a new OC was a stroke of genius and it did not take the new guy a couple of years to fit in.

We have so many wide receivers we have the flexibility to trade one who could be a starter on many NFL teams.

Last year has really spoiled us as fans. Now we win two division titles in a row. What next win the Superbowl? We now expect to win at least a couple of playoff games and can even dream of going to the Superbowl. No matter what happens the last two years has been magical. The days of Kurt are coming to an end and there is one thing a team needs above all to get to the Superbowl is an outstanding QB. Will Matt be that guy? I have no clue and neither does the coach or anyone else. Only when he steps on the field and begins his term as the team leader will we know. I do not ever want to go back to the old Cardinal days or be like a St Louis. My heart just could not take that anymore. It is tough enough being a Cubs fan.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
I'm not a huge Dansby fan, but I have alot more respect for him playing with 2 separated shoulders!!!

Very good point and I did not know that. His value just jumped up in my mind. When a player is willing to spill blood for you and plays hurt he should be given some slack and admiration.


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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Players always say "Its a business" when they start talking money but when fans say "That guy isn't worth what he's getting paid" there's a problem?

Isn't it OK to say, "That guy's a good player but he's not worth what the team is paying him"

With the salary cap you have to look at both.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
he is not going to get the money this offseason he would have commanded last season barring a massive show in the playoffs.

From what the talking heads are saying he is not looked upon by other teams that highly to be offered major dollars. If I were making $10 mil a year would I move to St Louis for 12 mil a year. No way jose. Maybe I live in a totally different world but after you reach a certain amount of pay then where you play and the chances to win a ring kicks in. Perhaps most of these guys are just totally all about money and there is never enough. How very sad.


Apr 30, 2003
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First, the whole playing with seperated shoulders thing is misleading. Depends on what grade seperation he has. If he has the lowest grade then it really isnt a big deal that he is playing with it. Lots of players do in many different sports.

Second, I think we slightly overrate him. I honestly dont remember game changing type play from him. But it is steady rock solid play game to game for the most part which should not be overrated. Luckily, WILB is one of the easier positions to fill on a 3-4 Defense. It is a position that Rookies can come in a play very well and most usually do if they are smart enough to know the playbook. I honestly think Haggans can slide over and we wouldnt notice much of a difference. Another guy with similar size and skill set, maybe not as fast but probably smarter.


But what we lose is an WILB that can also play a little safety as well.

The Wilson, Rolle, and Dansby shift formation is a great weapon, it confused Brett Farve, that is for sure

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
I do think he is an excellent player and we will miss him. I also agree that he will get a big payday as there are teams out there that always overpay. But he has never made the Pro Bowl team which is an decent indicator of value.
The Cards need to go big in the draft on LBs. Fortunately there are some good ones available in the first couple of rounds this year

Where does Dockett fit into all this. This guy is all world. If it appears we are going lose Dansby then what if we lose Dockett also. If we are going to miss Dansby (we will) then how much are we going to miss Dockett? Lose these two and throw in Warner and we may struggle to win the division. I need to forget all this as it will spoil the rest of my year.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Everyone who bum rapped Dansby can't see the forest for the trees. I don't care if he makes the Pro Bowl or is All Pro. He is the "straw" that "stirs the drink" that is the Arizona Cardinals. He is terrific for US. I don't care where else he might play. We will regret it if he gets away.

One might say he is over rated or what ever but any time you change a formula that has been working you risk getting worse. Coca Cola tried New Coke. A slight change and it was a total bust. We went to the Superbowl and won two division titles with Dansby. It is very hard to quantify just how important he was in this success. Did others around him play better because of his play and knowledge of just how they played? Did others get credits for tackles that in fact were helped by Dansby. Just what effect would his loss be in the locker room? He plays hurt just how much does that effect have on others players? He may very well be best friends with one or more of our really good players. Change any one player and you really do not know what the result will be. On paper your new guy may look a lot better but you may actually get worse when a fixture guy who has been here in the successful years leaves. If I am a winning coach I do the best I can to keep the group together unless age enters into the equation. Our problem is much like any successful team. Other teams immediately start coming after your players as they are viewed as winners and they are immediately worth more than they once were. One has to know that Whiz, if he was on the open market, would have some teams banging on his door daily. A couple of successful teams has a philosophy of keeping a certain group of core players together year after year and do not mind changing lesser players around them. You see some good players take less money to play for a New England than they can get elsewhere. Why would a good receiver go to a team with a lousy QB even if the money were more? Some would but they are probably a little short on brain power. St Louis is sort of in the position we were in for decades. A very lousy team with so many holes to fill it is impossible to do in a couple of years. They will have problems signing quality FA's just for that reason and like us will have to over pay those who they can sign. It becomes like a ball rolling down hill. It picks up speed and becomes harder and harder to stop and turn around.


Nov 26, 2007
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What I'm wondering is why we haven't drafted a potential replacement for Dansby already. We've done it with other guys with contract problems like Campbell for Smith, Doucet for Bolden, and Rashad Johnson for Rolle.

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