Yeah, actually I would like Speights in the mix, too. You can't swap out Speights in place of Dalembert because of the $10 million salary disparity, but there's enough room for the trade to be Iggy/Daly/Speights for Amare/JRich, but would Speights even be worth forfeiting the #7 (potentially)? I'm not so sure.
The problem is that if PHI doesn't put some skin in the game, they walk away golden and we end up with more egg on our faces. Iggy's contract has 4 years left after this season. He's already at $12.2 million, so I'd imagine that he'd be around $17 million or $18 million in year 4. We're taking that off their books - advantage PHI. Yes, they are getting a max or near max contract on Amare - but they would only do so if they WANT to have him (no advantage here, just a choice).
Swapping JRich for Daly is almost a salary wash AND they both expire next offseason, so that doesn't affect either team positively or negatively - it's a wash.
So far, we have two washes and one big advantage to PHI, so at this point, the trade is uneven to our disadvantage. The question then becomes if the #7 or Speights evens it all out. Is the #7 too much? Is Speights too little? Therein lies the debate....