How Long Can Nash Carry the Suns??


May 29, 2006
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First let me admit I am a die hard Mavs Fan. But also was one of the biggest Steve Nash fans in Dallas and hated to see him go. But now looking back on it, it was the best decision for our franchise.

So I ask you Phoenix fans knowing now what you do with your team suffering injuries and this year slipping away, would you have still payed an aging Nash all that money that could have been invested in a younger point guard, deeper bench, inside presence etc..

This series is not over yet and the Mavericks will have to work hard to win but assuming they do, how much longer can the Suns depend on Nash. It is obvious the Suns have problems scoring without Nash on the floor. It is a big assumption to think next year when Thomas, Bell and Stoudemire are healthy that Nash will still have enough left in the tank to take you to a championship.

If I am a suns fans I am hoping that the franchise goes out and finds another younger point guard this summer.(Like dallas did with Harris and Terry)


Jolly Nihilist
Jan 17, 2003
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Old Town Scottsdale
Nash IS having to play more minutes than he should due to the lack of Raja Bell.
Yes - the Suns need a more reliable 3rd guard other than Barbosa or House.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Good post, but it doesn't really apply to these playoffs. Regardless of a few questionable games, Steve Nash is still playing at an extremely high level. He is still the best point guard in this series by far, and the best point guard in the playoffs. (Chauncey is very good, but Nash has outplayed him with this depleted roster)

Was letting him go a good decision? Maybe, maybe not. Jason Terry is not the best point guard in the world, he is extremly streaky, and it is far to early to anoint Devin Harris as the second coming.

Dallas has a great team, but if the Suns had their full roster, this post wouldn't exist because the Suns would be dominating the league. As it stands, Steve Nash is carrying this team on his shoulders and doing a masterful job. Sure, Dirk is the MVP of the playoffs so far, but Nash isn't far behind.


Apr 30, 2006
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Tampa, FL
LB still has room to grow.

But the thing people don't understand about the Suns is they don't fit the traditional mold of a typical basketball team.

To see what I mean, look at Boris Diaw. He can attack the paint, but also maintains point gaurd qualities. Amare Stoudemire, aka "point center," is going to be one of the most, if not the most, versatile big men in the NBA.

Versatility is what distinguishes this team from any other in the league.

Nash is a two-time MVP for a reason. Would we be this far without him? Probably not.

Also, every team will have an achilles heel. Where would Dallas be without Nowitzki? Where would Miami be without Shaq? Where would Cleveland be without LeBron?


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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If the Suns can figure out a way to cut Nash down to about 30 minutes a game he'll continue to play at a high level and be worth every penny through the duration of his contract.

I envision something similar to what the Jazz did with Stockton towards the end of his career. I don't know if the Suns even need another point guard to make this happen. With a strong low post scorer the Diaw/LB tandom may be able to fill the playmaker role for the other 18 minutes just fine.


Jolly Nihilist
Jan 17, 2003
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Old Town Scottsdale
We can depend on Nash, Marion, and Diaw at this time - losing that 4th dependable guy - Bell, and having NO reliable 5-7, much less an 8 or 9 - off the bench is a problem.
We just need HEALTH - Nash, Bell, Stat, KT, Diaw, Marion, - it won't MATTER who 7 thru 10 are. Diaw will be 6th man of the year next year - he can spell ANY position - hell - he can START and KT can be off the bench to spell the 4 or 5...


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
So I ask you Phoenix fans knowing now what you do with your team suffering injuries and this year slipping away, would you have still payed an aging Nash all that money that could have been invested in a younger point guard, deeper bench, inside presence etc.

Yes, of course. Nash isn't the reason the Suns are down in this series. He's not the reason Stoudemire and Thomas got injured. The Suns bench would be plenty deep, and their "inside" plenty "present," if not for the injuries to three of their starters. That's not an excuse, but it sure isn't Nash's fault either.


May 29, 2006
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Im a Mav fan and understand injuries... Dirk went down in the 02-03 western conference finals against timmy duncan and the spurs in game 3 and it was devastation :(


Jolly Nihilist
Jan 17, 2003
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Old Town Scottsdale
the more i think about it...
There's 240 total minutes of game time for 5 positions.
if Diaw can play 38 min starting and/or coming off the bench for all 5 positions - the Suns could play Marion, Stat, and Bell for about 38 ea, Nash plays 35, KT 30.
This leaves 23 minutes.
I want House gone - he's not a playoff player - good in the reg season, a liability in the playoffs.
Barbs - I don't want to overpay for a "maybe" good playoff player - Dallas may have figured him out - that means everyone has figured him out via some post season tape analysis.
TT - might command too much money for an occaisional warrior who often plays half a foot shorter than his height.
James Jones - don't know his contract status - if the Suns can keep him for cheap - ok.
The Suns may be looking for some bench in the offseason....
Last edited:


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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wStrikerV said:
Im a Mav fan and understand injuries... Dirk went down in the 02-03 western conference finals against timmy duncan and the spurs in game 3 and it was devastation :(

So true. Like it or not injuries (losing Amare, then KT, and now Raja) are major blows.

If Steve Nash had a healthy Stoudemire to pass the ball to inside, he would not have to carry the load of trying to create an inside ofense for the Suns. Diaw has done a great job of trying to step up.

If the Suns were healthy or had an adequate backup at the PG position for Nash this matter would not even be up for discussion. Nash has a lot of gas left in the tank if the Suns take care of him by lightening the load he has to carry.

As a Mavs fan I see you understand where the Mavs would be without Dirk.

Joe Mama

Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
justAndy said:
the more i think about it...
There's 240 total minutes of game time for 5 positions.
if Diaw can play 38 min starting and/or coming off the bench for all 5 positions - the Suns could play Marion, Stat, and Bell for about 38 ea, Nash plays 35, KT 30.
This leaves 23 minutes.
I want House gone - he's not a playoff player - good in the reg season, a liability in the playoffs.
Barbs - I don't want to overpay for a "maybe" good playoff player - Dallas may have figured him out - that means everyone has figured him out via some post season tape analysis.
TT - might command too much money for an occaisional warrior who often plays half a foot shorter than his height.
James Jones - don't know his contract status - if the Suns can keep him for cheap - ok.
The Suns may be looking for some bench in the offseason....

when the Phoenix Suns put together this crooned rostrum sure they also thought they were going to get 38 minutes from Amare Stoudemire in 30 minutes from Kurt Thomas. Injuries are part of the game, so you have to have good depth in order to get far. Unfortunately this Phoenix Suns team has just suffered too many injuries, but they are still in the Western Conference finals.

Barbosa is a good player off the bench. The Mavericks haven't figured him out as much as they just have quick guards who are able to play better defense on him.


Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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Nowitkness said:
First let me admit I am a die hard Mavs Fan. But also was one of the biggest Steve Nash fans in Dallas and hated to see him go. But now looking back on it, it was the best decision for our franchise.

So I ask you Phoenix fans knowing now what you do with your team suffering injuries and this year slipping away, would you have still payed an aging Nash all that money that could have been invested in a younger point guard, deeper bench, inside presence etc..

This series is not over yet and the Mavericks will have to work hard to win but assuming they do, how much longer can the Suns depend on Nash. It is obvious the Suns have problems scoring without Nash on the floor. It is a big assumption to think next year when Thomas, Bell and Stoudemire are healthy that Nash will still have enough left in the tank to take you to a championship.

If I am a suns fans I am hoping that the franchise goes out and finds another younger point guard this summer.(Like dallas did with Harris and Terry)

"It is a big assumption to think next year when Thomas, Bell and Stoudemire are healthy" How do you know what will happen a year from now? Thomas is likely to be gone; Griffen will get someone for him that can play. Bell has a calf strain (hardly career threatening) and Amare is getting closer each day (I bet a troll like you hopes he remains hurt). Say how can you be sure the Mavs will win 60 games it's a big assumption Howard will be healthy. No logic here IMO, not a good post.

With the picks accumulated, the Suns are in great position to get another pt guard within the next two years, in time to replace Nash towards the end of his career; with a young core of players this team is not going anywhere, sorry troll.


ASFN Addict
Apr 9, 2005
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justAndy said:
Nash IS having to play more minutes than he should due to the lack of Raja Bell.
Yes - the Suns need a more reliable 3rd guard other than Barbosa or House.

Speedy Claxton is a FA but will command atleast 5 million a year. I would look at drafting Farmar from UCLA who is being compared to Nash by some draft publications.


Registered User
May 2, 2006
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Firstly, yes. We would've paid what it took to keep Nash if we were you 3 yrs ago. Nash leaving helped a 1-D Dirk improve his game. That only speaks of the 2 PGs Dallas have - Terry and Harris. Like everyone before me has stated here, Terry is a very avg PG and Harris has just started performing. How good a PG he is is still a big ??

Nash has had to carry this team all year. IIRC he played 79 games this season at an avg of 37 or so mpg. When you're the PG in the Suns system, it does take a toll on you no matter how fit you are. What we're seeing now is just the exhaustion from excessive play time for Nash.

He's going to be fine next season and with our premier players ready, he'd be less pressed to do everything from PG work to scoring. Moreover we'd pick a good PG in this draft - Rondo is a good choice. I've watched him play a lot and have seen his poor shooting. He makes up for that with his speed and ability to drive to the hoop.
He's a player with one of the best IQ's I've seen in college basketball. I've seen Chris Paul play quite a bit and I'd say he is the other guard who came across as being as crafty as Rondo.

O/w I'm sure the Suns mgmt will get a PG in a trade from some other team. With enough rest next season, Nash will be in good form no matter how deep we get in the tournament. He will have enough and more left in his tank next year. Next year is probably our best shot at the title.


Formally known as BEERZ
Sep 13, 2002
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Before Nash the Suns were a bad team.

With Nash were a team with a chance to win it all.

As Nash gets older(I dont see him slowing down for another 2 years or so) Amare & crew will just be hitting their peek.

With all our draft picks from trades I think the Suns are sitting pretty for now & the Future.

Suns need to find a Bigman that can fill a role blocking shots & rebounding. If KT workd out great, but I think his age is catching up to him. Other than a backup PG the Suns are pretty set.