Josh McCown (my take)

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
conraddobler said:
Here's my take.

Josh goes to a good team needing a QB and suprises all of us.

He's not that bad, the team is bad.

But when Duante is throwing pick number 4 in a game like this you can tell us how he's not football smart too.

This team got scredded.

Warner may start soon, hope he does. I'm tired of people picking apart the QB position and hiding behind that.

Our coaching and our schemes suck so let someone else take the blame for the rest of the season.

Clearly this team is worse at this point than last year. We are headed in the wrong direction. I would not be surprised to see DG or at least some of his staff gone within the next two years. We did not belong on the same field with the Cowboys and they had as many rookies playing as we did and had a so called over the hill QB who is Warner's age. We are poorly coached at the best./

Crimson Warrior

Dangerous Murray Zealot
Oct 27, 2002
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Home of the Thunder
coyotesareback said:
Crimson I do beleive McCown hung in there and delivered a first down even with that hit. That was courageous and he delivered would you rather him have taken a sack? Its just silly to say he should have done more, he was running for his life and getting killed all day by one of the best defenses in football going against a college level oline and NO RUNNING GAME.

I don't understand how some of you don't realize how important a running game is to a QB's effectiveness. WIth no threat of the run we are so one dimesional even with our receivers we are gonna SUCK. Check out the 49-21 ass woopin the Bronc's just put on Philly guess what RUNNING GAME!!!!!!


I'm saying that hit rattled McCown to the point where it may have affected him for the entire game, and, that it wasn't worth a first down or the 3 points we got on that drive.

Josh got sacked twice today. TWICE. Bledsoe got sacked three times! Josh had to step up and shuffle in the pocket, but every QB does that.

Marcell averaged over three yards a carry today. Yeah, I know that's funny to say thats good, but, believe it or not, our oline played better than last week vs. TEN.

Josh had his chance to step up today, and, he didn't. I'm not jocking warner, I'm just saying I'm feeling more and more like McCown is not the long term answer at QB.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
LoyaltyisaCurse said:
Warner would have been knocked to IR in this game...

Maybe or maybe not but as long as you are in an NFL football uniform you get paid to play. You do not win or lose on what someone may or may not have done. We should be happy that Josh is so nimble???? That does not get it for me. I prefer a victory even if the QB is on his butt on every play.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Assface said:
I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that the OL is terrible and needs fixing. It's just that some also think that our QB position needs upgrading. I have yet to see someone say that McCown is the one and only reason that we're losing.

Certainly the OL is terrible but Josh ranks right there with him.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Stout said:
McCown proved today what he'll always be. A bad QB that can maybe be a decent backup. He completed a pass that should have been intercepted but turned into a great play because the guy just happened to be there. That hit in the first quarter was typical McCown. Stare down the pass rush running RIGHT AT YOU, do nothing about it, wait too long, and then throw while you're getting CREAMED. Vintage McCown. Just happened to complete the pass. Then he constantly overthrows and underthrows receivers, misses open receivers, knocks us out of FG range by taking another stupid sack, and just overall sucks. Even his TD pass was a great adjustment by Boldin. Ugh. Glad he won't be back, and I laugh hard every time someone says he'll be a good starter somewhere else.

There must be someting known as the "Josh Disese". It infects certain people into thinking this guy is Captain Midnight when in reality he is Mickey Mouse. When he is gone I suspect some will move with him while the rest of us continue to suffer the pains of outrageous fortune.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Crimson Warrior said:
again eerily similar to what we used to say about Jake.

And I'm not saying the situation is exactly the same. for example, Josh never led us to the playoffs like Jake did.

Jake showed enough that a good team like the donkeys wanted to give him the opportunity of a lifetime.

Josh will probably end up going to a team a little more desperate (e.g. buffalo).

With that said, I think plummer is a better QB than McCown. More accurate and better vision. And, I don't think McCown will ever be a successful as Plummer.

I seriously doubt McCown will be a starter anywhere else. He will likely be a backup.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Crimson Warrior said:
not exactly. I've seen enough of Shipp. lots of heart, no speed. the guy is running in mud. not saying jj is better, just saying that we can a get a "bruiser" with more speed than marcell.

It appears to me we are handing the ball off to deep in the backfield??? I am not saying that is the cause of Shipp and JJ not gaining yardage but is a cause for losing yardage. I do not know if we have such a thing as a quick hitter. At least today we had Josh in the gun. Perhaps some coach may have read our post.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
conraddobler said:
Well if we can get Duante Culpepper and Reggie Bush plus two FA O linemen we can take 2nd in our division.

I'm stoked.

Daunte had a knee injury today and had to leave the game on a nice run. Hope it is not bad.

Crimson Warrior

Dangerous Murray Zealot
Oct 27, 2002
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Home of the Thunder
john h said:
Crimson Warrior said:
again eerily similar to what we used to say about Jake.

And I'm not saying the situation is exactly the same. for example, Josh never led us to the playoffs like Jake did.

Jake showed enough that a good team like the donkeys wanted to give him the opportunity of a lifetime.

Josh will probably end up going to a team a little more desperate (e.g. buffalo).

With that said, I think plummer is a better QB than McCown. More accurate and better vision. And, I don't think McCown will ever be a successful as Plummer.

I seriously doubt McCown will be a starter anywhere else. He will likely be a backup.[/QUOTE]

I guess it depends on how the rest of the year goes for Josh. A lot of people were watching that Mexico game John. I'm not saying its fair, but a desperate team like, oh I don't know, CLE? might give Josh the reins for a year.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Russ Smith said:
3 Td passes none of them over 6 yards, and picking apart a secondary playing the run?

Josh doesn't have that luxury we can't run the ball like Denver can giving Josh wide open throws.

I caught the post game highlights and when they got to our game on CBS Shannon sharpe was doing the highlights, they showed Josh getting blitzed and hit hard and Simms said "hello, I'm blitzing, hello?" and then Sharpe said if you can't see that blitz coming there's something wrong with you, Houston, I mean Josh McCown, we have a problem." Point is Josh has speed but he doesn't use it to be a good QB he stands there and takes hits because he can't see blitzes coming.

That point is often missed about a QB not recognizing the blitz and checking off or moving the wrong way to avoid it.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
conraddobler said:
Warner plays in that game and he's a dead man.

I'd be interested in seeing how anxious he is to come in a QB for this team.

I'd bet not very.

Neither would any FA, if there were any.

No one was saying all these bad things when Josh was winning games, to hang this loss or even severely critique any QB in a game like this is like yelling at your waiter about your steak when the place is on fire.

We do not play these games to protect the QB we play to win. If he gets injured he gets injured. Daunte went down today.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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john h said:
We do not play these games to protect the QB we play to win. If he gets injured he gets injured. Daunte went down today.

I agree but if you are going to pay someone to come in here and fix the problem, it'd be a good idea if the guy making buckoo millions had someone to cover his arse from time to time.


Apr 1, 2005
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How the hell can anyone blame him for this loss? You can't win when you give up 24 points in the first quarter. You can't win when the quarterback is pressured that many times. I think Josh should tell DG to let Warner start. Best thing he can do for his career is sit the bench and watch someone else get killed.

24 Point in the first half
Zero run defense
Bad coaching

That is your loss.
Last edited:


R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
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Chandler AZ.
Some of this drivle

isn't worth answering. I don't know about McCown. But because he stands and takes the hit doesn't mean he doesn't see the blitz. It could be exactly the opposite. Maybe the others aren't pickin up the blitz and looking back to help out and he's waiting for that. If he grounds it, we kick his ass for that.
THIS WHOLE GAME was an atrocity and I'm beginning to think it's coaching.
Plummer has the luxury of an OC that puts plays in TO his running strengths. The announcers commented on it today. There's a bunch of people chasing to right side when Plummer rolls out. WHEN DO WE EVER roll McCown?
John I find your expertise to be lacking in these comparisons.
The running game was better today, not consistently! 10 here, 7 there, 10 here. Adds up to 3.whatever avg. but it isn't a consistent 3 yds per carry. That point is moot.
BTW WE don't play the games. It's easy for all of us to rap McCown, and I have some doubts myself right now, but the D melted down also.
You could also say the same thing for receivers. I don't give a rats ass if hung out on a line or not. You touch, you get paid to catch it. Not saying that's what I really think, but, what's good for one....


Aug 22, 2003
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coyotesareback said:
Josh may not be a superstar but your just wrong if you think ANY and I mean any QB would be successful here right now witht the line and running game. Like I said before you don't know what you have at QB because it is impossible to tell with this team as it stands. Argue all you wall we could make a trade for freaking Peyton Manning and he would suck here too. The problem is not the QB and we have a HELL of a long way to go before we need a QB. We need a solid O line and a proven NFL back, not to mention some decent corners and linebackers so we quit getting scored on repeatedly. You go right ahead and draft Leinart and we will suck for 10 more years and say oh well we got a QB that maybe someday could be good.

Man. If Warner plays next week will you root for him or hope he fails?


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
jstadvl said:
I don't know about McCown. But because he stands and takes the hit doesn't mean he doesn't see the blitz. It could be exactly the opposite. Maybe the others aren't pickin up the blitz and looking back to help out and he's waiting for that. If he grounds it, we kick his ass for that.

Dvl, I was praying, nay, SCREAMING for a grounding call. It would show he actually had the football savvy to at least TRY and do something in the face of a blitz, 'cause standing there like a statue and ignoring it sure in the heck doesn't work!

Argh! I'm sorry. I know you know the guy, and I know this isn't your fault, but McCown should be nicknamed the Teflon QB. Some people simply won't acknowledge it when he SUCKS! I came out in support of Josh when he had 1 1/2 good games, and I stayed with him. But he's quickly shown that he doens't have it. At all. He's a Rob Johnson clone.

Lots of people get mad on this board when you rip McCown, and ask why you don't rip the other horrible parts of this team. Doesn't it ever dawn on any of the McCown supporters that we already all AGREE about the other problems? We already KNOW that the O-line sucks, and that we have no running game, and that we scheme badly, and that our D is soft. We KNOW. I, and the others who can admit it, already KNOW that McCown is playing like crap, and is in fact sucking pretty hard-core. It's when people won't admit to what's right in front of them that folks like me get irate. Ugh. It's so obvious it's sad.


Sep 28, 2002
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Stout said:
Lots of people get mad on this board when you rip McCown, and ask why you don't rip the other horrible parts of this team. Doesn't it ever dawn on any of the McCown supporters that we already all AGREE about the other problems? We already KNOW that the O-line sucks, and that we have no running game, and that we scheme badly, and that our D is soft. We KNOW. I, and the others who can admit it, already KNOW that McCown is playing like crap, and is in fact sucking pretty hard-core. It's when people won't admit to what's right in front of them that folks like me get irate. Ugh. It's so obvious it's sad.
If McCown had all the things that we already agree we suck at( running game,OLine, good play calling, good blitz pickup) and he was still sucking and overthrowing and underthrowing and throwing picks I would agree with you. However, he does not have these things and for you to blanketly say he sucks and can't do this or that is dilluding yourself so you can make this position. McCown behind a good line with a running game and receivers that run good routes is a very good NFL starter. We don't have those things so it must be the QB's fault that he is not a wizard and has a boatload of 4th qt comebacks to his credit. That kind of smoke and mirrors never gets you far. SO get anyone cares.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
So we have a QB that requires top-notch pass protection, a good running game, Pro Bowl caliber receivers, and solid TE play. Great, those things are easy to come by. Has it ever occurred to the McCown excuse-o-matic that good QBs don't need all these things to be successful?

Packers, Patriots, Panthers and Eagles. All those teams have struggled running the ball this year and all of them have scored much more points than the Cardinals. I wonder why this is... :rolleyes:


Sep 28, 2002
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
So we have a QB that requires top-notch pass protection, a good running game, Pro Bowl caliber receivers, and solid TE play. Great, those things are easy to come by. Has it ever occurred to the McCown excuse-o-matic that good QBs don't need all these things to be successful?

Packers, Patriots, Panthers and Eagles. All those teams have struggled running the ball this year and all of them have scored much more points than the Cardinals. I wonder why this is... :rolleyes:
Josh has looked good on the occasions that he has had adequete blocking. He is yet to have a running game behind him this season. You may not need all of these things but you certainly need some of them to be successful. Oline has always been good or above avg for the teams you mentioned. Eagles choose not to run, Panthers run well with Davis, and the Pack is not good without a running game..see Favres 5 int today with no running game...Brady and the Pats score on both sides of the ball. Their line does well both pass blocking and run blocking. These Qb would struggle with out the good line play.... this is :lame:


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Fire up the excuse-o-matic Rats. None of those teams mentioned average more than 100 rushing yards per game yet they all score 4-6 more points per game than the Cardinals. It's also embarassing that nobody can see how McWarner's inadequacies are contributing to the dismal play of this offensive line. I don't even know why I bother responding to this myopic nonsense. :rolleyes:


Aug 22, 2003
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
So we have a QB that requires top-notch pass protection, a good running game, Pro Bowl caliber receivers, and solid TE play. Great, those things are easy to come by. Has it ever occurred to the McCown excuse-o-matic that good QBs don't need all these things to be successful?

Packers, Patriots, Panthers and Eagles. All those teams have struggled running the ball this year and all of them have scored much more points than the Cardinals. I wonder why this is... :rolleyes:

Amen my brother.


May 5, 2003
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Rats said:
McCown behind a good line with a running game and receivers that run good routes is a very good NFL starter. .

WOW talk about job security

We spent 10 trillion dollars in WR's and we still dont have wr's worthy enough to play with Teflon McCown.

So basically we need to upgrade EVERY single position with All pro's and HOF's before we can correctly evaluta eJosh. Man, I bet he wished you were the GM.

football karma

Michael snuggles the cap space
Jul 22, 2002
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Would it be nice to have a better QB? of course

However, the flaws with this team are so fundamental, that nobody in the NFL is going to do very well in this offense.

I am all for upgrading the QB position in the offseason, but unless the o-line and running game is brought up to at least "average", I am not sure if anyone would notice the upgrade.

As for the "cant go through his reads" stuff -- honestly -- how does anyone really know? The tv rarely shows the full field view, and unless you know the play, and what the routes were given the coverage, you have no idea. It strikes me as armchair offensive coordinators seeing a symptom and calling it a cause.

Finally, I think there is an incredibly unreasonable standard of performance expected. Every QB misses reads. Every QB misses throws. Every QB fails to hit the hot guy on a blitz -- for goodness sake, its why teams blitz so much.

No QB in the NFL could have won that game for the Cardinals yesterday. To think otherwise is foolish if not outright delusional.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
en fuego said:
Would it be nice to have a better QB? of course

However, the flaws with this team are so fundamental, that nobody in the NFL is going to do very well in this offense.

I am all for upgrading the QB position in the offseason, but unless the o-line and running game is brought up to at least "average", I am not sure if anyone would notice the upgrade.

As for the "cant go through his reads" stuff -- honestly -- how does anyone really know? The tv rarely shows the full field view, and unless you know the play, and what the routes were given the coverage, you have no idea. It strikes me as armchair offensive coordinators seeing a symptom and calling it a cause.

Finally, I think there is an incredibly unreasonable standard of performance expected. Every QB misses reads. Every QB misses throws. Every QB fails to hit the hot guy on a blitz -- for goodness sake, its why teams blitz so much.

No QB in the NFL could have won that game for the Cardinals yesterday. To think otherwise is foolish if not outright delusional.

I know we can't expect miracles with most QBs, but if yesterday's performance is something we should sit back, accept as okay, and ignore, then we've become seriously forgetful of what good QB play truly is. Or even average QB play. 'Cause yesterday we saw ABYSMAL QB play.

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
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en fuego said:
Would it be nice to have a better QB? of course

However, the flaws with this team are so fundamental, that nobody in the NFL is going to do very well in this offense.

I am all for upgrading the QB position in the offseason, but unless the o-line and running game is brought up to at least "average", I am not sure if anyone would notice the upgrade.

As for the "cant go through his reads" stuff -- honestly -- how does anyone really know? The tv rarely shows the full field view, and unless you know the play, and what the routes were given the coverage, you have no idea. It strikes me as armchair offensive coordinators seeing a symptom and calling it a cause.

Finally, I think there is an incredibly unreasonable standard of performance expected. Every QB misses reads. Every QB misses throws. Every QB fails to hit the hot guy on a blitz -- for goodness sake, its why teams blitz so much.

No QB in the NFL could have won that game for the Cardinals yesterday. To think otherwise is foolish if not outright delusional.
