I'm better than Mulli!
KLL said:Again... look at the source...I believe this would be reported... Plus.. isnt RealGM come from the East Coast? It's already noon there...wouldnt you think this story would also have been updated by now if there was any validity to the story? I believe so... it's all moot, but I guess it makes everything more interesting/exciting for everyone rather than complete monotony....
We're all dealing with an extreme case of hearsay.... It's just that JJ and Q's game complemented each other perfectly...
True..the trade could greatly alter the draft strategy, but it's too major of a risk that could ultimately backfire for everyone....
I think that if JJ's in fact has already been signed by the Suns (his fate being sealed), then that would have been announced by now.....
I believe there were several occasions when Q became more than just a mere 5th option... He seemed to hit the clutch shots when the Suns needed it most and he would create several mix-matches himself if D'Antoni allowed for him to go inside more to the extent that he would even be more of a focal point on offense than he actually was....
Again... it's just this rumor seems to be made by someone who tends to sensantionalize everything without any regards to logic.......
given amare's emergence as a go-to-performer in the playoffs i don't think we're as dependent on q being the clutch-time shooter than we might have been during the season.