Red on White
Hall of Famer
Kyler, what are you like rolling left?He had better have his big boy pants on
Could be the difference in the game
Kyler, what are you like rolling left?He had better have his big boy pants on
Could be the difference in the game
And just like that our Home field advantage from last week takes a hit.xc_hide_links_from_guests_guests_error_hide_media
The 2nd T is silent.“Super Bowl contending” Detroi Loins
I stated earlier that he may be the difference in the gameJackson Barton is a very, very bad tackle
AbsolutelyThis will be a much tougher O-line than last week
Based on all his No starts?Jackson Barton is a very, very bad tackle
The history of the Cardinals is to ignore the sticks on 3rd down...on defense and offense.why aren't we playing the sticks on 3rd down