Metta World Peace Assaults Harden (ugly vid)


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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Targeted elbows... to defenseless players heads... targeted elbows... on your shot release. Those are NOT a part of the game, have no place in it and have potential to cause very serious injury.

To pretend otherwise is pathetic.

Again, they are dirty but not near the realm of leg things. I don't recall anyone having a season or career shut down becasue of an elbow. Broken noses, yep. Split lips, yep.

Vince Carter got shut down for a season after Bowen undercut him. Leg injuries > elbows to the head...that's the bottom line.

I love me some Darnell Dockett, but he does something that makes me cringe...he'll twist a leg coming out of a pile from time to time. I've seen him do it. If someone came at him because of it, I can't deny that he does it, it's dirty and I don't like it. I love the hell out of him though.


Oct 10, 2011
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Who cares about legs and Bruce Bowen? Kobe has deliberately attempted to injure people. He has thrown his elbows in a not only reckless way but a malicious one. Bruce Bowen was scum! No one doubts that. Kobe is also absolute scum.

And Docket falls into the category of player that I would hate if he were not on my team... and even on my team I have a hard time liking him. Kobe is in the same class. Many Laker fans admit, they like the Lakers, not Kobe. The rest are just wearing blinders.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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the cheap shot artist known as kobe strikes again

How so? That was a weak ass flagrant foul call. He went for ball and got head.

Whiny whiny whiny. I thought you were bitching about elbows, not normal effing plays.

Good lord, whiny as hell.


May 10, 2007
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How so? That was a weak ass flagrant foul call. He went for ball and got head.

Whiny whiny whiny. I thought you were bitching about elbows, not normal effing plays.

Good lord, whiny as hell.

qft, **** and ****


Oct 10, 2011
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How so? That was a weak ass flagrant foul call. He went for ball and got head.

Whiny whiny whiny. I thought you were bitching about elbows, not normal effing plays.

Good lord, whiny as hell.

Meanwhile in the post game the guys in the studio thought it warranted an ejection.

Yeah... no blinders going on here.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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Meanwhile in the post game the guys in the studio thought it warranted an ejection.

Yeah... no blinders going on here.

lol, the guys in the studio. LOL. Whatever dude.

Use your eyes, not your haterade glasses. I wouldn't want Danny effing Ainge ejected or called flagrant for that. It was a regular, everyday foul in the NBA. Wow, your hate has no bounds. I've seen that foul maybe 10 times THIS POSTSEASON ALREADY!

The guys in the studio. LOL. The guys in the I love it. Way to back up your take with THE GUYS IN THE STUDIO. Awesome.

The refs actually reviewed the damn play on the court. But of course, if the guys in the studio say something, by all means. Well, we might as well just crown Miami for not one, not two, not three, not, four, not five...etc...blather and blah. Guys in the studio. Let me guess, Barkley led the charge, eh? I'm sure he did...

"ummhhhmumble mubmle thvrhow kobe bean bryant ouhahatah games for all the flagrance and fragrance of that foul...he coulda been ..well, lemme tell you somethin, let me tell you...dooowayne wayde woulda never done nothing...and lebron james..oh, and also, also, gotta say, chris paul woulda never done something..when I was playin, if a guy..where's my rum?"

Yeah, the guys in the studio indeed.
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Oct 10, 2011
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lol, the guys in the studio. LOL. Whatever dude.

Use your eyes, not your haterade glasses. I wouldn't want Danny effing Ainge ejected or called flagrant for that. It was a regular, everyday foul in the NBA. Wow, your hate has no bounds. I've seen that foul maybe 10 times THIS POSTSEASON ALREADY!

The guys in the studio. LOL. The guys in the I love it. Way to back up your take with THE GUYS IN THE STUDIO. Awesome.

The refs actually reviewed the damn play on the court. But of course, if the guys in the studio say something, by all means. Well, we might as well just crown Miami for not one, not two, not three, not, four, not five...etc...blather and blah. Guys in the studio. Let me guess, Barkley led the charge, eh? I'm sure he did...

"ummhhhmumble mubmle thvrhow kobe bean bryant ouhahatah games for all the flagrance and fragrance of that foul...he coulda been ..well, lemme tell you somethin, let me tell you...dooowayne wayde woulda never done nothing...and lebron james..oh, and also, also, gotta say, chris paul woulda never done something..when I was playin, if a guy..where's my rum?"

Yeah, the guys in the studio indeed.

My point was... you didnt even think it was a flagrant.

It was a flagrant, flagrant 2? Probably not, there wasnt enough there to say definitively that he did a "follow through" on the blow to the head delivered. But he came no where near making a defensive play on the ball, he attacked a defenseless player in the air, striking him in the head-no less. How that is not a flagrant in your world is beyond me.

But hey, in this thread you seem to feel elbows to the skull as nothing to get alarmed over. So a forearm to the head of a defenseless player in the air? Thats nothing, should have been Lakers ball out of bounds, right?


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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My point was... you didnt even think it was a flagrant.

It was a flagrant, flagrant 2? Probably not, there wasnt enough there to say definitively that he did a "follow through" on the blow to the head delivered. But he came no where near making a defensive play on the ball, he attacked a defenseless player in the air, striking him in the head-no less. How that is not a flagrant in your world is beyond me.

But hey, in this thread you seem to feel elbows to the skull as nothing to get alarmed over. So a forearm to the head of a defenseless player in the air? Thats nothing, should have been Lakers ball out of bounds, right?

I don't think it wasn't a flagrant per the NBA rules, I think it was a weak ass flagrant foul. The ball was up to be shot, the first foul brought his hands down, and Kobe got all head. Had the first foul not occurred Kobe would have gotten arms and head, rather than just head. But by rule, its a flagrant foul. Calling it a cheapshot is was just a weak flagrant foul. It wasn't a forearm to the head either...he was trying to block the guy from behind FFS, and the guy didn't lift the ball. Have you never seen someone get blocked from behind? Forearm to the head? C'mon man. You should get a job as a studio guy if that's the story you are rolling with. I suppose Kobe should get 7 games for that wicked forearm to the head of a defenseless player, too? :rolleyes:

That's probably THE most common flagrant foul that is called in today's game... definitely nothing out of the ordinary. I can probably find youtubes of that both called and not called. It's an everyday NBA play. Happens a lot.

80s basketball rolls over in its grave on a daily basis.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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Oh good lord, I just rewatched this. He actually is able to get his hands on the ball during that. He CLEARLY went for the ball, and got hands, arms and head. Even less of an issue that I originally thought. Faried's little acting job sold the flagrant on that one, and Kerr wetting his pants over it probably tainted your view of it. Look at it again, put Dudley in place of Kobe, and tell me that was some over the top foul where he wasn't going for the ball on the block. I'd love to hear how you go studio guy about it, because he actually DOES GET HIS HANDS ON THE BALL.

Check the still at 1:05 if you doubt me.



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Jan 2, 2003
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Oh good lord, I just rewatched this. He actually is able to get his hands on the ball during that. He CLEARLY went for the ball, and got hands, arms and head. Even less of an issue that I originally thought. Faried's little acting job sold the flagrant on that one, and Kerr wetting his pants over it probably tainted your view of it. Look at it again, put Dudley in place of Kobe, and tell me that was some over the top foul where he wasn't going for the ball on the block. I'd love to hear how you go studio guy about it, because he actually DOES GET HIS HANDS ON THE BALL.

Check the still at 1:05 if you doubt me.

okay... now you're just out of your mind. no one winds up like that to block a shot and usually when you are trying to block a shot, you're LOOKING at what you're doing. Kobe's not. that was absolutely an over the top foul and to argue otherwise is pretty ridiculous.

the studio guys who have no dog in the fight thought it was over the top... the Radio guys in LA this morning were calling that a complete cheap shot... and these are LAKER honks... but yeah... it's just Suns fans... even though none of the Studio guys, TNT broadcaster or LA radio guys are Suns fans.

it's okay... Kobe could rape your ass and you'd probaby say he just slipped on a banana peel... and that it was actually quite enjoyable once you gave in to it... but that doesn't mean anyone else has to swallow the black mamba like you love to.
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A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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okay... now you're just out of your mind. no one winds up like that to block a shot and usually when you are trying to block a shot, you're LOOKING at what you're doing. Kobe's not. that was absolutely an over the top foul and to argue otherwise is pretty ridiculous.

Even the Radio guys in LA this morning were calling that a complete cheap shot... and these are LAKER honks.


Hands on the ball.

End of story.

Not saying it's not a flagrant in today's pussified league, it is. But it's not a cheap shot. It's called a hard playoff foul. He got hand, ball and head. Big effing whoop.

If you look at 1:05 and deny that he's going for the ball there, you simply prove that you have absolutely no objectivity. So what is it, are you objective or are you studio guy? I think I already know the answer.

BTW, radio guys in LA are douches...Hartman wouldn't piss on the Lakers if they were on fire, and would light Kobe on fire if he could.


Frank Kaminsky is my Hero.
Apr 2, 2005
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South Bay

BTW, radio guys in LA are douches...Hartman wouldn't piss on the Lakers if they were on fire, and would light Kobe on fire if he could.

They are douches, but Hartman refuses to buy into ******** like everyone else in this city. He is one of the more tolerable guys in LA, as are Money and Petros (to a certain degree).

Hartman has had to host a radio show with Vic "The Brick" for years now and deal with his incessant Laker brown nosing. The two are constantly at each other's throats, so to speak, because Jacobs thinks Kobe is the 2nd coming of Jesus.


A Whole New World
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Ball, hand, arm, head. ~fin~

BTW cheese, yes people wind up and swing on that type of block. Kobe does do two other jerks in Dwade and LeBron, two guys about whom you will have a hard time throwing homophobic rants towards me.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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They are douches, but Hartman refuses to buy into ******** like everyone else in this city. He is one of the more tolerable guys in LA, as are Money and Petros (to a certain degree).

Hartman has had to host a radio show with Vic "The Brick" for years now and deal with his incessant Laker brown nosing. The two are constantly at each other's throats, so to speak, because Jacobs thinks Kobe is the 2nd coming of Jesus.

Vic is just as annoying as Hartman, probably moreso. LA radio is turrible.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
I'm seeing this for the first time, and I agree with Donald. It's a garden-variety "hard foul" in the playoffs that was upgraded to a flagrant because of how Faried fell.


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Jan 2, 2003
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Hands on the ball.

End of story.

Not saying it's not a flagrant in today's pussified league, it is. But it's not a cheap shot. It's called a hard playoff foul. He got hand, ball and head. Big effing whoop.

If you look at 1:05 and deny that he's going for the ball there, you simply prove that you have absolutely no objectivity. So what is it, are you objective or are you studio guy? I think I already know the answer.

BTW, radio guys in LA are douches...Hartman wouldn't piss on the Lakers if they were on fire, and would light Kobe on fire if he could.

he's not even LOOKING at the play he's making. just because he happened to barley hit the ball, didn't mean he wasn't head-hunting.

and Hartman didn't say jack squat... at least not that I heard. Morning drive time Robert Lodge (a huge Laker honk), Colin Cowherd (is he not objective also?), Dan Patrick all said the same thing. It was a cheap shot born out of frustration.

trying to argue otherwise is incredibly stupid.


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Jan 2, 2003
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Vic is just as annoying as Hartman, probably moreso. LA radio is turrible.

even tho Vic was the biggest Laker honk in the world, I actually found him pretty funny simply because he was SO ridiculous.

Hartman's definitely a hater.


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Jan 2, 2003
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Ball, hand, arm, head. ~fin~

BTW cheese, yes people wind up and swing on that type of block. Kobe does do two other jerks in Dwade and LeBron, two guys about whom you will have a hard time throwing homophobic rants towards me.

you can swing like that when you're coming up from behind on someone shooting the ball or a layup, but you don't swing like that on a dunk when a guy is in the air. That's a recipe for disaster.

and what was homophobic about my rant? you love Kobe and would defend him to the end no matter what he does and would probably enjoy his black mamba. not saying there's anything wrong with it... but it is what it is.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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even tho Vic was the biggest Laker honk in the world, I actually found him pretty funny simply because he was SO ridiculous.

Hartman's definitely a hater.

Vic is one of the weirdest dudes in that city, and that is saying A LOT.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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you can swing like that when you're coming up from behind on someone shooting the ball or a layup, but you don't swing like that on a dunk when a guy is in the air. That's a recipe for disaster.

He wasn't dunking. He was going up hard expecting the foul from Barnes (which he got). Faried ain't that athletic that he's dunking over barnes from that spot...I'd buy it if it were Blake G but not Faried.

There are a ton of examples of Kobe cheapshots out there, and actual hard fouls that are legit cheapshot flagrants (Mike Miller can tell you about one). Trying to position a good hard playoff foul as a cheapshot, especially when he got more hand and ball than head is reaching really, really hard.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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and what was homophobic about my rant? you love Kobe and would defend him to the end no matter what he does and would probably enjoy his black mamba. not saying there's anything wrong with it... but it is what it is.

The fact that you are using it in a way to belittle my position, as if it was going to be shockingly offensive or shockingly funny, either're better than that.

I'd defend LeBron in the exact same scenario, even if he did it to Kobe...though it would pain me to defend the Chosen One. And I'm going to go out on a limb and say if that were LeBron and not Kobe, the radio in Miami and the studio guys wouldn't be pissing and moaning about it. Kobe just ain't likeable. It is what it is.


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Sep 24, 2002
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Being a dyed in the wool Laker hater, I don't agree with Donald too often but I have to on this one. I'd go so far as to say that it is the right defensive play in the situation. Fairied was going to dunk it so there was no point in trying to just get a finger on the ball - Kobe had to knock it out of his hand and that required the hard swing. He did knock it loose, too, as the flight of the ball showed in the video.
Kobe got too much head to call it incidental contact but flagrant, no way.


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Jan 2, 2003
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The fact that you are using it in a way to belittle my position, as if it was going to be shockingly offensive or shockingly funny, either're better than that.

ha... no I'm not!