Roethlisberger Injured in Motorcycle Accident


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2003
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The urban swamp
Ben never has struck me as being a brilliant person. This seems to be the proof that he isn't.

He can do whatever he wants, but, coming out publically and telling the public, via ESPN, that he is a safe rider was preposterous. He was riding a crotch rocket, not basic transportation. He wasn't wearing a helmet. That is a deadly combination.

I have been riding bikes of all shapes and sizes for most of my life and it is extremely unsafe. Anyone who doesn't think so, is delusional. I gave up most riding activities about ten years ago after having to lay my bike down in an intersection to avoid slamming into a red light runner. I have ex friends who were killed on bikes and a few years ago, a very close friend lay in a roadside ditch for 6 hours because he hit a wet patch of highway in North Carolina. He spent the next year going through multiple life saving surgeries. It seems like it is just a matter of time. I just shake my head when people like Ben think they are different. I love riding bikes, but I have never seen a cycle accident that couldn't have been avoided or at least minimized. Any rider who doesn't wear a helmet, avoid traffic, brake heading into intersections, avoid blind spots in adjacent vehicles, doesn't wear protective clothing, and doesn't stay off the road in inclement weather is a time bomb.

P.S. Most bike riders I see, look totally out of their element. Motorcycle is another word for " organ donor ".

P.S.S. If you check out the carnage of Ben's bike, he was not under control. I don't care whose " fault" it was, that bike came apart due to the laws of physics.

Red Dawn

Go Big Red!
Dec 17, 2002
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The West Coast of Arizona
wallyburger said:
Ben never has struck me as being a brilliant person. This seems to be the proof that he isn't.

He can do whatever he wants, but, coming out publically and telling the public, via ESPN, that he is a safe rider was preposterous. He was riding a crotch rocket, not basic transportation. He wasn't wearing a helmet. That is a deadly combination.

I have been riding bikes of all shapes and sizes for most of my life and it is extremely unsafe. Anyone who doesn't think so, is delusional. I gave up most riding activities about ten years ago after having to lay my bike down in an intersection to avoid slamming into a red light runner. I have ex friends who were killed on bikes and a few years ago, a very close friend lay in a roadside ditch for 6 hours because he hit a wet patch of highway in North Carolina. He spent the next year going through multiple life saving surgeries. It seems like it is just a matter of time. I just shake my head when people like Ben think they are different. I love riding bikes, but I have never seen a cycle accident that couldn't have been avoided or at least minimized. Any rider who doesn't wear a helmet, avoid traffic, brake heading into intersections, avoid blind spots in adjacent vehicles, doesn't wear protective clothing, and doesn't stay off the road in inclement weather is a time bomb.

P.S. Most bike riders I see, look totally out of their element. Motorcycle is another word for " organ donor ".

P.S.S. If you check out the carnage of Ben's bike, he was not under control. I don't care whose " fault" it was, that bike came apart due to the laws of physics.


I have also ridden most of my life. This post is preposterous. A crotch rocket and no helmet is a deadly combination? How about a 62 year old lady turning left in front of a cycle, that seems deadlier, and its an all-too-common story. This situation can happen to an expert motorcycle safety instructor as well as a novice rider.

And its amazing to me you can tell Ben was not under control by the "carnage of Ben's bike". The bike came apart due to the laws of physics...wth does that mean? What other forces would cause it to come apart. How much reaction time did Ben have to avoid the car, 20 feet? 30 feet? How would Ben's bike look if he was "under control"?

It's sad to me that people are jumping on Ben because he chose not to wear a helmet, when the real culprit here is a motorist who, for whatever reason, did not yield the right-of-way to another motorist.


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2003
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The urban swamp
Red Dawn said:

I have also ridden most of my life. This post is preposterous. A crotch rocket and no helmet is a deadly combination? How about a 62 year old lady turning left in front of a cycle, that seems deadlier, and its an all-too-common story. This situation can happen to an expert motorcycle safety instructor as well as a novice rider.

And its amazing to me you can tell Ben was not under control by the "carnage of Ben's bike". The bike came apart due to the laws of physics...wth does that mean? What other forces would cause it to come apart. How much reaction time did Ben have to avoid the car, 20 feet? 30 feet? How would Ben's bike look if he was "under control"?

It's sad to me that people are jumping on Ben because he chose not to wear a helmet, when the real culprit here is a motorist who, for whatever reason, did not yield the right-of-way to another motorist.

I know plenty of riders like you say you are. Nothing I said was preposterous, only things you don't agree with.

I just finished repairing a friend's " crotch rocket " after he lost it in the rain and slid into a car guilty of illegally entering an intersection. My friend was doing 70 , in the rain , in a 35 MPH zone, when he saw the offending vehicle. What saved his life was the slick pavement which reduced the effect of the " laws of physics" you would like to discount. He was wearing a full face shield helmet. I had to weld the frame back together at the swingarm assembly. It had snapped in half from the torque/stress of the impact. Cosmetically, Fred's ( my friend ) bike looked much better than Ben's. Fred suffered a broken shoulder and collarbone along with road rash. His head was fine. His helmet was a throw away, cosmetically toast.

If you want to hear anymore stories about foolish riders I have known, just ask me. Rick Case, my cross country riding companion was decapitated while passing a truck at 110 mph. Pete Thayne died almost instantly from head trauma and broken neck while pulling a wheelie in a school parking lot. It goes on and on. Speed and stupidity kill.

Ben's bike was literally destroyed 1/3 of the way back from the impact. That requires high speed impact. The fact that he catapulted indicates, he never hit the brakes or locked up the front brake. That means he had little or no control. That is careless riding, no matter who made an illeagl turn. If a rider enters an intersection exceeding the posted limit and is not ready to brake, he is only fooling himself. So what if Ben was legally right. he was foolish for trusting other drivers. If you ride long enough , you devlelop an attitude in which you trust no one else on the road to do the right thing and anticipate the fools. When I come to an intersection, my right hand is off the throttle, cocked on the front brake lever and my foot has the rear brake lever halfway activated.

On top of that he had his baseball cap on backwards without his helmet. It looks cooler to ride that way. I live in a state that foolishly rescinded the required helmet law. Safety of the rider and protection from head trauma had nothig to do with the decision. It was the false sense of pride from riders who wanted to feel free. BS. I'll debate this with you all you want. I have plenty of experiences to share and dead friend's who all did something stupid.

How about a 62 year old lady turning left in front of a cycle, that seems deadlier, and its an all-too-common story.
That is what you said and is very true. That is why a common sense rider anticipates that 62 year old lady pulling that stunt.
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Red Dawn

Go Big Red!
Dec 17, 2002
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The West Coast of Arizona
High speed impact? The stories I read indicate he was going under the speed limit of 35 mph. It's amazing to me you have already completed all the forensics on this accident in the comfort of your own home by looking at a few pictures.

I won't compare horror stories of cycle and car accidents because it has nothing to do with Ben's accident. I also try to be as safe a rider as possible; again, that has nothing to do with Ben's accident.

I am done posting in this thread, it's destined for the political forum. I can tell right now the only effect debating with you would have would be to jack up my post count by a couple of thousand. I've got to get to work and besides, you already have everything figured out anyway.


I hope Ben recovers fully.


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2003
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The urban swamp
Red Dawn said:
High speed impact? The stories I read indicate he was going under the speed limit of 35 mph. It's amazing to me you have already completed all the forensics on this accident in the comfort of your own home by looking at a few pictures.

I won't compare horror stories of cycle and car accidents because it has nothing to do with Ben's accident. I also try to be as safe a rider as possible; again, that has nothing to do with Ben's accident.

I am done posting in this thread, it's destined for the political forum. I can tell right now the only effect debating with you would have would be to jack up my post count by a couple of thousand. I've got to get to work and besides, you already have everything figured out anyway.


I hope Ben recovers fully.

What is the point of your post? Hopefully this incident is a convincing message that motorcycle riding isn't all fun and games. My point was that Ben made some real bad decisions and hopefully he will be a living example. I started riding when I was 13 years old and there are a lot of years and bikes in between then and now. Wonder how I made it all these years with my know it all attitude. I had my share of bumps and bruises, but just like most other experiences in life, very few people want free advice.

I do not know for sure, but I would wager Ben has been riding for only a few years and started out on the wrong bike. A big paycheck and lifestyle usually make these decisions for fashionable riders.

Ben is none of my business, so I shouldn't have posted. He, Winslow, Jay Williams can do anything they want. I meddled where I didn't belong. I just got a bit agitated when I see misplaced responsibility. Shame on me. Ride on and good luck.

P.S. I do not know the facts. I was speculating.
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ASFN Addict
Aug 22, 2003
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The 215
This thread is beginning to sound like that SNL skit "Who's More Grizzled?"



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Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
Skkorpion said:
From someone who was paralyzed 31 years ago by not wearing his seat belt, Ben is a ******** who appears to got off lucky and deserves every bad thing that comes his way.

Arrogant, shallow and selfish. I hope he recovers but he deserves the worst.
That's pretty harsh. Should he have been wearing a helmet? Yes. But come on. Lighten up--he's a young kid who thought he was invincible and found out he's not.

You're spitting venom like he was driving a bulldozer drunk through a schoolyard full of blind kids. He got in a simple motorcycle accident that while riding responsibly (sans aformentioned lack of helmet). He wasn't putting anyone else but himself in danger when he fired that bike up.

You guys are going back and forth on this thread as if the deliniation between intelligent and stupid, or worse, the line between good person/bad person is decided by a helmet. You all never did anything you regret when you were 24?

az jam

Mar 6, 2004
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Scottsdale, AZ
Pariah said:
You all never did anything you regret when you were 24?

Heck I'm still doing things that I regret and I'm 63.:D Hopefully Ben will have a full recovery and learn from this.


May 15, 2002
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Here's the story of a girl riding down the road on the back of a perfectly respectable bike, behind a rider with over 20 years experience. She was wearing a helmet because the driver wouldn't take her along without it, nice day for a ride, good weather practically empty roadway. The pair hit a slick spot on the road, wipeout. The girl still has her face and head intact because of that helmet and the man that made her wear it. 20 years later she will never, ever forget the pain of having road scraped out of her skin with a wire brush in the emergency room and the utter relief at being able to feel it. Thanks Dad

Foolish naive young man who had to learn in a very public way that he can be hurt, still I wish him my best and hope that Ben did learn something from this and isn’t forced to pay full price for the lesson.


ASFN Addict
Aug 22, 2003
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The 215
Angel said:
The girl still has her face and head intact because of that helmet and the man that made her wear it. 20 years later she will never, ever forget the pain of having road scraped out of her skin with a wire brush in the emergency room and the utter relief at being able to feel it. Thanks Dad



May 13, 2002
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I honestly can't judge Ben for his decision.... if he wants to take that chance that fine with me. As long as his actions don't affect my life, who cares?


ASFN Addict
Sep 15, 2002
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One thing's for sure, he's become a role model for others with this. Usually on my way to work, I see a few motorcyclists w/o helmets. Today, I saw two bikes while driving to work, both drivers had helmets on.

I can't say for sure it's connected, but I'm hoping this wises some people up to just how dangerous & stupid it is to ride a bike.

.... without a helmet.


Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
vince56 said:
One thing's for sure, he's become a role model for others with this. Usually on my way to work, I see a few motorcyclists w/o helmets. Today, I saw two bikes while driving to work, both drivers had helmets on.
I was thinking about this, too. What an opportunity for him to be a "helmet advocate," if there is such a thing.

Seriously, what a high-profile, very impactful PSA that would be:

footage of biker riding without helmet
Ben (VO): I used to think it wouldn't happen to me because I was careful and respectful of the rules of the road.

photos of accident scene/photos of ben's f'd up face
Ben (VO): I was worng.

Ben speaking to camera
Ben: Riding a motorcycle still makes me feel free. Only now, I feel free and safe because I always wear a helmet. No matter how careful you are on the road, you're still only a moment away from disaster. I'm lucky to be able to be here today to tell you--don't take chances; wear a helmet.


ASFN Addict
Aug 22, 2003
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The 215
HeavyB3 said:
Sounds like someone has experienced a motorcycle crash and had a helmet on thanks to her father.

That's what I thought Heavy, but it sounded a lil sarcastic in tone, due to the whole "being alive to experience it." Guess I just read it wrong.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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Interestingly enough I found a pittsburgh tribune review article from last year that quotes Leigh Steinberg, Ben's agent at the time(I think he fired him since), saying Ben's contract does NOT have a clause in it against riding motorcycles. But the writer said several members of the Steelers suggested that the "dangerous activities" clause in his contract covers just that and that Ben could lose bonuses if he were to ever get injured while riding.

If after all this he still chooses to not wear a helmet I'd be pretty surprised. I'd also be amazed if Pittsburgh doesn't want to alter the language in his contract now to be quite specific about no riding a motorcycle.
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Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
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Add insult to injury he could be sited for the ordeal as well. Of which if the story is true he should be sited.

Steelers | Roethlisberger reportedly without a Pa. motorcycle license
Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:59:46 -0700 reports Pittsburgh Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger (head, knee) apparently does not possess a Pennsylvania motorcycle license. Sources say Roethlisberger does have a license to operate a car. City accident investigators are not commenting, but a confidential source told KDKA that a review of motor vehicle record in Harrisburg, Pa., shows he has never had a Pennsylvania motorcycle license. The source said he had a learner's permit that allowed him to ride a motorcycle, but the permit expired March 29.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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joeshmo said:
Add insult to injury he could be sited for the ordeal as well. Of which if the story is true he should be sited.

Steelers | Roethlisberger reportedly without a Pa. motorcycle license
Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:59:46 -0700 reports Pittsburgh Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger (head, knee) apparently does not possess a Pennsylvania motorcycle license. Sources say Roethlisberger does have a license to operate a car. City accident investigators are not commenting, but a confidential source told KDKA that a review of motor vehicle record in Harrisburg, Pa., shows he has never had a Pennsylvania motorcycle license. The source said he had a learner's permit that allowed him to ride a motorcycle, but the permit expired March 29.

Interesting, the article I just read said that Winslow didn't have a license, just a permit, but Ben did have a license. So if he really didn't as you said he's probably going to get cited for that too.


Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
Russ Smith said:
Interestingly enough I found a pittsburgh tribune review article from last year that quotes Leigh Steinberg, Ben's agent at the time(I think he fired him since), saying Ben's contract does NOT have a clause in it against riding motorcycles. But the writer said several members of the Steelers suggested that the "dangerous activities" clause in his contract covers just that and that Ben could lose bonuses if he were to ever get injured while riding.

If after all this he still chooses to not wear a helmet I'd be pretty surprised. I'd also be amazed if Pittsburgh doesn't want to alter the language in his contract now to be quite specific about no riding a motorcycle.

MJ was talking about this on the radio this morning. Apparently all NFL contracts include the standard verbiage that: If the player doesn't participate in mandatory practices or games whether it be by the players choice or by being unable to play, the team may withhold part of the signing bonus.

This is how the Browns docked Winslow when he injured himself while popping wheelies last year.


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
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MadCardDisease said:
MJ was talking about this on the radio this morning. Apparently all NFL contracts include the standard verbiage that: If the player doesn't participate in mandatory practices or games whether it be by the players choice or by being unable to play, the team may withhold part of the signing bonus.

This is how the Browns docked Winslow when he injured himself while popping wheelies last year.

It is pretty much called the off field injury clause.

It is up to the team if they want to use it or not and is in all standard contracts.

Which is why Winslow had to pay up and also the same reason why Pace had to pay back some bonus as well.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
joeshmo said:
It is pretty much called the off field injury clause.

Is the correct term "Non-Football Injury" clause? Robert Smith was on ESPN last night discussing this stuff (he's and avid cyclist) and this type of thing came up. Smith is a great interview, btw.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
joeshmo said:
Add insult to injury he could be sited for the ordeal as well. Of which if the story is true he should be sited.

Steelers | Roethlisberger reportedly without a Pa. motorcycle license
Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:59:46 -0700 reports Pittsburgh Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger (head, knee) apparently does not possess a Pennsylvania motorcycle license. Sources say Roethlisberger does have a license to operate a car. City accident investigators are not commenting, but a confidential source told KDKA that a review of motor vehicle record in Harrisburg, Pa., shows he has never had a Pennsylvania motorcycle license. The source said he had a learner's permit that allowed him to ride a motorcycle, but the permit expired March 29.

That's pretty bad news. It also hurts that whole campaign of him being a helmet crusader....unless he becomes a helmet and license crusader.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Angel said:
Here's the story of a girl riding down the road on the back of a perfectly respectable bike, behind a rider with over 20 years experience. She was wearing a helmet because the driver wouldn't take her along without it, nice day for a ride, good weather practically empty roadway. The pair hit a slick spot on the road, wipeout. The girl still has her face and head intact because of that helmet and the man that made her wear it. 20 years later she will never, ever forget the pain of having road scraped out of her skin with a wire brush in the emergency room and the utter relief at being able to feel it. Thanks Dad

Foolish naive young man who had to learn in a very public way that he can be hurt, still I wish him my best and hope that Ben did learn something from this and isn’t forced to pay full price for the lesson.

Your dad is awesome.

BTW, anyone else disgusted by the footage on ESPN yesterday of Drew Bledsoe riding without a helmet, with his little son in front of him, also without a helmet? Jacked up..


Registered User
Oct 11, 2002
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Glendale, Arizona
Pariah said:
That's pretty harsh. Should he have been wearing a helmet? Yes. But come on. Lighten up--he's a young kid who thought he was invincible and found out he's not.

You're spitting venom like he was driving a bulldozer drunk through a schoolyard full of blind kids. He got in a simple motorcycle accident that while riding responsibly (sans aformentioned lack of helmet). He wasn't putting anyone else but himself in danger when he fired that bike up.

You guys are going back and forth on this thread as if the deliniation between intelligent and stupid, or worse, the line between good person/bad person is decided by a helmet. You all never did anything you regret when you were 24?

No...!!! Skkorpion is right. My family has lost 4 young family members for not wearing seatbelts and one while riding his motor cycle without a helmet. Skkorpion you are so right it hurts; my wife calls those who either do not wear a helmet or use setbelts her patients.

Skkorpion I feel for you, and you are a bigger man for admitting what happened to you, and not blaming anyone else, but yourself for not wearing a seatbelt.

Ben is a very selfish person, when asked and told not to ride his motorcycle without a helmet, he though more of his wishes rather than hs teammates, coaches and fan's and mostly his family. What was this kid thinking...???



An Army of One
May 10, 2003
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lat: 35.231 lon: -111.550
Big Ben has also added to the American lexicon. Whenever I see someone in a motorcycle accident who wasn't wearing a helmet I will think, "He pulled a Roethlisberger".