I want to know how Chewie freaking missed. He's not a Storm-Trooper with zero aim. He's freaking Chewie shooting at a standing target for pete's sake!
Don't even get me started on Leia rushing over to hug Rey, a perfect stranger and not even saying a word to Chewie after Han's death.
I really liked Rogue One but all the Star Wars movies have gaping plot holes and ridiculous moments. TFA for sure didn't feel as original but outside the actions sequences Rogue One was a little empty.
Rogue one had character issues. I basically cared about zero of the characters. Some things were bad like Vader's line about choking on ambitions. Rogue one while creating some continuity destroyed continuity in other ways. For example the awesome Darth Vader we see at the end of Rogue One that evaporates into a stick pushing old man in his duel with Obi Wan days later. It has always stuck out to me how bad that duel was. Now it's 100 times worse for me.
Won't rehash Toy Story Leia and Tarkin was OK but they overused it IMO.
The music was beyond pedestrian and using title cards to introduce planets combined with the music make this feel like any old space movie verses Star Wars.
Don't get me started on the mega data drive that in turn had to be transmitted on the huge radar dish so that it could then be received by one ship yet transferred to the credit card size data file. Really?!!?
What about the "master switch" literally being a big switch?
I could get nitpicky about all the movies. It's Star Wars. Give me more. Loved TFA and loved Rogue One but both were equally flawed IMO in their own ways.