Suspensions to stars will doom Suns


The Cardinal Smiles
Dec 6, 2002
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Kevin Hench /

Congratulations to the San Antonio Spurs on their fourth NBA championship in the Tim Duncan era.

And congrats, too, to the NBA and its idiotic, backward, zero-tolerance sentencing guidelines for making it possible.

I suspect the Spurs would have found a way to win two of the next three games against Phoenix even if Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw had played in Game 5, but now it's a foregone conclusion.

It was a great trade for the Spurs: Robert Horry straight up for Stoudemire and Diaw.

Horry is a terrific role player and perhaps the most clutch playoff performer in league history, but at this point in his career he's just one small element of Gregg Popovich's deep rotation, and he finished 12th on the Spurs in scoring at 3.9 points a game. Stoudemire is an All-NBA first-teamer and Diaw is one of the league's most versatile players.

Even with all their weapons locked and loaded, the Suns still had precious little margin for error and needed a spectacular finish in Game 4 to level the series at two games apiece. Without their best low-post scorer (Stoudemire) and low-post passer (Diaw), the Suns are sunk.

In other words, it was a great play by Horry to body slam Steve Nash into the scorer's table and the league rewarded it accordingly. In fact, all NBA teams should employ a Bob Probert-type player for exactly these situations. Send in the goon at the end of the game to clothesline the other team's superstar in front of his bench and see how many of his teammates manage to stay in their seats with their arms folded.

Like those obscene sentencing guidelines that bind the hands of judges and make them sentence people to life in prison for writing a bad check (Texas, you can look it up), the NBA has painted itself into a corner with its asinine stance on leaving the bench.

As David Stern's lieutenant Stu Jackson said, "No one here at the league office wants to suspend players any game, much less a pivotal game in the second round of a playoff series. But the rule, however, is the rule, and we intend to apply it consistently."

As if the league had nothing to do with the stupid rule in the first place. No, Stu, the league does want to suspend players. That's why it creates Draconian, letter-of-the-law rules in the first place. Any fair assessment of the activity following Horry's cheap shot — and the conduct leading up to it — would lead one to conclude that a suspension for Stoudemire and Diaw was disproportionately harsh. But why leave room for fair assessments when you can tie your own hands with truly moronic rules that leave no room for interpretation or mitigation?

The rule was created to deter those out-of-control melees that have marred postseasons past. But clearly, in this instance, it failed as a deterrent. Two of Nash's teammates sprang to his defense after seeing their most valuable player get viciously poleaxed with 18 seconds left as he tried to dribble out the clock.

Did they punch anyone?


Did they shove anyone?


Did they escalate the situation?


They were merely turned around by the Phoenix coaching staff and led back to the "vicinity of their bench."

But the de facto penalty — the end of the Suns' remarkable 61-win season — was as severe as if they had just come out swinging. Which sends an inane message: If you've already left the bench, you might as well get your money's worth and land a few haymakers on the guy who just cheap-shotted your teammate.

The irony here is that the Spurs — as always — have been the antagonist in this chippy series. Horry's body check was just the latest in San Antonio's fusillade of, shall we say, extra-legal conduct.

Bruce Bowen has mastered the art of fouling his man fairly constantly in a manner where the home viewers see it, the announcers see it, his opponents feel it and only the officials are blithely unaware of the stealth beating he's administering.

The perfect example of this technique occurred in Game 3 when he raked Nash's off-hand as Nash crossed over, forcing a turnover. Replays revealed a clear foul. They also revealed that referee Eddie F. Rush could not have been in better position to make the call, but — as has so often been the case in this series — he swallowed his whistle. Sometimes Bowen's mayhem is less subtle, like when he kneed Nash in the groin.

So the less-physical Suns had been knocked around pretty good in San Antonio and yet were mere moments away from slipping back to Phoenix all even with Mr. Momentum on their side.

Then Horry did his best Zdeno Chara impression, driving Nash into the boards.

The unflappable David Stern — the guy with absolutely no understanding of what it means to be a teammate or to be physically pushed to your very limits — believes that NBA players should have no reaction whatsoever when they see a beloved team member get cut down in front of them.

Or perhaps he thinks they should join hands in a prayer circle at their bench. This is all in keeping with his players-as-automatons goal for the sport. His strange, obsessive desire to wring all emotion out of the players gave us his zero-tolerance edict this season that resulted in countless technical fouls for mild protestations and, yes, sarcastic laughing.

Though he was quick to throw Joey Crawford under the bus, it was Stern and his misguided policy that produced the unfortunate Crawford v. Duncan episode.

Which brings us to the bigger picture: The sad state of the NBA. That pop you just heard is the bubble bursting on the long, uninterrupted NBA boom.)

Ask the dwindling number of hardcore NBA fans about this season and they'll tell you it sucked. Spurs-Suns was the last great hope to salvage something from this year-long walkabout in the hoop wilderness. And now Stern, via his button man Stu Jackson, has taken that away from us, too.

So now we can ready ourselves for the inevitable showdown between San Antonio and some Eastern Conference pretender — probably Detroit — and yawn our way through a series of 85-80 games in which both teams shoot 38 percent. Woo-hoo. Yee-haw.

The biggest basketball fan I know just sent me a one-line e-mail: "I hate the NBA."

Mission accomplished, David Stern.


Hall of Famer
Oct 28, 2003
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Great to see this bad press pouring in. Add this to actual brawls and the Las Vegas weekend. Of course, like Paris Hilton's antics, this crap will probably boost ratings as viewers tune in to see Horry's next "clutch" performance.

green machine

I rule at posting
Sep 4, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
It is not over yet. Spurs still have to win two more games, just like the Suns. And the Suns have two at home.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Is this necessary?

For starters I'm not willing to concede next game until its over and neither should you. Its going to be a home game and our guys will be PUMPED. Plus even if we lose it the series isnt over. So lets not go off the deep end...

Second, Amare and Diaw should have stayed put. They risk our season by leaving the bench. They knew the rules so there is no excuse for it...PERIOD. Its playoffs and they shouldnt let ANYONE goat them into something stupid. They need to be smarter than that and not be as dumb as the dumbest player on the opposing team. How do you know this wasnt a setup anyway? They could have set us up and we fell for it hook line and sinker. I said even before this series started we need to play our smartest because the Spurs are a smart team. The Suns havnt done that. Even Nash said we need to stay focused.

The best and ONLY revenge is to win this next game despite the odds being against us. The Spurs will surly be rattled if they lose the next one....


The Cardinal Smiles
Dec 6, 2002
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The best and ONLY revenge is to win this next game despite the odds being against us. The Spurs will surly be rattled if they lose the next one....

yea, but how is that gonna happen.

wow...ive become a dark sider


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
yea, but how is that gonna happen.

wow...ive become a dark sider

We still have enough talent to beat this team. Nash, Marion, Barbosa, Bell are still there. KT is still our anchor...other players CAN step up. We have have enough firepower to get it done...its a matter of who gets hot.

green machine

I rule at posting
Sep 4, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
yea, but how is that gonna happen.

wow...ive become a dark sider

It can happen if the Suns hit their shots.

Who knows what will actually happen in game 5? I can tell you I'm excited to find out. Regardless, the Spurs still need to win 2 more games to eliminate the Suns.


May 15, 2007
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We still have enough talent to beat this team. Nash, Marion, Barbosa, Bell are still there. KT is still our anchor...other players CAN step up. We have have enough firepower to get it done...its a matter of who gets hot.

I really want to think we can win the game. Really, believe me, I do. But be realistic here. What happens when Duncan draws two early fouls on KT, in his normal "wait until there's 2 seconds on the shot clock and throw up a prayer and get bailed out by the refs" way that only Duncan can get away with? What then? Realistically, can Burke or Marks stop Duncan or even slow him? We could try Marion, but that basically leaves TP and Flopnobli to hit wide open jumpers and layups.


Love Games!
Jan 23, 2003
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Austin, TX
They don't have any option but to channel all their frustrations and anger into this one game and ride that along with crowd to somehow pull this one out.


Love Games!
Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX
I would like to see 3-4 min of Banks on Parker to see if he can contain him to some extent. Just focus on stopping and harrasing Parker and don't worry about scoring. If it doesn't workout pull him out otherwise we can free up Shawn to roam the paint for rebounding and maybe some blocks.


Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Stern should be sent packing regardless of who wins game 5.

He's sent a message that thuggery pays and solidarity with teammates should be punished. Many mothers and teachers have already complained.

If I didn't know better I'd say Stern should be driven off a cliff, but then, I no better. So let's drive him out the old fashioned way: by sheer, massive revolt agianst staggering incompetence. This man is the ultimate poor sport, a little weasel who didn't get his way and decided to take it out on the world.

Suns win, I still stay get rid of Stern.

He's a bad egg.


May 15, 2007
Reaction score
Stern should be sent packing regardless of who wins game 5.

He's sent a message that thuggery pays and solidarity with teammates should be punished. Many mothers and teachers have already complained.

If I didn't know better I'd say Stern should be driven off a cliff, but then, I no better. So let's drive him out the old fashioned way: by sheer, massive revolt agianst staggering incompetence. This man is the ultimate poor sport, a little weasel who didn't get his way and decided to take it out on the world.

Suns win, I still stay get rid of Stern.

He's a bad egg.

There's no debating this. Only in the David Stern Era would a team get rewarding for a hockey check when the game was already out of reach.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Stern would have NO SAY if Amare had the brains to stay on the bench. The Suns gave that power to Stern....


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
I really want to think we can win the game. Really, believe me, I do. But be realistic here. What happens when Duncan draws two early fouls on KT, in his normal "wait until there's 2 seconds on the shot clock and throw up a prayer and get bailed out by the refs" way that only Duncan can get away with? What then? Realistically, can Burke or Marks stop Duncan or even slow him? We could try Marion, but that basically leaves TP and Flopnobli to hit wide open jumpers and layups.

Look, this is playoffs....anything can happen. Golden State just knocked off the Mavs in a seven games series so who are we not to believe the Suns cant win ONE game without Amare and Diaw. The Suns made it to the WCF last year with no Amare. I'm sure too the Spurs have lost to lousy teams during the season...they can be had. We still have our MVP and we still have the home crowd!


Feb 4, 2007
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If Nash pulls it off it will be a minor miracle. Stern has effectivlely torn out the guts of the Suns' team.

With Duncan still playing, this may be an utter slaughter. Kurt will probably get fouled out quickly. We don't even have Diaw to pick up the slack. Who is our secondary inside man? Burke? We're screwed. The only hope we have is that Nash somehow turns into Superman, and at 33, that ain't gonna happen.

We may come back, who knows.

But Stern has just gift-wrapped this series for the Spurs.

Utterly bizarre.

He should be ashamed and yes, fired.
Last edited:


ASFN Lifer
Oct 19, 2002
Reaction score
Stern will come to regret this day and his decision. He could have taken the high road and done the right thing. No one would have criticized him. But his stubbornness and shortsightedness will cost him in the long run. The tensions will be so high for the rest of this series, I will not be surprised if more people end up getting thrown out and suspended.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
This isnt about Stern and we have no room for downers!!!!!!!!!

Players can be INSPIRED. Who knows man...Burke may end up being the hero. We all know how Horry stepped it up at crunch time in some series and he isnt some great player....who says some of our guys cant be a hero?


May 15, 2007
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Clueless? If Amare stayed on the bench what could Stern do? Please explain.

Your star player just got slammed into the scorers table....after a series where he has had his nose busted....kneed in the groin....and abused beyond belief....

...and two players stand up and start to go towards him....

....but don't ever reach him...

...and are returned to their seats... I said...CLUELESS...(ie stupid, uninformed, misinformed, unknowledgeable, not aware of the facts, empty headed, etc, etc)


Oct 14, 2003
Reaction score
Kevin Hench /

In other words, it was a great play by Horry to body slam Steve Nash into the scorer's table and the league rewarded it accordingly. In fact, all NBA teams should employ a Bob Probert-type player for exactly these situations. Send in the goon at the end of the game to clothesline the other team's superstar in front of his bench and see how many of his teammates manage to stay in their seats with their arms folded.


The rule was created to deter those out-of-control melees that have marred postseasons past. But clearly, in this instance, it failed as a deterrent. Two of Nash's teammates sprang to his defense after seeing their most valuable player get viciously poleaxed with 18 seconds left as he tried to dribble out the clock.

Did they punch anyone?


Did they shove anyone?


Did they escalate the situation?


They were merely turned around by the Phoenix coaching staff and led back to the "vicinity of their bench." But the de facto penalty — the end of the Suns' remarkable 61-win season — was as severe as if they had just come out swinging. Which sends an inane message: If you've already left the bench, you might as well get your money's worth and land a few haymakers on the guy who just cheap-shotted your teammate.

Bingo. Nice read.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Your star player just got slammed into the scorers table....after a series where he has had his nose busted....kneed in the groin....and abused beyond belief....

...and two players stand up and start to go towards him....

....but don't ever reach him

...and are returned to their seats... I said...CLUELESS...(ie stupid, uninformed, misinformed, unknowledgeable, not aware of the facts, empty headed, etc, etc)

The rule doesnt state that...It just says no one is to leave the bench area during an altercation. Other Suns players stayed....thats why they arnt suspended.

It all went wong when they went towards Nash...they shouldnt have done that.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
If the Suns are going to continue to put their own twist on the rules they may never reach a championship...too bad because they are a talented team.