"You got a winner in town... just sayin" -Buddy Ryan.
Those were some very ugly teams to watch. I hated that guy. The defense was good but as GM he devoted everything to putting together a D and left us with the worst offense in football... just sayin'.
This will probably leave me open to hearing it all the time, but.
Is there a more annoyingly passive-aggressive phrase than "just sayin"? People just toss it onto the end of any sentence that might be controversial or something totally unsubstantiated and because they are "just sayin" it absolves them from having to stand by it.
"Just sayin's" ugly cousin on this board is the shrug face.
For example:
People who say "just saying", more prone to spousal abuse
And that concludes Phrazbit's aggressive rant on passive-aggressive internet vernacular... just sayin.