What are the rules involved in trading players? There are many rules that teams must follow when trading players. These rules, like many others, revolves around whether or not the teams involved are over or under the salary cap. Here are several of the rules:
A player's trade value is the same as his actual salary unless he is a BYC Player or his contract runs through his 36th Birthday in which different rules apply. For BYC Players, the trade value for the team trading them is often lower than the trade value to the team receiving them (the same player has two different values in the same trade). For players who have contracts running through their 36th Birthday, their trade value is higher than their actual salaries, but remains the same value for both the trading team and the receiving team. Future draft picks have no trade value.
A team may trade for players having less trade value than the trade value of the players they are trading without restriction.
A team may trade for players having more trade value than the trade value of the players they are trading without restriction only if:
The team is under the cap and the net result of the trade value keeps the team within $100,000 of the salary cap.
A team is subject to the 15% Rule if:
The team is under the cap and the net result of the trade value pushes them more than $100,000 over the salary cap, or
The team is technically over the cap and trades for players having more trade value than the trade value of the players they are trading.
The team is actually over the cap and trades for players having more trade value than the trade value of the players they are trading.
The 15% Rule. If a team is subject to the 15% Rule, the trade value they receive must not exceed $100,000 of the trade value of the players they are trading times 1.15. [Trade value receiving less than or equal to (Trade value outgoing * 1.15) + $100,000]
BYC Rules. If a team is trading a player who is a BYC player, the trade value that they are trading is less than the actual salary of that player. There are two groups of BYC Players, Full and Partial BYC Players.
Full BYC Players have their outgoing trade value set at the greater of 50% of their current salary. Full BYC Players have their receiving trade value as their actual salary.
Partial BYC Players have their outgoing trade value set at 75% of their previous year's salary. Partial BYC Players have their receiving trade value as their actual salary.
Cash Considerations in Trading. Teams may include cash considerations in a trade, cash of up to no more than $3,000,000. However, this sum is not used when applying the trade rules so it cannot be used to help teams meet the 15% Rule, etc. The bigger market teams try to use cash considerations to trade up draft picks with smaller market teams or to induce a small market team take on players with large salaries. The limit of $3,000,000 is there so that the large market teams cannot "buy" their way in a trade.
THE TRADE STILL SUCKS, You sure are taking this personal.