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  1. T

    How are the Lakers "the team to beat"?

    I would say "foot, meet mouth", but your post history indicates that they've met before, and will meet many more times in the future.
  2. T

    Spurs vs Lakers (Western Conference Finals)

  3. T

    Interesting Comments

  4. T


    Yup, and Jerry Buss is laughing even harder.
  5. T

    Article : Why Shaq is going to make a difference in the playoffs

    I think the only trolls here are the "fans" who find any kind of dissent intolerable...
  6. T

    Article : Why Shaq is going to make a difference in the playoffs

    But according to the homers, he "makes em when they count". Right? I guess they also believe he's going to get in shape this summer and "gel" better next season.
  7. T

    If you still believe the Suns can come back, check in here.

    Another "I'm too small of person to admit when I'm wrong" response. Man up. No, it's homerism to deny the odds and try to rationalize why the odds are no longer against you by coming up with a bunch of BS pseudo analysis. Typical homer response to anyone who dares criticize and speak the...
  8. T


    Fixed it for you.
  9. T


    Fixed it for you. :thumbup:
  10. T


    Fixed it for you.
  11. T


    Tell us now, are YOU?
  12. T

    If you still believe the Suns can come back, check in here.

    BTW, you misspelled "you're still delusional that".
  13. T

    Article : Why Shaq is going to make a difference in the playoffs

    I guess the difference was losing sooner than later this year.
  14. T

    If you still believe the Suns can come back, check in here.

    So, anyone here believe that the Suns can still win despite having lost it? C'mon, let's take homerism to a new level: "Since Shaq is superman, he can fly around the world and reverse time...." Yep, the Suns can still win this thing. I believe baby...
  15. T

    Where's the heart?

    Shaq ate it before the game. I guess that's why he's not playing very "hungry"...
  16. T

    Article : Why Shaq is going to make a difference in the playoffs

    So when are we going to see this difference?
  17. T

    Time to panic?

    Who still says "no"?
  18. T


    NO. Now are YOU convinced that Shaq is a fat useless blob, that Dantoni can't coach a lick, and that this Suns squad is just over the hill? Or are you going to give us that crap that they'll "gel" better next season despite the fact that Shaq will come back older and fatter?
  19. T

    I'm giddy....SHAQ IS PISSED.

    Bloody homer. Still giddy?
  20. T

    Suns vs Spurs - Expert Picks

    Spurs in 6.
  21. T

    We'll be lucky to advance

    Opposed to the "We're so Amazing" posts after a modest win streak against scrubs.
  22. T

    Are Ya Convinced?

    Sorry but no. The Suns defense is still atrocious and always will be under Dantoni. One win streak against mostly bottom feeders doesn't change anything. Spurs game was a good win; Rockets are overrated (one fat win streak doesn't make them contenders anymore than it does for the Suns). Until...
  23. T

    Is it mental?

    Speaking of which, see your sig, then re-read the bold part of your post....
  24. T

    Time to panic?

    To the 20 who vote "No", care to join us in reality yet?
  25. T

    Is it mental?

    See the guy in your signature. But take off the rose-colored glasses first, or else you won't see what truly is. If you're still having trouble, read this headline: